Do We Have Something?- Rafe Cameron pt. 9

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I opened the texts, and my heart sank. The texts were from yesterday, and it was Rafe.

Hey, it's Rafe.

Tomorrow I'll be at Tanny Hill all day if you wanna come. I promise I won't put you to work like last time.

Later that night:

Don't tell me you're ignoring me Lily. Didn't think you were that kind of girl.

There was nothing after that text besides the call and my heart sank. Great, now he thinks that after the marina I'm ignoring him like a stuck-up bitch. I dragged myself to my bathroom and showered before putting on some decent clothes and going downstairs. I was quick to grab my keys and get in the car, driving to Tanny Hill. I was nervous Rafe would be mad, but I figured it'd mean more if I came to explain in person instead of trying to do it over the phone. It didn't take me long to pull down the drive to Tanny Hill. I got out quickly and went over to the big doors, knocking a few times. There was silence for a while, so I knocked again. "Coming!" I sucked in a breath, that was definitely Rafe, and he sounded annoyed. He opened the door, a blank stare on his face, but it shifted to shock once he saw me. "I'm so sorry Rafe. I wasn't ignoring you; I had a really bad day yesterday and I had a meltdown, and I wasn't thinking straight, and my phone died, and I know that sounds like every other girl's excuse, but it's true!" I let out a heavy breath, maybe I shouldn't have just blurted everything out like that. Rafe had a small smile on his face, "You here to stay a while?" I just stared at him, "You're not mad?" Rafe's smile fell a bit, but he quickly masked it, "No." He held the door open for me to come inside. Once we were inside he led me to the kitchen. There were dirty dishes, beer bottles and some snacks. "You want anything?" I shook my head and sat down at the island. "I am really sorry about yesterday. I went to talk to the pouges and it..." My voice trailed off and I looked down. "It went about as bad as it could have gone." I threw my head back and let out a sigh. I was blinking back hot tears as I looked up, I didn't want him to pity me. Rafe was quiet for a bit but then he said something I was not expecting, "I was worried." He said it so softly, as if he didn't want to admit that out loud. I smiled and got up from my chair to stand by him. I took a risk and put my hand on his arm, "I appreciate that, but the worst is over now. I'm okay." I made a mental note about how much I gaslighted myself. Rafe turned to me with his piercing gaze, "Your eyes are bloodshot, but it's not from all the crying you've been doing." I was surprised he was taking all this into account. When I left the house I thought my eyes looked a lot better. "You've been drinking, a lot." He brushed a curl off my forehead, "At least a lot for you." My voice was shaky, "I had a panic attack. My mom wasn't home, I thought the alcohol would help." Rafe's gaze hardened, "What did they do?" I looked down, "It just didn't go well. Lots of things were said that shouldn't have been." I thought for a second before sharing this next piece of information, "I hit JJ. I feel terrible about it." Rafe brought his hand to my chin and softly lifted my head up to his gaze. He had a lazy smirk on his face, "I would've liked to see that." I bit my lip, "I'm sure you would've." I let a tear slip and tried to turn my head down to wipe it away, but Rafe brought his other hand to my cheek, wiping it away. "It'll work out Lily." I let out a shaky sigh, "I know. I just have so much to fix, and I don't know how to do it. They're my second family Rafe, I have to fix it." He nodded and wiped away another tear, "You'll fix it." "But what if it means losing you? I-" I stopped myself. Rafe stared at me intently, "What?" More tears fell, "I just feel like maybe we have something here, and I want to be someone you can go to and count on, and I think you can be so much more than what your dad has tried to make you into." In that moment it hit me. I wanted to help him become someone I could be with. The Rafe in my head. I started crying again and Rafe hugged me. It was a gentle hug, like he was afraid I would break, or slip away is he held too tight. I let my hands cling to his shirt as he held me. I slowly broke away after a bit and wiped my tears off my face. "Thank you Rafe." He gave me a lopsided smile, "Anytime." I noticed the small wet spot on his shirt and reached for it, rubbing it with the bottom of my shirt. "Sorry." He grabbed my hand and stopped my movements. I looked up at him and he looked like he might laugh, "It's fine Lily." I rolled my eyes playfully and went to move away, but he kept hold of my hand. "What you said earlier... I want you to know that I know I can count on you, and I appreciate how much you care. It's new to me to come first for someone." I smiled at him. He moved closer so there was barely any room between us, "I feel like maybe we have something too. I don't know what it is yet, but I want to find out." For the first time I let my eyes travel to his lips. I looked back in his eyes to see him doing the same. His voice was raspy when he spoke, "Maybe now isn't the best time though." I let out a soft chuckle and struggled to maintain eye contact. Rafe backed away, "Don't worry, we'll get around to it." He left the room, and I was left biting my lip and feeling a swarm of butterflies in my stomach. I could feel myself grinning like a lovesick idiot. I composed myself and went to follow Rafe. He was in the next room, picking up some of his mess when he saw me enter, "Were you able to get yourself together?" He had a playful smirk on his face and my eyebrows were raised, my jaw on the floor. "I bet you think you're funny don't you?" He chuckled, "I do." I picked up a pillow from the couch and threw it at him. He laughed, genuinely, and I almost folded right there. He picked up the pillow and put it in a chair before walking over to me, "What do you wanna do?" I smirked at him, "What kind of time do you have?" "Whatever kind of time I need to have, princess." I almost punched him in the face. How am I supposed to beat the lovesick allegations when he has me blushing like this? "Let's go to Charleston." Rafe raised his brows, "Charleston?" "Yeah! It'll be fun." He licked his lip and I really thought I was gonna fold. "Let's do it." I smiled and turned around, "We'll take my car." "Whatever you say princess." I turned around and gave him an annoyed look, "You can't keep calling me that." Rafe smirked, "Why not?" I stood there trying to think of something that wouldn't sound stupid but ended up just huffing and turning around. He had won this round. We went out to my car and then we were off. I handed him my phone, "Can you text my mom and tell her I'm headed to Charleston?" Rafe took my phone, "You want me to say you're going alone, or you have company?" I smiled, "You can tell her I have company." He texted her and then kept my phone is his lap. I smiled at that and turned up my music. It was Venice Bitch by Lana Del Rey. I watched Rafe as his eyebrows furrowed. "What's this?" I gaped at him, "You don't know Lana Del Rey?" He shrugged. I shook my head at him and started to sing along softly. After the song was over I told Rafe he could go into my music and play anything he wanted. He ended up going through all my Lana songs, White Mustang was his favorite. We made it to Charleston, and I stopped outside a boutique. "Are you okay if I do some shopping?" Rafe smirked at me, and I rolled my eyes before getting out of the car. At the first boutique I was looking for summer dresses and Rafe picked out some for me to try on. He waited while I put on the yellow one first and when I came out to show him, I had never felt so good. My butterflies were out of control. He looked like he wanted me and wanted me right now.

AN: So that's all I have for now, I know the end of this one feels unfinished, but that's because it is. I'm working on writing though, but I think I have enough to keep y'all busy. 

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