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The next few weeks go by about the same. Classes are a bit boring, but at least I actually have some friends in them now.

I walk into calc and sit by Ana and Hazel. I hear them talking about Anas's boyfriend and the homecoming game. I honestly have never been and don't understand football at all.

"hey Y/N," Hazel says "are you going to the game tonight?"

"I hadn't really thought about it," I reply, shrugging nonchalantly. "I'm not really into football." But at Hazel's encouraging look, I add, "But I might stop by to see what it's like."

"You should totally go! We definitely gonna win, Jake's playing" Ana says. Jake is her boyfriend.

"Sounds like fun. I'll give it a try," I reply, even though the thought of being in a huge crowd isn't really appealing to me.

"Great! It's a lot more fun than it sounds, I promise," Hazel assures me. And with that, it seems my Thursday night plans are set. I can only hope that the football game won't be too overwhelming.

The rest of the day goes by like normal. When I get home I talk to my dad and tell him I'm going to the game.

"Really? you have never been interested in anything like that," he says

"I know, but I figured I should give it a try," I respond, giving him a small smile. "Who knows, I might actually enjoy it." I'm not entirely sure if I'm trying to convince him or myself.

"Okay, just tell me when you're leaving," he says

I go upstairs and start getting ready. I dress in the school colors and actually try to like, dress up. I pull out a simple but cute outfit from my closet, a pair of jeans and a school-colored top. I decide to wear a little bit of makeup, just some mascara and lip gloss. As I look at my reflection in the mirror, I can't help but feel a pang of excitement. This is definitely a first for me, and I'm actually looking forward to it.

While I'm driving, I see Finn and Stanley on their skateboards going towards the school. When I get there I text Ana and ask where they are. She replies quickly, telling me they're near the entrance. I find them easily, their cheerful laughter standing out in the crowd. We greet each other and make our way to the bleachers, ready to cheer on our school's team.

We get settled in, and then Finn and Stanley sit in front of us.

"Hey, Y/N," Finn greets, a casual smile on his face.

"Hey," I say. Stanley doesn't even acknowledge me, he actually gives me a little weird of a look, but Ignore it.

We watch the game for a while, and our team is actually doing well.

"Anyone want to go and get some food?" Finn asks

Everyone shakes their head, but I decide, why not?

"Sure," say getting up.

We start walking towards the food stands, the crowd's cheers growing fainter with each step. The atmosphere is different here, a little quieter but still buzzing with excitement. "So, how are you finding the game?" Finn asks, breaking the silence.

"It's fun, more than I'm used to though," I say

"Want to get away for a little," he says, showing his skateboard

"Sure, but I don't actually know how to ride a skateboard," I say

He gives a soft chuckle at my confession, "Don't worry, I've got it covered. Just hold on to me, okay?" he suggests, offering me a reassuring smile.

We walk over to the parking lot.

Finn leads me to a less crowded part of the parking lot. He places his skateboard on the ground, positioning it just right. "Alright," he says, "I'll start off by showing you the basics."

He steps onto the skateboard, demonstrating how to position the feet. "You want to put your front foot near the bolts, and your back foot on the tail," he explains. "And remember, it's all about balance."

After showing me a few more techniques, he steps off the skateboard and offers it to me. "Your turn," he says, with an encouraging smile.

"I have no idea what I'm doing," I admit, but he just laughs.

"That's okay. I've got you." He assures me, holding out his hand for support. I take a deep breath and, with his help, step onto the skateboard. My legs wobble as I try to find my balance.

"Just relax," Finn advises, "and bend your knees a little."

Following his instructions, I bend my knees and find that it helps with my balance. I give him a surprised look and he laughs, "Told you."

With Finn's guidance, I start to get the hang of it. He teaches me how to push off with one foot and how to steer by shifting my weight. It's a bit scary at first, but also kind of thrilling.

After a while, I manage to skate a short distance on my own. I can't help the grin that spreads across my face. I look at Finn and he's smiling too, "See, you're a natural," he says.

"I wouldn't go that far," I laugh, stepping off the skateboard. "But thanks for the lesson. It was fun."

"No problem," Finn replies, picking up his skateboard. "Anytime you want to practice, just let me know."

With that, we head back to the game, both of us in high spirits. This night is turning out to be more fun than I could have imagined. We go actually get food and then head back to our friends. We sit and watch the game till it ends. We did win and Ana was very happy for Jake.

While were all walking out they start talking about the homecoming dance.

"So, who's excited for the homecoming dance?" Ana asks, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"I've never been to one before. What's it like?" I ask, a bit curious about this traditional high school event.

"Oh, it's a lot of fun!" Hazel chimes in, "Everyone dresses up, there's music and dancing. Plus, it's a great opportunity to hang out with friends."

"I've heard it's kind of a big deal," Finn adds, "I might go, not sure yet."

Stanley shrugs, "I'll probably end up going. Seems like a fun time."

"I think we should all go together," Alice suggests, "It'll be fun!"

Everyone nods in agreement and the conversation continues as we all walk out of the school.

I guess I have to get a dress now. The dance is on Saturday so that gives me about one day. I go home and go to sleep, glad I actually had a good day.

I go dress shopping and look through a ton of dresses until I finally find my favorite one. The dress is a beautiful navy-blue dress that fits me perfectly and the fabric has a subtle shimmer that catches the light beautifully. I can't help but smile as I look at myself in the mirror, excited for the dance.

the sun and the moon // finn wolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now