Chapter 6 - Hanging out with 5sos

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Usually I tell myself not to give into peer pressure or puppy dog eyes because it can lead to bad things..but this was different. Giving in to Ashton felt kind of right, except now, sitting in his car it was kind of awkward. Thick tension surrounded the car, I could almost feel it touching my skin.

I know I should probably say something, but what was there to say? I'm still mad at him, and to be honest I have no idea why I chose to go with him. Maybe it was because I had no other way back to Stella's, or maybe...just maybe I wanted to see the other boys again.

So I admit it. I liked that feeling of having a favourite band to cry over that no one knew about. I liked that they were my secret, and i could pretend that they weren't even in a band. but he hurt me. The day I woke up without a text shining on my phone was the day I stopped trusting people. He told me he would always be there, and that he wouldn't let himself lose contact with me.

He lied.

"So..." He trails off "How are you?" He asks me. I propped one of my legs onto the car seat and shrugged. Deciding not to answer him, i started tapping my finger on the car door. We fell into another awkward silence, so I chose to look out the car window and continue my tapping.

Bush, bush, house, house, house, house with trees everywhere, bush, house, dead bird...

"You have to talk to me at some point" he tells me in a matter-of-factly voice "You can't resist me. You love me. I remember you saying exactly that like it was yesterday" I rose my eyesbrows at him, but still said nothing.

He remembers the day I met him? Obviously he remembers me, but does he remember the actual day? Probably not. He's just trying to get me to talk. I don't even remember telling him that i loved him.

"Look, Grace I don't know what I did to make you hate me so much. One day you're a fan of our music and the next you hate me like I've killed your dog" he sighs, flicking the indicator on as he turned a corner. 

I wanted to yell at him. Tell him exactly why I hated him, that he shouldn't of lost contact with me. I wanted him to know that things were bad again. I wanted to tell him everything. but I didn't. I didn't want to cause anymore problems, because i know it will just add more stress onto me. Plus, I don't trust him anymore.

"Please just talk to me?"

I sighed and looked over to him. His eyes kept flicking from the road to me, making sure he was still driving in the right lane, but at the same time he wanted to be looking at me. 

"How much longer?" I ask softly. I didn't exactly want to talk to him, but I guess I felt like I needed to. If I didn't then he would probably get mad and tell me to get out of the car. Okay, so that was probably exaggerating a little but he sounded generally annoyed. 

"We're pretty much here" he says, smiling softly. The cute dimple wasn't there this time which kind of made me disappointed. That dimple was one of the main reasons why Ashton had always been my favourite. I smiled slightly when he smiled, without even realising it. I guess his happiness is contagious.

I watched as we turned into a small street and then into a rocky drive way. It was a pretty big house, but still looked really homey and cute. Do the boys still live with their families?

"This is Luke's parents house. We jam here sometimes, and today you're invited to one of our sessions" he grins. I roll my eyes at him and get out of the car. 

"C'mon" he chuckles "lets go inside. I'm already 15 minutes late" he explains sheepishly. I follow him up the drive way and through the gate. He walked through the doors like it's his own home, which I wasn't surprised by. Luke is like his brother i guess. 

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