A Bad Idea

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Note(s): You know, the entire purpose of this collection was so I could learn how to write short pieces without them developing into big long stories with intensive plots. I've managed so far...until this one. This one may become a longer story. Update: This one has, in fact, inspired a much longer story.

Summary: Harry just wanted to do something nice for the professor!

Character(s): Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Severus Snape

Relationship(s): Harry & Hermione & Ron (canon); Trio & Snape (friendly)

Setting: Order of the Phoenix

Warnings/Tags: established relationships/friendships, humour, implied law-breaking


A Bad Idea

"Harry, I really don't think this is a good idea," Hermione whispered.

"I think I agree with her, mate," Ron said. "Snape will kill us if he catches us."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Then we don't let him catch us. Wouldn't be the first time we had to avoid him."

"But, Harry—"

"Come on, it's just a 'thank you' for taking care of us this summer," Harry said, peeking around the corner of the dungeon corridor.

"An illegal 'thank you'!" Hermione hissed. "We're not of age."

"It's only illegal while we have it," Harry said with a shrug.

"And breaking into his rooms?" Ron said as they scurried down the dark corridor.

"It's not breaking in when we have the password," Harry said, stopping them outside a plain wooden door with a snake as its handle.

"Harry," Hermione said almost pleadingly as Harry whispered the password they'd been given and they slipped into the private rooms of Professor Snape.

"Look, it's fine," Harry said. "We'll leave it there on the coffee table and leave. He'll never have to know—"

"Do not finish that sentence, Mr. Potter."

Harry's eyes widened as a hand landed on his collar and spun him around to face the stern face of Snape. He heard Ron suck in a breath and Hermione squeak.

"Professor!" Harry said, his voice higher than usual.

"Purchasing alcohol at fifteen, wandering around after curfew, breaking and entering, need I go on?" Snape said, crossing his arms over his chest and raising an eyebrow at them.

"It wasn't really breaking and entering," Harry said. "You did give us a password."

"For emergencies and arranged visits," Snape said.

"We just wanted to say 'thank you' for this summer," Harry said, desperately trying to get out of trouble.

"With an illegal purchase," Snape said pointedly.

Harry glanced at Ron and Hermione, silently asking for help.

"It was Harry's idea!" they said together and Harry gaped at them.

"Is that so?" Snape said, looking at Harry.

"Bye, Professor! Sorry!" Ron and Hermione said hurriedly and then dashed from the rooms, leaving Harry with Snape.

"Oi!" Harry yelled after them. "Traitors!"

"Now, what to do with you?" Snape said and Harry couldn't help the jumping of his stomach as the man leaned down and close to him, lips pulling up into a smirk.


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