new years

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The days leading up to the New Year's party pass by quickly. I try to keep myself busy with various activities, but my mind keeps drifting back to Finn and our upcoming plans. The anticipation is almost too much to handle.

Finally, the night of the party arrives. I spend extra time getting ready, wanting to look my best. As I put the finishing touches on my outfit, I can't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. This night could change everything between Finn and me.

I get a text from Finn saying he's on his way to pick me up. I don't know why I'm so nervous for this. I go downstairs to the living room where my dad is sitting.

He looks up from his book and gives me a once-over. "You look great, kiddo. Big night ahead?" he asks with a knowing smile.

"Yeah, kind of," I say, trying to keep my voice steady. "Just going to a New Year's party with some friends."

"Well, have fun and be safe," he says

"I'll try," I say. I hear a car horn outside and take a deep breath. "That's Finn," I say, giving my dad a quick hug. "I'll see you later."

He nods, "Have a good time, and call me if you need anything," he says, returning to his book.

I step outside, the cold air hitting me instantly. Finn is leaning against his car, looking up at the sky. When he sees me, he smiles and opens the passenger door for me.

"Ladies first," he says.

"I think I would have to go in first considering this is the passenger's seat," I joke.

He laughs, "Fair point. Let's get going then."

The car ride is silent and I spend most of it texting Alice and Ellie. They keep sending me messages filled with excitement and curiosity about the party. Finn occasionally glances over at me, a small smile on his face, but he doesn't interrupt my conversation. The silence between us is comfortable, almost like we're both lost in our own thoughts, preparing for the night.

We get to the house and you can hear the music blaring from outside. It's a little nerve-wracking for me. I have a love-hate relationship with parties.

As we walk up to the house, Finn places a reassuring hand on my back. "Ready for this?" he asks, his voice barely audible over the music.

I nod, taking a deep breath. "Yeah, let's do this," I say with a smile, trying to mask my nervousness.

We make our way over to where Alice and Ellie are. Alice and Ellie are already deep in conversation, their faces lighting up when they see us. "There you are!" Alice exclaims, pulling me into a hug. "We've been waiting for you guys."

Ellie grins, giving me a playful nudge. "You look amazing! Finn, you're not too shabby either," she teases, winking at him.

Finn laughs, shaking his head. "Thanks, Ellie. You guys look great too." He seems at ease, and his relaxed demeanor helps to calm my nerves a bit.

We stand around just talking for a while. After a few drinks, I manage to convince Finn to dance. As we move to the dance floor, I can't help but feel a mix of excitement and nerves. Finn takes my hand, and we start dancing to the upbeat music, laughing and enjoying ourselves. For the first time in a long while, everything feels right.

As the night progresses, we find ourselves moving closer together on the dance floor. The music pulses around us, and for a moment, it's like nothing else matters. Finn leans in, his breath warm against my ear. "I'm glad we came," he says softly. I smile, realizing that maybe, just maybe, this is the start of something new.

As midnight approaches, the excitement in the room ramps up. People start counting down, and I find myself standing next to Finn, our friends cheering around us. The moment feels charged like something big is about to happen. The countdown hits zero, and the room erupts into cheers and confetti. Finn turns to me, a soft, unsure smile on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06 ⏰

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