Chapter Two

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   About two years later after Kira , Dawn , Lillian , and Ryan left the village. They were settled down close to a mountain in a cute little cottage which Dawn had built. He built it with three bedrooms, a kitchen, and a dining room. Then he built an out house a few feet from the cottage.  The cottage was very sealed up and had a fire place to keep them warm through this harsh winter they were having so far. 

  Lillian was sitting at the window staring out as the ground covered itself in snow. She smiled softly, she wanted to go and play. She was happy that Ryan was okay with what she was and she was very happy she would not have to hide herself from anyone for a long time. Ryan walked up from behind her, "are you okay?" He asked her. Lillian turned to him and nodded "yeah, I am more than okay!" She said as she jumped down from the seal, "want to go play?" She asked him. Ryan smiled as he nodded "yeah!" He said. "Catch me if you can!" Lillian shouted as she took off running , Ryan chased after her laughing softly. Kira and Dawn were sitting on the couch as they watched the two play. Dawn smiled as he looked at Kira "I really like it out here, I like not having to work, I have more time with you and those two little rugrats" he said gently , "me too" Kira smiled softly as she kissed him, Dawn kissed her back. 

  Lillian and Ryan grabbed their coats , boots , and hats before running outside closing the door behind them. "Let's go!" Lillian laughed as she led the way, "I'm gonna catch you!" Ryan laughed as he ran after her, "good luck with that!" She laughed softly as she kept running. The two of them ran all the way down to the river. Lillian came to a stop at the edge as she looked down at the water, even though snow was every where the water was still running through it. Ryan came to a stop when he reached to where she was "wow, it still flows even when everything freezes. That is true power" Ryan said, "nature is truly powerful in it's own ways" Lillian added. Ryan looked at her "I suppose that is true" he said as he smiled. Lily nodded softly. "Let's play hide and seek!" Lillian said softly, Ryan nods "okay, I'll count" he said as he covered his eyes. "Okay, no peeking!" Lillian said as she ran off, "1....2.....3...4....5...6....7...8....9....10. Ready or not here I come!" Ryan yelled. Lillian laughed softly as she kept running, she heard him say he was coming which made her heart race. She came to a rock and hid behind it. Ryan smiled as he followed her foot steps "this is too easy" he laughed softly. His smile faded when he saw track following hers though. He picked up his pace "Lily!" He cried "Lily!" He yelled. Lillian was staying quiet, she was not going to give her hiding spot up. She then heard growling, "Ryan?" She said softly then she saw a large wolf standing ahead of her snarling as drool dripped from his jaws. Lillian screamed, "Lillian!" Ryan screamed as he heard her, he then saw the wolf standing near a rock which meant that was where Lillian was standing. He felt anger burn in his chest with also fear but he was not going to let the wolf hurt Lillian. He ran and got onto the rock and leaped off of it as he pulled out the dagger that Dawn had gave him before landing in the wolf's back and stabbing it. The wolf yelped as he flicked its head back trying to bite Ryan but he could not reach him. Ryan turned himself around as he grabbed the wolf's ears and pulled his head up to where he could reach the wolf's neck. "Ryan! Be careful!" Lillian cried as he fought the wolf. Ryan the took the dagger and cut the wolf's throat. The beast fell to the ground bleeding out. Ryan jumped off the wolf's body as he ran over to Lillian and pulled her into his embrace "are you okay?" He asked as he looked her over, "yes, I am okay. He wasn't able to get too me because of you" she said. "Thank you for saving me" Lillian said as she hugged him tightly. Ryan smiled softly as he pulled her close to him as he hugged her tight, he was so relieved that she was okay. "I am glad I was able to get here in time" he said softly, he was not going to let her out of his sights again. He felt that he was her protector and she was his princess. "I am going to get his hide off for Dawn to make a blanket out of" Ryan said as he walked back over to the wolf and started to skin it, it only took him about fifteen minutes to get it off. He then walk back over to Lillian dragging the hide beside him, "Come on, lets go back to the house" he said, Lillian nodded softly "okay" she said softly. Ryan took hold of her hand as he led her back to the cottage.

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