Chapter Fifteen

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*** Princess Lillian Pictured ***

    Lily and Ryan rode towards Nightshade Villa as fast as they could. They traveled for four hours before their horses grew tired, so they decided to stop for a rest. "Clyde provided us a travel pack" Lily said as she took everything off of her horse, she petted the white mare "I will name you Luna because you resemble the moon" she said softly. She then picked up the pack and moved it away from the horse and started to go through it "we have one tent, sleeping gear, food and water saves, and new outfits one for the each of us. They look almost military." She told Ryan "wow, how did he afford all that" Ryan said. "I am not sure but this will be easier to battle in than the dress I am currently wearing. They also are still light to where they will not slow us down" Lily replied. They both got changed into their new outfits, rested for about an hour then got the horses geared back up and headed off. 

   They traveled for another two hours before reaching the outskirts of the old town. "Wow, it has been so long since we left here" Ryan said. Lily made sure her hood was up, "yeah...brings back memories" she sighed softly. Ryan looked at her "I miss them too" he said, she smiled softly and nodded. She held in her tears, she needed to be stronger. "Are you ready?" Lily asked. Ryan nodded then they both rode into town. They noticed things were somewhat different yet still the same. They came to Ryan's old house, it was quiet. He got off his horse, then tethered his and Lily's horse to the fence. Lily slid off her horse, "do you want me to come with you or wait here?" She asked him. He looked at her "with me of course" he replied, she smiled and followed him to the door. Ryan knocked on the door then heard light footsteps towards the door before it opened. When the door opened he saw his mother standing their, her brown hair and green eyes as he remembered. She stopped and looked at him, "I know those eyes...." She said softly, "Ryan?" She said. Ryan instantly smiled as he felt his eyes grow watery "hello Mama" he said. She instantly broke into tears before wrapping her arms around him. "Where have you been all this time? I thought something bad had happened to you! Never mind that though, I am just happy to see you my son" she said before looking towards Lily, "who is this?" she said then saw they made eye contact "I know you. I saw you with Kira a couple times..." Racheal said. Lily nodded, "yes, she was my mother" she said. "Her and Dawn disappeared many years ago. Are they doing okay?" She asked. Lily looked down "they are no longer with us" she said. "Oh poor girl, I am so sorry" Racheal said before hugging her as well. "Both of you come inside, please" Racheal said. They both agreed and followed her inside. She brought out some tea as they all sat at the kitchen table. "Are you two, together?" Racheal asked. Lily looked at Ryan "yes, we are but not married yet" he answered with a smile. "Oh that's wonderful, dear why don't you lower your hood? I have never seen you without one even as a child" she said. "She prefers to keep it on" Ryan said, "no, that's okay" Lily said before lowering her hood. Racheal was surprised "the.. the princess..." she said. "Yes, she is the lost princess. There is a battle coming. We came to bring you to a safe place." Ryan said, "how did you know I was still here?" Racheal asked. "I saw father, he told me everything" he said. "Oh...." Racheal said *I may never see him again if I do not follow him...* she thought to herself, "I will go with you" she added. Both Ryan and Lily smiled, "that is very good news. Can you go now? We need to get back to the group as soon as possible" Ryan said. "Yes, I do not own anything that is dire. Let's go" Racheal said. "Okay let's get a move on" Lily said before the three walked back outside Lily got on her horse Luna as Ryan and his mother got on the other. They rode off back into the direction they just came from. 

   It took a day to make the journey back, Racheal caught up with her son and got to know Lily better. She was happy but also nervous about being so far from where she had been most of her life. They came upon the town that Drew had come up with for their rebellion base. Clyde greeted them, he helped Racheal down from the horse "I see you found who you were looking for, my name is Clyde" he said. Racheal tried not to look shocked. She had never seen a lion folk before "my name is Racheal Meadows, I am Ryan's mother" she replied to him. "Clyde, any news?" Lily asked. "We have managed to recruit quite a few more members, I have been working on training and Beth has helped out a lot. Her and Drew have been working together on our first possible move against King Jonathan" Clyde replied. "Good, take me to them and give me a run down on what they have in mind" Lily said. He nodded and the two walked off. "Come Mother, let's find you a place of your own" Ryan said as he guided her to an empty cottage. "Will this do?" He asked her, Racheal smiled "it is beautiful. Thank you dear" she said softly. "Anything you need let me or Clyde know we will get it for you" he said. "I will, I am going to get settled in" she said as she walked to the door, opened it, then walked inside. 

   Ryan looked around, he decided the one next to his mother's cottage was the one he wanted but he wanted Lily near too. He needed to ask her if she liked it to, now to find her. "So the King has a shipment of basic needs that he takes from villages for his own gain. It is scheduled to go through Plymouth Hill tomorrow afternoon, we could sabotage it and use the goods for our new rebellion. I am sure the people would rather it go to us rather than to the king anyways" Drew told Lily, "yes I agree. We should do it" she replied. Ryan walked into the meeting room, "what should we do?" He asked. "We are going to take one of King Jonathan's shipments, we also should take care of the soldiers who are transporting the goods" Clyde responded. Ryan nods "yeah, that sounds like a good plan. Who is going?" He asked. Everyone looked at Lily, "I am with whoever wants to volunteer" she replied. "If you are then you know I am right by your side" Ryan said, "I will go too" Clyde said. "Beth and I will stay back and make sure things are good here" Drew said, *He is making choices for me now, how sweet* Beth thought. She nodded "yes, Drew and I can watch the town, we will continue to train. We also have recruiters out gathering new people to join" Beth said. Three guys John, Sam, and Keith agreed to go on this loot. "We will leave out first thing in the morning, dismissed" Lily said before leaving. Ryan followed her "hey, I think we should stay in the cottage next to my mothers if you are okay with that?" Ryan said. Lily looked at him and smiled "yes, that sounds good. Clyde said he had some stuff for your mother to start a new life here" she replied "Clyde? When did he feel the need to help people that were not involved in the future defeat of King Jonathan" Ryan laughed slightly. "Maybe he thinks she's pretty" Lily replied, "don't say that" Ryan said slightly disgusted. Lily laughed at his response. 

   Clyde knocked on Racheal's door, she answered. "Hi, it's Clyde. I brought you a bag of supplies that I hope will help with your start here" he said. Racheal smiled "thank you, I really appreciate it. Would you care for some tea?" She asked him, Clyde smiled "yes if you do not mind" he replied. "Of course I don't, come inside" she said. He followed her inside. Ryan saw this and his stomach sank "I think you might be right" he said, "I told you" Lily giggled "now let's go get our home set up" she added. He nodded and they went inside. Lily was sorting through their things and Ryan moved the old furniture around to their liking. He stopped and looked at Lily and smiled, she looked at him "what?" she asked, "oh nothing... Just think how beautiful you would be in a wedding dress" he said. Lily blushed *is he thinking about marriage at this time?* She thought to herself, she smiled "you wouldn't be such a bad looking guy dressed up too" she replied. He walked over to her and kneeled down on one knee, "Lillian Fisher, I know it is a mess of a world right now and we have had a lot of struggles recently but even with all that I know what I want. Will you do me the honors in becoming my wife?" He asked her with no regretting feelings. Lily's heart fluttered, "I am not sure how we will have a wedding but yes!" She said. Ryan stood up and leaned in then kissed her, she kissed him back. "I will find a way" he said, Lily hugged him tightly.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28 ⏰

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