Chapter Seven

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    As nightfall came about everyone started towards their designated sleeping areas. Lily made her way to hers and Ryan followed. She looked at him "so, what do you think?" She asked. "You look great" he answered with a smile. She laughed softly "not me, I meant the town". Ryan's cheeks grew flustered "oh... right... it's okay I guess. I don't trust that Drew guy though. He is so suspicious. Why is he the only one here? He says the others left, then why didn't he follow? It just doesn't add up." He replied. Lily nods "yes, he is a bit strange but he is kind. He does seem like he has good intentions. I do believe he is lonely though." She said. Ryan nods and stops beside her door. Lily stopped then turned to him, "you're not going to sit here all night are you?" She asked. "That's the plan. I would prefer nothing happen to you. It's weird that we are all split up. Makes me feel on edge." He answered. Lily sighs "you need your rest Ryan" he nods "I know and I will at some point." She opens the door, starts to head inside then turned back to him "I'd rather you sleep in here then on the porch" she said. He smiled "I will be okay, I need to be able to see Drew and Kiras place as well. Don't worry, it's just for tonight." He said as he sits down on the porch and leans against the wall. Lily nods "okay then, good night" before she walked inside, "good night" Ryan said as she shut the door.
       The next morning Drew was up and gone before everyone started to wake up. Everyone slept till the sun came up. That was sleeping in for them recently. Lily wakes up, she stretches and yawns before looking around. She wandered if Ryan ever actually went to bed. She gets up makes sure she is decent before opening the door and of course Ryan falls backwards into the floor before stumbling to his feet "what happened? Where'd he go?" He said before coming to his senses. He scratches the back of his head "oh, I must have fallen asleep. I apologize. Good morning..." he said. Lily shook her head "what happened to going to bed?" She said "and good morning to you as well" she added. Ryan shrugged "I guess the porch was more comfortable?" He chuckles. She smiled and shook her head again, "if you say so."
    Kira and Dawn step outside. Kira went to start a fire to cook some breakfast for everyone. Clyde shortly comes about "has anyone seen that Drew kid?" He asked. Everyone said they had not. "That's strange." Ryan said, "I am sure he is just wandering about" Lily said. "I do not think we should trust the guy till he gives us a reason too" Dawn said. Ryan nods in agreement. "Well we did live through the night in warm beds" Lily adds, Kira nods "that is true".
    Shortly after that conversation they heard someone approaching. Lily motions behind Clyde "look there he is, also it looks like he brought breakfast" she said as everyone turned to see Drew bring up an arm full of fish. "Anyone hungry?" He asked with a kind smile. "Maybe he's not so bad?" Lily gestures to Ryan but he just shrugs "could be an act" he whispered in response. Lily then follows Kira to start preparing the fish to cook. As they did Lily noticed that it seemed that the fish had tiny little puncture holes as if something caught them with teeth. She shrugged it off though because Kira did not seem to worry about it. They get the fish prepared for breakfast then brought it to everyone. They all enjoyed breakfast and everyone seemed to be getting along. Ryan was sharing short stories of his life and of people he had come across in his time. He and Ryan were even swapping hunting stories.
    Kira and Dawn made the decision to stay there for a couple days. It was quiet, in the middle of no where, there wasn't even a trail or road that led to it. They wanted everyone to take the time to relax and regain their strength. Lily still had no clue what she was doing, it seemed Clyde has this plan of her trying to take back the throne but she wasn't even sure if she wanted too. She does not even remember her royalty past, she remembers her peasant life only. She did agree on staying at this little village for at least a couple days. She could tell everyone was getting tired and so was she. She also wanted to learn more about this Drew person, he seemed very familiar.
    Ryan started feeling too comfy so he decided to go off and scout the area with Clyde just to make sure there were not any signs of others. He still was not fully okay with being here. It was nice but he did not trust it.
    Drew finished chatting with Dawn and Kira then wandered back into the woods. Dawn stayed with Kira and Lily, he did not want them to be alone. As the hours went by it was still quiet, everyone was back at the village and the sun was starting to set. Soon after everyone went back to their sleeping areas. Even Ryan decided he wanted to sleep in a bed versus the porch. Soon after everyone was asleep, not sure of what tomorrow held for all of them.

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