Chapter Eight

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          It was about five thirty in the morning, Lily woke up and felt the urge to head out and try to watch the sunrise. She also wanted to clear her mind. She felt weary with how much pressure she was feeling about this whole princess deal. She slides on her outfit for the day which was a pair of brown trousers and a white shirt, she was not use to wearing pants but it was okay. She threw her cloak on that Drew had provided her without her asking him. She still questioned why he would do that or how did he know that she needed it. She sighed softly to herself, she had too many questions running through her mind. She quietly opened her door before closing it behind her as she left her cottage. She the walked to Ryan's cottage, she slowly opened the door. He was still asleep, she smiled softly at the sight of him looking actually at peace. It has been a while since she had seen him relaxed. She scanned the room before spotting what she came for. She reached over and grabbed Ryan's quiver and bow. She quietly shut the door before leaving, she walked out of the village and looked for a place to sit. 

      She walked for a good little while before finding and small hill with a pretty good brush cover where she could hide, watch the sunrise, and also hunt for breakfast. She rested her chin on the bow as she watched the sunrise, it was beautiful. She was feeling very relaxed before she heard some rustling of twigs and something approaching the brush she was in. She could feel a set of eyes watching her from behind. She slowly turned around to find that white fox. It was poking it's head in staring at her. She took her cloak hood down, "hello there, do you remember me?" She asked the white fox. It just looked at her before walking the rest of the way in and sitting down next to her. She smiled, "I will take that as a yes" she said. The fox looked at her the licked her hand that was rested on her knee. Lily was surprised, did it understand her? She lifted her hand and reached over to start petting the fox. As she petting it she noticed that it had some weird scarring on it's neck down to the middle of it's shoulder blades. "You poor creature, what trap did you wander into?" She muttered to herself quietly. She then looked back toward the sunrise. The colors were so bright, so beautiful. She then saw a large deer approaching her line of fire. The doe looked as if her leg was broken. She raised the bow and strung up an arrow. She drew back as she aimed, "this will be doing you a service and feed my family" she said softly. She released the arrow and down dropped the doe. Lily left the brush with the fox following her. She knelt down at the doe and cut her throat to where she could bleed out. She brushed the animal with her hand as she said "thank you for providing for my family". She then stood up and grabbed the legs to start dragging. The fox took off after she did, "sorry little guy, I did not mean to scare you" she said. She continued to drag the deer, then out of no where she felt someone's hand on her shoulder, "what are you doing out here by yourself? You know the woods are not the safest place for someone like you." Lily turned around to find Drew, she quickly dropped the legs and threw her hood back on. "No need, I know what and who you are princess, I have known from the first time I saw you again." he said. She stayed silent, "I will not hurt you" Drew said as he lowered his cloak. Lily's eyes widened, " are like me?" she said. Drew smiled "not quite but pretty close. My mother was a snow elf but my father was a woodland elf. We lived in your kingdom. Not a lot of people supported my parents due to them being different. Your mother and my mother were friends. I was 5 years old the day you disappeared and our home was burned to the ground. My mother and father escaped with me but my mother grew ill shortly after we left. She died about five weeks after the attack. My father was the one who raised me. He built this village. He was murdered by soldiers when he could not provide what they needed. He died in my arms about two months ago. Everyone left after he passed. I could not leave. I did not have any reason too. Then one day I came across you in the forest. I could not believe it.  I kept my distance though until you found me." Drew explained. "That is a lot to take in. I am so sorry all of that happened to you. I do believe I vaguely remember you though. You looked familiar from day one." Lily replied. Drew smiled "we were friends, sort of anyways. I basically played your guard. I got on Clydes nerves a lot. I honestly am surprised he has not recognized me yet." He added. Lily shrugged "he has been very stressed out, maybe he just has not thought about it" She suggested. "Anyways, let me drag this deer for you. We need to get you back before they feel like I took you away." Drew said, Lily nodded. He grabbed the legs and walked with her back to the village.

        The two did not make it back before they were greeted by Ryan who was not happy. "What are you doing? Where did you take her?" He said angrily as he put his dagger to Drew's throat. Ryan's face softened into almost a saddened look, "Lily.. what are you doing out here alone with him? You do not know him" he said. Lily put her hand on his shoulder "he found me, I went out to get food and also to clear my head. I am sorry I took your bow without permission. You looked like you were sleeping good and I did not wish to wake you. I was dragging the deer back when he came up offering to drag her the rest of the way, please take the dagger from his throat" she responded. Ryan took his hand down, "I will take the deer the rest of the way, lets get back to the others" he said before taking the deer from Drew and started to pull. Lily looked at Drew slightly worried, "I am okay, I can understand why he is acting this way" he said to her. Lily smiled before following after Ryan with Drew following behind her. 

     They make it back to the village where Dawn and Clyde had just made it back. "Oh good you found her!" Dawn said, "are you harmed?" Clyde asked. "No, I am okay. I got us some food though. I was very careful. I promise" Lily replied. Kira ran up "you need to stop disappearing, I was so scared for you" she cried. Lily hugged her "I am sorry Mama, I hoped I would be back before you all woke" she replied. "I am going to go clean this deer up" Ryan said before pulling it away. Lily looked back at Clyde and Dawn, "do not worry, Drew and Ryan were both quick on finding me. I was in no present danger though" she said. "You should not be putting yourself in the position to be in danger, princess" Clyde says, "I will try my best not too in the future" Lily replied before walking away towards her cottage. 

    Drew was walking around on the outer parts of the village just doing a sort of patrolling of the area. He decided to walk to the near by town to see if he could find out any news of what was going on today. Clyde and Dawn were discussing their next move while Kira was cooking the deer that Lily had hunted earlier. Ryan finished cleaning himself up after getting the deer butchered. He noticed that Lily has not come out of her cottage in quite some time since she got back from her adventure this morning. He also did not see Drew and that made him worry he was up to no good. He walked over to her cottage and knocked on the door. Lily opened the door and looked at him, "yes?" She said. "Hey, I was just wandering if you were doing okay?" He asked, she nods "yes, I am okay. Just staying put and reading a book" she replied. "Can I come in?" He asked. She nodded and opened the door further before walking back over and sitting on her bed. Ryan closed the door as he walked over and sat down next to her, "you know, if you want to go out for a walk or swim you can always tell me and I will take you anywhere you would like to go." He said, Lily smiled "I know, I would have asked you to go with me this morning but you looked to comfortable" she replied. "I would much rather be with you than you be alone or alone with that Drew guy. I still do not trust him. Also I enjoy our time together, we have not had much one on one time since we have gotten older and doing our own things. That makes me a little sad to be honest" Ryan said. Lily nods "I miss our time together too, life has been busy though. Also Drew is okay, he is not a bad guy. He is sweet and turns out we have met before" she said. Ryan looked confused "what do you mean? Where do you know him from?" He asked. Lily looks down at the floor, "turns out he was in my fathers kingdom when it was attacked all those years ago. His mother was friends with mine" she said softly. Ryan sighed "oh." Lily looked at Ryan, "do not worry though, you are still my number one" she said. Ryan smiled "I would hope so" he chuckled slightly. Then they heard a knock at the door. 

      Ryan answers the door to find Drew standing there, his smile instantly faded, "what do you need?" He asked. Drew looked at Ryan "I was looking for Lily. I heard something in town that I thought she would like hear. I would like to discuss it with the group" He said. Ryan nods, he walked over to Lily and offered his hand to help her to her feet "your friend has some infomation for us" he said. Lily accepted his help, "well lets go hear it" she replied as the two walked out of her cottage.  

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