Dear Siobhan x

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Dear Siobhan,

You are enough. You are strong, you are beautiful. You deserve love. That mans words mean nothing, it was his sick way of trying to gain control over you. He is wrong, you are so much more than his bitter lies.

I know it's hard right now, to see the good in yourself. Especially after he destroyed anything good you thought about yourself. But trust me, I love you for you. All the things you say are 'wrong' with you are just part of who you are, and that's okay. Nobody is perfect Siobhan, its okay to have flaws and bad days.

You say you're selfish, and that you don't care about other people, but someone who simply doesn't care would not be open to friendship, wouldn't agree to a coffee date and then APOLOGISE when they couldn't make it. You have good in your heart my lovely, and once day hopefully you'll see it. I'll help you see it.

I love you with my whole heart Siobhan, I know you haven't heard anyone say that to you in a while, and I know you don't think you are capable of two way love but I do believe deep down, you love me too (before you go on a rant I mean platonically you goon). No but, jokes aside, you know that I am always here for you.

You. Are. Enough. I will keep repeating this if I have to. You are valid, and what you went through is awful. Just know you always have me by your side, whenever things get rough, whenever you need a shoulder to cry on i'm here. I'll always be here for you. When your head starts feeling like a storm, please never feel like you can't use me as your lighthouse. You are not a burden, meeting you was a gift. I love you Shibs.

Remember, you matter. Vivian x

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