Chapter Fourteen

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**** Beth is pictured ****

    Drew woke up to the sound of a horse approaching, he quickly got out of his tent to see a brown haired woman dismounting her horse. "Hello there... can I help you?" He asked, "Depends, why are you here?" She asked. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Are you friend or foe of King Jonathan?" She asked. Lily woke up, she heard Drew speaking to someone as did Clyde and they both seem to exit their tents at the same time. As soon as Lily stepped out the woman's eyes went to her, "so it is true. The princess lives." She said. "Yes. May I know your name stranger?" Lily asked. "Forgive me, princess" she said as she kneeled. Lily felt embarrassed, this had not happened yet and she did not want it to. "Please, do not do that. I am your friend if you are mine" she said. "My name is Beth, Beth Meadows" she said. *Meadows... that was Ryan's last name...* Lily thought to herself. Ryan was up and stepped out of the tent when he heard the name Meadows. He looked over at the woman, "who is your mother and father?" He asked her. *That is a strange question to ask a stranger* Beth thought to herself. "My mother is Myla Meadows and my father is Jack Meadows" she answered, "how old are you?" He asked. "I am 19 years old.... excuse me for asking but why is this important?" She asked. *That evil bastard was cheating on my mother!!!* Ryan thought to himself. "Do you know a Racheal Meadows?" Ryan asked, "yes... she was my aunt? She died about 15 years ago though...." Beth answered. *My dead?* Ryan thought to himself, he had no attachment to his father due to his abuse towards him but he never thought that he would hurt his mother. "Was your father gone a lot before then?" Ryan asked, "yes but he said he was working a lot in the mines but he was home more often after she passed, why?" Beth asked. "Beth, I believe you are my half sister. Jack Meadows was my father, he tormented me as a child. He must have killed my mother after I ran away 15 years ago... He was married to Racheal, she was not your aunt." Ryan said, Beth stayed quiet for a few seconds, they did look very similar and Jack did have temperament issues. He had hurt her and her mother often when she was younger. Now he cannot walk and is stuck at home. Also that would explain a lot of what happened in those days. "Wow.... small world we live in" she sighed, "I would like proof though, also if my mother knew she might leave him... He is mean as hell" she said, "would you come with me to see him?" Beth asked. Ryan looked at Lily, "do you feel like you need too?" Lily asked him. "I do not want you to get hurt or noticed" he said. "I can stay hidden, it is getting to the cold season and no one should question my if I wear head coverage" Lily added. "Which direction is this town he lives in now?" Ryan asked. "It is north of here, I came down this way do to rumors of the princess and I would like to fight against the tyrant king as would my fellow guards men of our town" she said. "That is the direction we would be headed and we would gain our first add ons of our rebellion other than Drew" Lily said. "Okay we will follow" Ryan said, "Do you feel fit enough to ride?" Lily asked. "It has been a week since the injury, I am fit to ride" He said softly as he smiled. "Let's pack up and ride out, it was very nice to meet you Beth Meadows. Thank you for coming to find us" Lily said with a smile. *Wow she really is as beautiful as people have said...* Beth thought to herself. She looked at Drew, he was also an elf. How many were there? Beth was made to believe they were extinct for most of her life and now two stood before her. The group quickly got their things loaded up on the horses, Lily rode on the same horse as Ryan so they could use another to hold supplies. They followed Beth to town. 

    As they entered town Clyde looked around "Drew and I will go sell the skins we have collected to see if we can work up some coin" he said. "That sounds good Clyde" Ryan said, "Lily did you want to go with them?" He asked. "No, I do not want us to separate" She said. "Okay, just stay behind me. I do not want him to hurt you" he said. They arrived at the house that Beth was taking them to. They dismounted the horses, Lily held Ryan's hand as Beth led them inside. "Father, we have guest." She said, Myla rounded the corner with a smile "hello, you must be friends of Beth?" She said. Jack followed from behind, he stopped when he saw Ryan. He cleared his throat "Ryan?" He said. Myla looked at Jack "Ryan? I thought you said he was dead?" She said. "I thought he was... " Jack said as he walked closer to him. Ryan stepped in front of Lily, "do not come any closer. "Ryan, my son... I was so worried I had lost you..." Jack started to say before Ryan cut him off "how can you say that? You never treated me like your son. You treated me like an object you owned and could beat as you pleased. What did you do to my mother?" Ryan said angrily. Jack shook his head "no, no your mother is okay. She is still living at our old home... she left me after you disappeared. She believed I killed you... I would never hurt your mother" Jack sighed, "I regret a lot that I have done in my life... I have become a better man now than I was... I do not drink anymore or anything that would change my set of mind..." Jack said. *My mother... is alive!* Ryan thought to himself, "Beth is my half sister. She is also my age. You cheated on my mother." He accused. "I did yes, I am paying for it everyday for the rest of my life. I still love your mother." Jack said, Myla looked at Jack then went into the other room. Beth saw her mother walk away and followed. "Ryan, I am so sorry for what I have done to you and Racheal, can I please have your forgiveness" He pleaded as he dropped to his knees. Ryan did not see the same monster in his fathers eyes as he did when he was a child. Maybe he really did change. His heart grew soft and his anger towards his father subsided. "I forgive you but this will be the last time you see me" he said. 

   Beth followed her mother into her room, "Mom... Did you know Racheal was not my aunt?" She asked. Myla looked at her, "yes" she said in shame, "how could you do that to that poor woman. No wonder you two never let me talk to her or speak to her son. You did not want the disgusting acts be known" Beth said angrily. "Yes that is true, I was a stupid young woman. Jack was an awful man back then but he really has changed. I do wish I could apolgize to Racheal. She was the sweetest soul. I was jealous of her beauty and kind heart. I wanted what was hers." She cried. "I thought that Jack was the only bad person in the story but turns out you are too. I am ashamed to be your and his bastard child" she said before leaving. 

   Ryan and Lily left the house after Beth did. "Did you want to go get your mother? We can take her to the town we are going to. She will be safe from the war there." Lily said. Ryan thought for a moment, "I would like to get her... Do you think the others would mind?" Ryan replied. "Only one way to find out but I doubt they would" Lily said. Beth followed close behind with her guardsmen following "where to know?" Beth asked. "We need to find Clyde" Lily said. They soon came upon Clyde and Drew. "Ah there you are, how did things go?" Clyde asked, "I found out my mother is living alone in my home town. I would like to go get her" Ryan said. "I will be going with him, Clyde take Drew, Beth, and these willing guards and train them at the town. Start to make the place home. We will meet you there. Also we will need an extra horse." Lily stated instead of asking. "Yes my princess, as you wish" Clyde said, he gave one of the extra horses to Lily and Ryan "follow me" Clyde announced to the others then everyone left. 

  Ryan looked at Lily with surprise, he had never heard her speak that strong before. "What?" Lily asked, "nothing... You just sounded like the true Queen you were meant to be just now" Ryan said. Lily blushed "you think so?" she said, "I know so" Ryan said with a smile. Lily dismounted Ryan's horse then got on the other one, "let's ride" she said then the two took off towards their old hometown Nightshade Villa. 

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