Back in the OBX- Rafe Cameron pt. 3

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When I woke up the next morning, we were about 20 miles from the Outer Banks. Everyone was a little tense; Kie was going to be in serious shit with her parents, Pope was going to try to convince his parents to let Cleo stay with them, I was praying my mom would be calm and not lock me in my room for the rest of my life, and Sarah and JJ were more on their own. Sarah was going to see about staying at Tanny Hill, and I told JJ he could come bunk with me. I started to see the outline of the bay and took a deep breath. This was going to be interesting. JJ started to pull into the marina, and we all looked at each other. "We're gonna be fine," I said as reassuringly as I could. Sarah smiled and the rest of the pouges looked like they might puke. We got off the boat and headed our separate ways. JJ came with me to my mom's house. I was nervous and paused at the door. JJ gave my hand a squeeze, "She's gonna be glad to see you." I looked at him and offered a small smile before taking a deep breath. I opened the door, "Mom? Mom, it's me." JJ and I moved into the kitchen, and I heard footsteps rushing down the stairs. "Lillian?" She rounded the corner and stared at me with wide eyes. "Lillian," she breathed. She rushed forward and hugged me. "You're okay! Thank God." I hugged her tight before pulling away. "Oh JJ, come here," my mother said. She gave JJ his own hug. She knew about JJ's home situation, and he would come over a lot. We had a group hug before she ushered us to the couch to tell her everything. I had a pretty good relationship with my mom, so I was honest about everything. I even told her about my shot wound, but I kept out some details to make it seem less dramatic. "I'm just so glad you're home now. I thought I'd never see you two again." JJ and I smiled at her. "Why don't you two go upstairs and get cleaned up and then we can have whatever you want for dinner tonight." "Sounds great mom," I replied before giving her one last hug. JJ did the same and then we headed up to my room. I rummaged through my dresser and found some of JJ's cargo shorts and an old t-shirt in the back. "Here," I said, tossing the clothes at him, "You can shower first if you want." He caught the clothes and came over to my dresser, opening up another drawer and getting a pair of boxers, "I'll be quick." I smiled as he left before plopping down on my bed. I couldn't stop worrying about Rafe and it was making me mad. I got up and went downstairs to find my mom. "Mom?" She was in the kitchen chopping up some fruit. "Mom, can I talk to you about something?" She turned around and smiled, "Of course Lily." I sat at the island while she continued to chop the fruit. I told her the specifics of being kidnapped by Singh. How he helped me with my cut, how he let me have the bed, how he made sure I was always protected, how he carried me when I told him to leave me, and how I forgave him. I was honest with her about how I was feeling about him. Those things meant something to me, I was worried about him, but it felt like I was betraying the pouges. She listened intently and seemed to be processing everything just as much as I was. JJ came down during our discussion and my mom gave me a smile indicating we would talk later. I went back upstairs and got into the shower. I almost passed out when I got a good look at my wound. It wasn't sewn up the best, and it hurt a lot. I was able to pull it together and finish my shower. It felt amazing to be clean and wear clean, comfy clothes. I went back downstairs and saw we had pizza, a fruit tray and cheesy breadsticks. The rest of the evening went well, and we watched a movie after we ate. My mom went to bed about halfway through, and I fell asleep on JJ. He woke me up when the movie was over, and we headed back to my room. We both got in bed and talked for an hour before we eventually went to sleep. When I woke up again, it was 2 in the afternoon and JJ was sideways on the bed, laying on my back. I smiled a little before jabbing him in the side, "We gotta get up stinky." He groaned before falling off the bed making me laugh. "Who are you calling stinky," he said, still on the floor, voice groggy as ever. I reached for my phone and saw 4 missed calls, all from Sarah. My eyes went wide, and I shot out of bed. This caused JJ to sit up too, "What's wrong?" "It's Sarah, c'mon." I hurried down the stairs, still in my big t-shirt and tiny shorts, JJ not far behind trying to slip on his shirt. "Mom, we gotta go find Sarah!" I dialed her number and waited for her to pick up while I rushed around. "What?" I was slipping on my sandals while looking for my keys, "Sarah called me 4 times and I missed them and she's not answering me back." The call went to voicemail. "Okay, but do not leave outer banks, do you understand me?" "Yes mom," I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before grabbing JJ and heading to the car. "We'll be back soon," he told my mom. JJ took my phone and tried to call Sarah again. Just when I thought it was going to go to voicemail again, Sarah picked up. "Lily?" "It's JJ. Lily is driving, we're on our way to you... wherever you are." "I'm at the chateau. John B is back! And he found his dad!" JJ and I shared a surprised look before he answered, "We're almost there." "Okay, hurry!" I could hear the joy in Sarah's voice, she missed John B more than she could express. "That's crazy," JJ said, the shock still on his face. I smiled before I turned down the road to the chateau. We parked outside the chateau and ran around the back to find Pope, Cleo, Sarah, John B and none other than Big John. "Holy shit," JJ exclaimed, running over to give John B a hug. I smiled at the two and went over to Sarah, giving her a hug. After everyone had exchanged hugs, we listened to John B and Big John talk about their adventure. My mom called me and asked if everything was alright. Once I told her the news she asked if I'd be home for dinner and I said yes, so I said my goodbyes and drove back home. JJ was going to stay the night at the chateau. I was sort of glad, because maybe my mom and I could talk more about Rafe. He still hadn't left my mind. When I got home, my mom had everything set out and we began to eat and talk. "So, what are your thoughts about Rafe, Mom?" "Well, I'm not going to tell you anything you already know. You've always been a forgiving and kind person. I should know because I raised you to be." I smiled at that. "Forgiving Rafe and giving him a second chance won't be easy for the pouges, and you know that, but I think it's good you did. I can't say I'm surprised. Before Rafe got into drugs you used to talk about how nice he was when you'd go over to see Sarah." I blushed a little, thinking about how young I was and the huge crush I had on Rafe at the time. "You deciding to give him a second chance mean a lot to him, of course. Who else is giving him another chance? Actually telling him that he can be forgiven. I am proud of you, honey." I smiled, "Thanks mom." "That being said, I do think you need to just be careful. I know the capacity you have to love and care. I don't want you to get hurt if he doesn't do the right thing or if he does something to betray your trust. There is a limit to second chances too Lily, so don't forget that." I nodded to what she was saying, relieved that I had decided to talk to her. "You're always the best to talk to mom," I said, giving her a hug. She hugged me back, "I'm glad you still think so." We broke away and I started putting the dishes in the sink. "Is JJ coming here tonight?" "No, he said he was going to stay at the chateau with John B." We cleaned up the kitchen before my mom kissed me goodnight, she had to work in the morning. I took a shower and then went out on our back patio, watching the sun set. I felt better about Rafe, felt less guilty and that I was making a huge mistake. I hoped he was alright. Part of me wished he'd come back to the OBX, but I knew it was stupid to hope for that. Besides, it'd be a nightmare trying to balance him and the pouges. 

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