a confused sheep and demonoid

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Yuzuki smiled at them amused by their confusion, "if you do not know how I got here...then pray tell, how did you both get here?" Yuzuki asked as he served the three something to drink, "straight from eversnow" he said winking at them making ymekui and Julian both face palm realising that yuzuki had some sort of ability or power to get back and forth from the two dimensions, "I got here by accident through a portal while trying to escape corrupted monsters sent to me by the cultists" Julian explained and just drank the beverage offered, "I was trying to escape while carrying my friend, I opened a portal by accident and next thing I know I'm here in this world" yumekui explained and took off her mask, yuzuki chuckled and looked at kazuya, "did you two use a chant?" Kazuya asked as kazuki listened to them, "yes" both said, "congrats, you were recognised by the goddess of creation and were given the permission to travel between two of her dimensions!" Yuzuki said with a cheerful clap as he smiled a sadistic glint in his eyes, "did you check your status window at all ever since you came here?" Yuzuki asked them, both Julian and yumekui froze as realisation hit them, kazuki looked at them then at yuzuki, "status window? Is that what you and kazuya have occasionally been staring out of nowhere? I sometimes see you two staring down at the ground at nothingness..." Kazuki said to yuzuki sipping the drink, kazuya smiled as suddenly both yumekui and Julian yelled, "status window!" Making kazuki looked at them surprised as they seemed to be reading something but in front of them was nothingness, yuzuki smiled at kazuki, "in our world, the being that created everything, who we call the goddess of creation, created something called status window after she travelled through world's and found out about video games, however only a select few and the gods know about how the status windows were created and about why they were made as well as the existence of other worlds" yuzuki explained to kazuki, kazuki nodded, "so it's some sort of video game like system of your world by theso called goddess of creation?" Kazuki asked, "yup~ but, she grew bored of that world, and so she created this dimension as well, a dimension that is a sort of copy of other worlds she has visited, she mixed aspects of the other modern worlds she visited, and other medieval period worlds she visited all together into one to create this one, at first she wished to make new gods for this world...but then she just decided to have absolutely no gods in This world and just give special abilities to certain humans or make humans spread stories to shape this world into a copy of other worlds she visited" yuzuki explained as he created illusions to show what he knew, "the status windows, are made to keep us more under control, as well as organised and to help us keep track of things like our power or abilities...as well as something used to identify individuals without a type of ID" yuzuki explained the main uses of the status window, "I see...but then how do other people see your statu-" kazuki was about to ask but immediately went quiet when yuzuki spoke, "show status" yuzuki said making his status window show, kazuki looked surprised as something popped up, Julian and yumekui immediately looked over kazuki's shoulders since ethey knew yuzuki never showed his status window to anyone

"The fuck is with these stats!?" Yumekui yelled, Julian also looked shocked seeing the unique abilities and the magic affinities and acquired magic yuzuki had, "all of them!? You were born with all of them!?" Julian asked, yuzuki smiled, "that's r...

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"The fuck is with these stats!?" Yumekui yelled, Julian also looked shocked seeing the unique abilities and the magic affinities and acquired magic yuzuki had, "all of them!? You were born with all of them!?" Julian asked, yuzuki smiled, "that's right~" yuzuki said as kazuki was shocked that it was true what they said about the status windows, "every status window is decorated to represent the main god one follows, I mainly follow the goddess of the loving moon, Irene, so my status window looks like this" yuzuki said with a smile, "kazuya mainly follows the goddess of nature however, so his is much different" yuzuki said with a smile as kazuya just yawned, "how the hell have you reached that level-" Julian asked, "nonya business!" Yuzuki said cheerfully, "scary bastard... Why is your intelligence and agility so high...even my agility is only 567... And that's already considered impressive.." yumekui said looking like she was about to cry, Julian smiled in disbelief looking lost and also like he was about to cry "my intelligence is only 799..." Julian said, yuzuki laughed as kazuki just looked impressed since from the sound of it, yuzuki was extremely strong despite the fact he looked like a noble man that had never seen hardships in his life, however his level said otherwise, "no wonder....no wonder you so easily manipulate and escape everyone.." Julian said hitting his head on the counter, "anyways,kazuki, you came to receive your weekly appointment right?" Yuzuki asked kazuki, kazuki just nodded as kazuya went into the back and soon returned with a file, he gave it to kazuki, "hm...simple enou- wait-" kazuki froze, "ARE YOU TRYNA START A FUCKING GANG WAR OR SOMETHING!?" Kazuki yelled at yuzuki, yuzuki laughed as kazuya Rolled his eyes, "that's what I said! Who targets someone in the silver moon wolves unless they are seeking a damn war or death!?" Kazuya said Julian and yumekui looked confused, "the thing is...it was little kirato who wants this little bitch dead~ according to him it's about time they got rid of the mouse that was parading as a wolf" yuzuki said with a smile, kazuki looked at yuzuki suspiciously as kazuya shook his head, "I'm gonna be joining you this time, so don't worry about it" kazuya said, kazuki nodded, "kirato....why does that sound familiar..." Julian said, yumekui shrugged, "I don't know~ but I'm hungry! Oi! Yuzuki ya got any food?" Yumekui asked yuzuki, yuzuki sighed, "yes yume, I'll bring ya something to eat, and Julian, if I were you..I would arrange a meeting with the Hayashi family" yuzuki said to Julian, Julian looked confused before he remembered the one famous family in Japan that was named Hayashi, "why would you suggest such a thing?" Julian asked yuzuki, "because their leader is someone very important, specially back in our world let's just say" yuzuki said to Julian before going to the back to the employee room to get something for yumekui to eat, Julian however just stayed lost in thought before yelling, "wait a minute-! HOW THE HELL DID YOU I COULD-!?" Julian yelled, yuzuki's laughter could be heard from the other room as he soon returned with some food and snacks for yumekui, "oh julian~ I got eyes and ears everywhere, be it in this world...or our world" yuzuki said mischievously, Julian groaned as kazuki just went with kazuya to the back room, "we'll be back later" he said before disappearing with kazuya into the employee only room in the back, Julian sighed as yumekui just ate, both deciding to just do what needed to be done and dwell too much into what yuzuki had told them.

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