Chapter 12: Down the Mountain

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•The Last Supper

There were a total of four questions in this exam:

(1) Unknown (5 points)

(2) Unknown (5 points)

(3) The number of people having the meal changing from 13 to 12 (6 points)

(4) Finding the cursed tableware (8 points)

Under normal circumstances, the total score for this exam was 24 points. In special circumstances, there were opportunities to earn bonus points or have points demerited.

With the appearance of new content on the answer wall, everyone started to whisper quietly to each other.

"There are two unknown questions at the beginning?"

"Yeah, the moment we started the exam we went straight into earning points for the third question. We must've skipped over the first two questions."

"No, the first points we got was from 'Answer'."

"Look at that sequence. The two points from 'Answer' is probably part of the unknown questions."

"The points sister Yu Yao and I got probably also are counted as part of the unknown questions."

"So, the first two questions were just a starter?"

"Could it have been triggered by the Hunter?"

"Maybe. Anyway, I don't want to know."

The accidental death of Hunter A had resulted in the two questions to be missed and the answer would now always be unknown.

The total points from those two questions added up to ten points. It accounted for a lot, but no one felt regretful.

If it wasn't because of You Huo, they would have already reached the heavens in the first round so they wouldn't know what could happen in the later rounds. After 48 hours, it was likely that 5 or even all of them would be dead.

In a situation like this, who would care about having a chance to answer the question? They naturally wanted fewer and easier questions.

They were just grateful to be alive.

The answering wall was still calculating their points:

The word 'Answer': 2 points, Refraction: 3 points, Question 3: 6 points, bonus of 2 points, a deduction of two points for the legibility, question 4: 8 points.

In total, they got 19 points. It was way beyond the average score of 11.

The total time used was 12 hours 37 minutes and 49 seconds. Compared to the average time used, they had saved 35 hours 22 minutes and 11 seconds.

Yu Wen let out an "Ohh" and said to You Huo: "How did they calculate that the average time it takes for the exam to be done is 48 hours?"

Invigilator 154 couldn't listen to him anymore: "48 hours is normal."

You should restrain yourself. Don't get too proud okay?

But he then thought about it. In just twelve hours, and if he took away the three hours You Huo used to sleep and the three hours he used to clean up that disgusting room......

In other words, if you didn't count the time that was spent in confinement, these people, no, this examinee would have completed the exam in less than 6 hours?

Are you even human???

The non-human You Huo was rewarded accordingly for his achievement.

The answer wall slowly issued another notice:

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