a visit from an angel

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The next day, lielly was in an extremely bad mood, however it was not visible, Jacob was avoiding lielly either way as he knew that the moment he approached her he would likely get attacked again no matter how much of a good mood lielly may seem to be, "hey! What's for breakfast?" Lielly asked mishura who was in the kitchen making breakfast since it was his turn and lumi's turn, Lumi looked at lielly and have her a small smile, "we were thinking of making some french toast and scrambled eggs since mishura isn't that good at cooking..." Lumi said calmly, "argh.. seriously?" Lielly said a bit annoyed, Aveline who was at the dining table having some coffee while talking to Julian immediately froze and looked at lielly as lielly just sighed and walked away as Aveline remained on high alert as he glanced in the direction lielly had walked and back at where mishura and Lumi were making breakfast, as lielly walked away however Julian walked into the room wearing the clothes he wore when he had first arrived in dimension moonless night, Aveline turned to look at Julian surprised by the clothes by the unsteady emotions he sensed on Julian, "Julian? What's wrong?" Aveline asked curiously as Julian flinched, he looked away not sure of what to say, "I...I will tell you all after breakfast" Julian sighed, Aveline nodded as Julian just went and sat down on the couch as yumekui walked into the room looking exhausted, "fucking damn it...I shouldn't have included carnivorous moon whistles into my seed collection..." Yumekui said as she just laid on the floor, Emiliano laughed, "oh how bad can those carnivorous moon whistles your talking about be?" Emiliano said with a mocking smile, however as yumekui showed him a picture of a giant flower with razor sharp teeth that was the size of Ruben, Emiliano immediately went quiet and looked at the tv, "seriously...please tell me you put up a damn barrier and warning around those things! I don't want any employee to get eaten and their families to file a lawsuit!" Julian said to yumekui, yumekui just nodded as she closed her eyes and fell asleep on the floor, Julian just sighed and got up, Aveline laughed nervously and also got up, "I'm....gonna go check on lielly" Aveline said and went outside, as he walked outside and began looking around the garden he soon arrived at the gazebo and saw lielly and Ruben together, Ruben was talking with lielly as lielly was just looking down and weaving a basket, Aveline smiled and sat down with them, making lielly go quiet, "are you alright lielly?" Aveline asked sounding a bit worried, "yes.. im fine.." lielly said as she continued to weave the basket a sad look on her face, Ruben sighed, "she is just... reminiscing.." Ruben said with a small smile as lielly said nothing and just focused on the basket, Aveline nodded, "I see.." Aveline sighed as lielly just closed her eyes and leaned back on her seat, "she'll be fine...just needs to busy herself a little with something, ya know how she can't be doing the same thing all the time" Ruben smiled as lielly just closed her eyes and ignored them, "alright..then if anything happens or you guys need anything..be sure to let me know, in gonna...go make sure Jacob doesn't cause any more trouble" Aveline chuckled nervously as he got up and walked away from them, as he walked he soon heard lily talking to Jacob however, "that was real stupid of you last night you know?" Lily said to Jacob as Aveline just stood nearby and listened, "argh!I know I know! Ya don't have't nag me all'da time as if I were some damn kid!" Jacob said annoyed as he sat on the grass clipping his claws, "then why must you be so childish? If you know then stop messing with the ones that you know that could end you if you didn't have your little fog to mess up their brains!" Lily scolded Jacob, "argh! Bloody hell! I know damn it! But I can't help it!" Jacob yelled annoyed as he just hit his head, "then try to train yourself to ignore that feeling that tells you to be annoying" lily said to Jacob, "it's easia said then done damn it!" Jacob yelled angrily as lily just hit him, "calm down, and learn to be rational" lily sighed, "you will be just fine if you learn to" lily said calmly as she just turned and walked away, Jacob huffed as he fell back on the grass and rolled around, "at least he regrets making lielly angry?" Aveline said to himself as he walked away as well, however soon lily appeared in front of him, Aveline flinched as lily just stared at him while standing in front of him, "did you enjoy listening to our conversation?" Lily asked Aveline, "i-i don't know what your talking about" Aveline stuttered, "I could clearly smell you...so you shouldn't lie any further" lily sighed and shook her head, "r-right...sorry about that.." Aveline sighed and gave her an apologetic smile, "I guess it's fine, I doubt you did it completely on purpose anyways" lily said before walking off and leaving Aveline alone, Aveline just sighed and looked around as he was left alone, the wind rustled the leaves of the garden as Aveline just stood there, "so annoying.." Aveline muttered and just walked inside only to find mishura and Julian yelling at each other and Amara and Ashton trying to calm them down, "WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU FUCKING TELL ME LAST NIGHT!?" Mishura yelled at Julian, as Amara tried to get mishura to distance himself from Julian, "you were stressed and overworked! I didn't want you to have even more on your shoulders!" Julian yelled back his tail moving around wildly, "mishura! Please! Calm down!" Amara said as she stood between Julian and mishura, Ashton tried to guide mishura to the dining table as mishura just ignored Amara, "if you found out how to get back to your world...YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME RIGHT AWAY!" Mishura yelled as Julian flinched, Julian ran a hand through his hair as Ashton just sighed, "come on you two~ we need to calm down first and then talk this out!" Ashton tried to calm them down as mishura shook Ashton's hand off his shoulder, Julian shook his head as he held his head, one of his eyes began turning black but he quickly shook his head, "mishura...my little rose...I wasn't trying to hide anything so please just calm down!" Julian said to mishura as mishura looked like he was about break something, Aveline looked at everyone as ai-jun was sitting to the side her tail at the ready, kazuki just looked like he was done with everything as Emiliano was just watching everything with a bowl filled with chips, Aveline shot Emiliano a glare before looking at dielli who was also eating the chips with Emiliano, luanesha was just laying on the floor like a dead fish out of water, Aveline just let out a huff as the yelling echoed around the room, mishura continued to yell at Julian as Julian continued to try to calm mishura, "ALRIGHT ENOUGH!" Aveline finally yelled, "Julian! How did you find out you can return to your dimension? Did you find out anything else?" Aveline asked Julian, Julian turned to look at Aveline and let out a sigh before glancing at mishura with a sad look then nodding, "yes...I found out how you guys work more or less...aside from that...I found out a lot of information about the other dimensions, and about this world...and about how to keep you guys alive" Julian said trying to keep calm, Aveline nodded as he pulled Julian and forced him to sit down, "dielli, go get everyone else, they are outside..and everyone else please sit down so we can eat and so Julian can tell us what he knows and can possibly even tell us what he is planning to do?" Aveline said forcing a friendly smile onto his face, dielli got up and ran outside to do what Aveline said not wanting to possibly end up getting told twice, this time by Amara, Amara just sighed, "and I was supposed to be the leader.." she laughed in disbelief as she forced mishura to sit with Julian, mishura glared at Julian, "alright...mishura, you can't stay mad at him forever, he was only looking out for you and now he looks like a sad puppy!" Aveline said as he just began eating, "yeah, he's right...I mean, he did only not say anything because he was worried about you" ai-jun said as she stuffed her face with cookies Lumi made, Lumi who had just stayed in a corner avoiding everything, was now eating and just watched them, Aveline just sighed as Ashton looked at mishura and Julian, mishura just began eating as dielli returned with lielly, lily, Jacob and Ruben, yumekui had left earlier and so she wasn't there, as mishura stayed quiet Julian said nothing, however that was soon broken when Ashton spoke, "just fuck with him if your so mad at him" Ashton said with an extremely calm look, "I mean..what better way to make up after making such a ruckus?" Ai-jun asked tilting her head as she wiped her mouth and began eating, mishura spit out the food he had in his mouth as Julian just smiled and pinched the bridge of his nose, as he patted mishura's back while mishura just coughed and drank his coffee quickly, "wh-what- the hell!?" Mishura said as he stared at Ashton and ai-jun, both just shrugged as Amara sighed, "well...I guess there isn't anything for me to worry about then?" Amara smiled, "that aside...Julian?" Amara said looking at Julian, "ah- right..so.." Julian looked at everyone and took a deep breath, "the feeling Aveline got...was a warning, because you all were made for harmony or whatever according to what I read" Julian sighed, "if you fight, are in any sort of discord...then you will slowly begin to die...as well if you are too far from each other...you have to basically be in good terms because three of each of you represent an element, and every element has to be in harmony with each other to create new things" Julian sighed, "basically..you were made with the thought of elemental creation and with the thought of peace... however if you don't get along, then you will likely just end up dead, the ones who fight the most with the others and are in the worst relationship with the rest, are the first ones that would die" Julian explained making everyone stare at him, "I...FUCKING KNEW IT!" Aveline yelled, "god damn it...no wonder we used to get sick every time that we had bad fights!" Aveline said hitting his head with his hand, "so..get along, and we maintain our immortality basically?" Amara asked, "that's right...but it is more helpful to get along with your opposite element, luanesha and dielli, would likely be the last ones to have died if you guys had actually decided to not come together since dielli is fire, and Luanesha is water and they both get along quite well" Julian said as he ate, everyone glanced at each other, "and now if we were to not get along...I'm guessing it really would be either Jacob or lielly to die first considering they two are the ones we interact less with or get along less with?" Ashton asked, Julian nodded, "at this rate...best I can recommend is either therapy, or forcing yourselves to hang out with the one you get along with the least" Julian said as he looked at them and finished eating, "and what about your plans? About your dimension and all?" Amara asked Julian, "I.." Julian looked down, "I was planning to return to my dimension.." Julian said making mishura freeze, mishura looked down trying to keep an emotionless look and continued to eat, "I need to check on some things... And I also need to bring back more wands, and hopefully magic stones..and if possible..bring back my familiar, raven...so it can be easier to handle the herbs here, while there I was planning to also collect more herbs for mishura's potions and hopefully some for him to experiment with" Julian said as he drank his coffee, "however I can't go there wearing clothes from here...so I had to change...I will probably be gone for at least a week to a month..." Julian said calmly, mishura looked at Julian in shock as Lumi clapped once, "see mishura? He wasn't leaving you~ he just has some business to take care of~" Lumi said cheerfully, "and he is even bringing you back some things!" Lumi said her eyes sparkling, mishura chuckled nervously a little embarrassed by his out burst that seemed to now have been useless, mishura finished eating and drank his coffee as Julian gave mishura a smile, "I will see if my younger sister didn't get her hands on my money, and see if my moon elf friend managed to keep my things safe so I can hopefully get you guys some things as well" Julian said with a smile, "yay! Finally something good!" Lumi said happily, "well then...please be careful Julian...from what you have told us...it seems that your world is quite dangerous" Amara sighed, Aveline looked at Julian then at mishura and sighed in relief, "you better bring something back then!" Lielly said looking to be in a much better mood, "gifts...being something shiny or pretty looking back!" Ai-jun said quickly, kazuki gave a nervous smile, "it's ok if you can't bring anything back..just take care Julian" kazuki said to Julian, Julian nodded as he smiled at them and got up, "yup..I'm just gonna check on yumekui and give her a final assignment before I leave..." Julian smiled, "and lily, is there anything you want me to do while I'm there?" Julian asked lily, "hmm...please go by my house...and make sure my pets are adjusting to my disappearance alright...if they are not, then please be sure to notify me so I can go with you the next time you cross dimensions" lily said to Julian, Julian nodded, Julian then teleported away to talk to yumekui.

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