Words Hurt- Rafe Cameron pt. 7

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AN: Things are about to go downnnn

The next morning, I woke up with a headache. I rolled out of bed and prepared myself to talk to JJ. I texted him to ask if he wanted to meet at the beach and surf. Of course he said yes, and I headed down to meet him. I got to the beach and unloaded my surfboard, meeting JJ down by the shoreline. He smiled wide as soon as he saw me, and my heart sank. He was going to be upset, I just knew it. "Hey Lily!" I gave him a weak smile, "Hey JJ." "Surf looks really good today, let's go get some waves!" I chuckled at his enthusiasm and followed him out in the water. JJ caught the first wave, and I caught one not long after. JJ continued to be the surfing god he was, while I had too many wipeouts. I was not an amazing surfer. JJ was always giving me pointers, but I still never seemed to get it quite right. We were having a lot of fun, and I almost forgot why I asked him to go surfing. We swam in the water some and were resting on our boards when I decided to bite the bullet. "Hey J, can I talk to you about something?" "Yeah, shoot." I took a deep breath, "It's about Rafe." His expression went cold, and I had to look away and force myself not to tell him it was all a joke. "Back in Barbados, Rafe and I sort of had an understanding, I guess. He apologized for some things, and he helped me escape. Even after I got hurt, he didn't leave me. I told him I'd be there for him, and that I forgave him. He came to my house the other day to check on me. I really thought I wouldn't see him again, but there he was. He also asked me to help him take his boat to the marina, and I did. He will never take any of you guy's place, but he needs someone JJ. You know how I am, I just feel like I need to be there for him, to help him be better. I think he's genuine about that." JJ huffed, "Let me stop you right there. You're a pouge Lily. You may live on the outskirts of Figure Eight, but you're a pouge. He's a kook. He fucking shot Peterkin and framed John B. He tried to kill Sarah. Fuck, he tried to kill all of us. You can't tell me that he's okay, that he's gonna change. And what, you're gonna start hanging out with Rafe fucking Cameron now? If you want some dick why don't you just say so." "JJ, what the fuck?" I was mad now. "Lily, you literally just told me you've been hanging out with a murderer. What do you expect?" "J I know, I get what you're trying to say, I just think he deserves this second chance." "No he doesn't Lily. I don't know what you're on, but this is some bullshit. You can call me when you get your shit straight." JJ began to paddle back to shore. I paddled after him, "JJ stop!" He ignored me and got to the shore, hauling his board with him and walking briskly. I made it to shore too and dropped my board running after him. "JJ please, I don't want it to be like this. You're my best friend and the pouges are my family." JJ stopped quickly and turned to face me, "Then give him up. If we're that important this bullshit with Rafe won't matter." I just shook my head at him, hurt all across my face. JJ looked at me with disgust, "I guess you're a kook then." My jaw dropped and I watched as he walked down the beach towards his dad's truck. He looked at me once before he got in and drove away. I bit my lip hard to try and keep from crying. It didn't work. I walked back over to my board and sat down, putting my head between my knees and cried. I eventually got up and went back to my car. I found myself driving to the Chateau. I might as well rub some more salt in the wound. When I parked outside I noticed JJ's truck there. I sighed and prepared for the worst. I walked up on the patio and before I even opened the door I could hear JJ talking. "She's probably fucking him or some shit. Or he got her on cocaine." I heard Sarah, "How can you say that? She's your best friend!" "Aren't you mad? Lily is supposed to be one of us and she's off slumming it with your brother." "No. I trust her JJ. And besides, I'm sure you're not even telling the damn story right." I heard Kie speak up, "I think we should be careful though, what if she starts getting close with Rafe? The last thing we need is more trouble with him." My jaw was on the floor. Sarah spoke again, "Kie, are you serious?" I barged in the door, "My ears were burning." I didn't get mad often, but I was mad right now. Deep down, I knew I wasn't just mad at the pouges or JJ, but I was mad at myself. I'd save that for later. JJ scoffed and turned to look out the window. Kie looked a little pale and Sarah looked worried. Pope, Cleo and John B were there too. John B looked pissed at me, Pope looked hurt, and Cleo looked like she was tired of everyone's shit. I was with her on that one. "Despite popular belief," I burned holes in the back of JJ's head, "I'm not on fucking cocaine or trying to get some dick." Cleo actually smiled at that. I forgot how much I liked her. "Yeah, maybe it's crazy for me to give people second chances, not matter who they are, but here I am. Sure, maybe I should've picked someone a little more redeemable-" Pope cut me off, "He melted the cross, Lily. He shot Peterkin. He tried to kill Sarah. You can't be surprised that some of us feel like there's an ulterior motive." I glared at Pope, "It's funny you say that Pope, because there was a time when all you gave a damn about what your scholarship. Did any one of us jump on your ass about that?" Pope rolled his eyes. I turned to the pouges, "I need you to trust me. I've been your friend for years and just because I think Rafe deserves a second chance you're gonna flake on me? You guys are my family, I'm never gonna risk that." "Then give him up, Lily!" I turned to look at JJ, "Why does this bother you so much J?" He clenched his jaw and walked closer to me, "Because I know you're not being honest with us. You haven't told them you went on a date with him yet, hm?" Sarah cut in, "Okay, what?" "It wasn't a fucking date JJ!" "Oh sure, but I bet you wish it was, don't you." I slapped him. "Don't talk to me like I'm one of your fucking one-night stands. I'm not a whore, JJ." He grabbed my wrist, "Don't fucking hit me like you're my dad." I paled as soon as he said that, and he dropped my wrist before storming to the back porch. I looked at the rest of the pouges. John B gave me a hard look, "You should probably head out." Sarah opened her mouth to say something, but he just put his arm around her, and they walked away. Kie, Cleo and Pope just stared at me, and I finally went out the door, got in my car and left. I pulled over when my vison became too blurred with my tears. My whole body shook as I sobbed. I couldn't stop. There was no one to call. The pouges hated me, I didn't want to even think of Rafe right now, and my mom was working. Once I composed myself enough, I drove the rest of the way home. I dragged myself inside, put on my favorite hoodie and laid in bed. I cried some more. I can't believe I hit JJ. God, I'm the worst fucking friend ever. I started bawling after I thought that. All the emotions started to get too overwhelming. My breathing started getting shaky and out of control. My chest hurt; I started seeing black spots in my vision. "Mom," I sobbed. With shaking hands I reached for my phone and dialed my mom. It went straight to voicemail. "Shit." I called again and it didn't even ring. I threw my phone at the door. I curled up on my bed and sobbed until I fell asleep.

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