It was already the last day of Spring Break - when Ines had to start getting used to going to her school again for the last semester. Ines was at her vanity thinking about the willing conversations between her and Jackson in La Crȇperie. It became a milestone fixed into Ines's morning routine - making coffee for Jackson and talking for around 10 minutes.
She was aware that this was an important event in her life, but something felt missing.
Ines nearly jumped up from her bed, nearly ripping out a lock of her hair by pulling at it.
Louise could've met Jackson on her birthday. Ines could have told her best friend in the entire world that she was in love, but instead hid it from her for nearly two weeks.
Ines hugged her knees into her chest, feeling guilty. Ines would always talk about how she wanted to meet her lover in the future - and she somehow did now.
I technically told my mother about him, Ines thought to herself. With her index finger, she let it hover over her lips as she was lost in thought. What was she truly waiting for? She needed to best friend to turn to.
"... And his parents got divorced, so he and his dad moved here with his little brother. His little brother is sweet, but so is Jackson." Ines was explaining in her bedroom, while Louise listened attentively beside her.
After Ines finished with her everlasting explanation, Louise gave her a questionable look while holding the letters Ines had written for her mother about Jackson.
"I mean, Ines, that's amazing," Louise started, putting down the letter. "So how long has this been happening and you didn't tell me?" Louise picks up one of Ines's heart-shaped red plushies and throws it at Ines's face.
The two girls laugh as they continue to talk about everything happening with Jackson.
Ines immediately stops jumping around with Louise on her bed. "Wait, Louise, you need to meet him!"
Louise pauses and nods at her friend. "Obviously. Shouldn't you be going to your shop right now?"
Ines gasps and looks at her clock that points its arrows to 10 AM. "Oh dear, I'm late."
"Duh. But I'm coming with you so I can meet your prince charming." Louise followed Ines to her bathroom.
"Ines?" Louise called from outside the bathroom.
"I'm glad you called. My parents took the phone downstairs right to me."
Ines smiled as she heard Louise's voice. "Of course."
"I'm excited to meet your Jackson." Louise was scratching her nails over the counter, while Ines was searching through her cashier machine to see her weekly makings.
She looked at the door, hoping for Jackson to come soon. "Don't call him that, Louise. I've only known him for ten days.
"Oh, I know. You just think time defines nearly everything. Louise takes a cup of coffee from the machine next to Ines in the tight space in the shop.
Ines's and Louise's heads nearly shot up when they heard the chimes ring as a tall, handsome-as-always Jackson walked in, hands resting in his pockets. His brown eyes met Ines's, while he looked at Louise, who was to her right.
Jackson decided to wave to both of them. "Hey. Can I have my regular coffee?"
"Sure, Jackson," Ines answers as she looks at Louise. "Um, this is my best friend, Louise. She's just here today."
"Cool," Jackson nods and smiles, "Hi."
"Hey," Louise waves back at him, "Ines has told me a bit about you."
Ines's head shot up, eyes averting from the coffee machine while she kicked her best friend's leg without Jackson noticing.
Ines could feel Jackson's eyes pinned on her while he responded to Louise's statement. "Is that so? I don't know, I'm not all that interesting."
That was a false statement, Ines wanted to say something. She continued making Jackson's coffee.
"So, what are you guys doing on the last day of break?" Jackson asked them.
Louise looked at Ines and looked back at Jackson. "Go on with the day, I guess. I'm just hanging out with Ines for now."
Ines nods. "I don't know, either. I'll close down early, though, because I feel like I should," Ines closes the cover over Jackson's cup. "Here's your coffee," she said, extending her hand over the counter.
"Thanks. How's your Bernal savings going?" Jackson suddenly asks her.
Ines could now feel Louise's surprised eyes pinned on her as well as Jackson's. "It's doing great, actually. I've made a lot. My dad's pretty excited about it."
"That's great. By the way, I'm kind of scared about school," Jackson says shyly.
"Oh, why is that?" Ines cleaned her hands with a paper towel that was lying on top of the coffee machine while looking at Jackson, who was looking back at her. "I think school's great. At least my school is, but we have the same district. It should be the same, but yours is just an all-boys school."
"It's not that, but I don't know. I suppose I feel like I don't fit in."
"I think you'll fit in just fine."
"Yeah," Louise jumps in suddenly. "You're sort of blonde, too."
Ines and Jackson look at each other and start to laugh.
"I know," Jackson says finally, "I just have never swapped schools before. I've never moved... this just ends up feeling like I'm isolated."
"Don't say that, Jackson," Ines tells him with hope intended in her voice. "You only feel that way because you have just recently come here."
Jackson doesn't answer her, but the thriving feeling returns back into Ines's chest as he looks right into her eyes for a brief moment.
"Thanks, Ines. Maybe you're right. Well, I should get going." Jackson looks back at Louise while Ines does as well. Ines knew that Louise using this time to observe him.
"Alright," Ines smiled at him and waved. "I'll see you."
Jackson's back pushed against the doors behind him, as they opened when the chimes rang. He waved back. "Bye, Ines."
After Jackson was out of sight, Louise's eyes were still pierced to the door.
Ines nearly squealed. "He's nice, isn't he?"
"You know what, Ines? I like him. He seems great."
Louise nods and smiles at her friend. "The thing is, I have to go really soon because my parents want me home for something. I'll see you, okay?"
"Sure," Ines replied warmly as Louise kissed her cheek. "Call me before dinner, okay?"
"You bet, Ines," Louise called as she was nearly ten feet away from the shop. "I can't Spring break is already over."
Ines nodded as she looked up at the chimes near her door, and when looked back to where Louise was standing, she was gone. Ines wondered why she was in such a rush.

La Crêperie
RomansaJackson Shaw is not one for love. With a background of getting bullied and having his parents be divorced, how could he? Jackson and his younger brother have to move to Paris with their divorced father, while his mother has it all in Colorado, USA...