the library of memories

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(just real quick! I changed goddess Yuli to Yulia TwT found out Yuli is a masculine name and even if Yuli is not female or male she usually prefers being in female form so I went for changing her name to Yulia which is a feminine name and I guess the feminine version of Yuli haha)

Two days passed since the zodiacs found out about the fact that they were made just for the goddess of creations own entertainment, Lumi, luanesha and Ashton were still recovering from the shock, ai-jun and kazuki had gone back to normal, dielli was still angry at Jacob and was having a hard time keeping herself from attacking him, and Jacob was just acting like nothing happened, Ruben had just begun helping yumekui in the greenhouse since his advice helped a lot the last time, and Emiliano was trying to keep Aveline distracted since Amara was now stuck in her, since she was the eldest she was having the hardest time trying to accept everything, however Aveline went from existential crisis to anger over his table, and lielly ended up taking a long break from her job and was also locking herself in her room, mishura however was just distracting himself with work making Julian worried.

"Mishura...take a break damn it!" Julian sighed as mishura had not slept in two days already and Julian had known mishura long enough to know that Julian was going to work himself until he forgot about what happened, "I'm fine...I'm almost done with thi-" mishura tried to say as he just continued to work in his office, Julian just sighed cutting him off by binding him with a spell, "I found out last night that I can indeed go to the library of memories...I am going there soon, I will ask permission to being back an alchemy book, instead of working yourself to the bone like you always do... how about you move on from potion making to alchemy?" Julian asked mishura, mishura just gave him a blank stare and nodded clearly tired, Julian sighed and hugged him, mishura buried his head in Julian's neck making Julian smile, "I should be back by tonight, I will try to meet goddess Yulia or her patron saint and ask permission to bring one of the books that teaches alchemy from there" Julian said to mishura, mishura nodded and smiled closing his eyes as Julian had been slowly using a type of sleeping spell that worked over time on mishura, "finally..." Julian sighed in relief and picked up Mishura then teleported him back to his room in aveline's house, " get to the library..." Julian sighed, he put his wand away and opened his status window, "I call upon the memories of the world, oh dear fate give me the key to the memory that you hold" Julian said reaching his hand out as if grabbing a key, soon a bright blue key with a black gem materialised in his hand, he made a motion of opening a door with the key and a large old dark oak door with vines appeared, on the door Julian's entire name was engraved as well as his ranking as one of the followers of the goddess of memory and fate, he sighed as he took the key back and the door opened, when he entered he sighed as the door closed behind him, he looked around before a small girl appeared in front of him,yelling as she floated in the air,

" Julian sighed, he put his wand away and opened his status window, "I call upon the memories of the world, oh dear fate give me the key to the memory that you hold" Julian said reaching his hand out as if grabbing a key, soon a bright blue key wi...

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"Julian! Where in the 3 realms have you been!?" The little girl yelled, Julian sighed and patted her head with three fingers because of her tiny height that was barely as big as his head, the girl looked at him looking like she was about to cry, "where have you been!? Yulia was so worried when she couldn't find you but could still see that your book of life was still being written!" The tiny girl yelled, Julian smiled, "I got sent to another dimension" Julian sighed, the girl froze, "oh-oh no..." She stuttered, "which one!? Show me now! Quickly!" The girl yelled, Julian sighed, "show status.." Julian said, soon his status could be seen and the girl was relieved when it said he only had access to the dimension moonless night, "thank goodness it was moonless night and not sightless rose or sunset of heaven..." The girl said relieved, "veda...I was told the goddess of creation made ONE other dimension...not two" Julian said with a glare, veda flinched, "uh-ah-aw-uh!- well! Guess what! You now have access to another section of the library! And can now read about what happened in the first generation of gods!?" Veda said nervously, Julian sighed and shook his head and began walking through the large library.

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