oh ashton~

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(this takes place the same day they got the carnivorous plant out it's just from Ashton's pov..sorta?)
(Also quick warning! This chapter was very much inspired by reddit stories thanks to the fact I ran out of ideas... apologies for not uploading a new chapter in like- forever! But my mind was blank and no matter how hard I tried to just let my fingers write I would end up just staring at my screen without tapping anything TnT that and I was busy with some things but after listening to music and watching some TikTok and mostly hearing reddit stories- I was given a bit of an idea for what to write I will upload Julian's pov soon enough..)

After everyone left Ashton went to the cafe  dielli and ai-jun worked at and sat down in the most secluded area of the cafe and began doing some work silently after dielli just gave him his usual coffee, however as Ashton did his work he soon found himself growing more and more annoyed as he checked his students work, "so just because I'm not there they think they can get past not doing the homework?" Ashton smiled annoyed as he began sending emails to the students to give them warnings and drank his coffee, he took a deep breath as he began doing other work he had before checking what he had planned for teaching on that day, he then got up to order more coffee and a snack while he waited for his students to get into the zoom call, "I swear..if you begin yelling again right when the lunch rush starts I will be kicking you out until you learn to control your temper!" Ai-jun said glaring at Ashton as she gave him his order, "but I'm a paying customer" Ashton said jokingly, "one more word...and your doing your work in the library or even worst..a park" ai-jun glared at Ashton who just smiled and sat down back where he was before.

Soon everyone was on the call and Ashton had begun the lesson, however as he explained and taught the lesson he silently began looking at who had their cameras on, he after all, needed to make sure that they were actually at their computers and not doing something else, "ms.campbell...please turn on your camera" Ashton sighed as the girl turned her camera on, "I want everyone's cameras on! Only exceptions are if you are in public transportation, at the doctor's or doing something private! Sitting and taking notes is NOT something private and walking somewhere or looking for something in your bag is also not something private! If you are gonna have your camera off you better give a good excuse in the bloody chat as to not interrupt the class" Ashton said annoyed as soon some excuses were put into he chat, while others just showed what they were doing for a few seconds then put a quick explanation in the chat after turning their cameras back off, "those without a valid reason to have your cameras off...TURN.THEM.ON" Ashton said with an annoyed smile, "or should we repeat last times punishment?" Ashton holding a pen with an awfully sharp point, soon many cameras were turned on as Ashton continued the lesson, however soon enough when Ashton's lesson was coming to an end, Ashton was unpleasantly surprised by someone coming up to him and tapping his shoulder, Ashton put his hand up as if asking for a second and quickly finished the lesson, "for those who didn't understand, you are welcome to stay and ask your questions, if you did understand however please go and start the work I have assigned for today" Ashton said with a friendly smile before many of his students got out of the call except about 5-8 students, "write your questions in the chat so I can know if you all have the same question or any question in common, that way we won't take too long and you all can finish your assignment and hopefully get some free time before your next class" Ashton said to the remaining students with a smile then took off the one earbud he had in, looked at the one who tapped his shoulder, "yes? How may I help you?" Ashton said as the one who tapped his shoulder looked angry that Ashton dared shush him and ignore his presence to do something of what Ashton considered, more important "uh, yes this is our seat so could you please move?" The guy said with an annoyed look, "is it? I don't think this cafe does reservations" Ashton said keeping up a friendly smile, "it doesn't, but we always sit here at this time so it's our seat" the guy said as Ashton smiled, "do you always sit here?" Ashton said with a surprised look, "hm..I always come here everyday from the moment it opens...till the workers lunch break after the lunch rush...it's my first time seeing you here so I find it hard to believe..you didn't mistake this cafe for a different one you frequent did you?" Ashton said his voice calm and polite as he continued to smile, "are you calling us dumb!? This is our seat! Get that through your stupid horse skull and move!" The guy yelled as Ashton glanced around at the nice cottage like cafe, he smiled and closed his eyes as he leaned back on his seat, "hm...I wonder if they finished making the apple pie yet..? Yesterday they ran out before I could order any" Ashton sighed shaking his head, "we don't ca-" the guy began to say but one of his three friends laughed, "maybe he is just as dumb as a horse too!" His friend said covering her mouth as she giggled, "really..?If being a horse means I don't have to be as stupid as a dog after drinking alcohol instead of water...mn..then I guess I should take it as a compliment..that way I am guaranteed to be good looking unlike your fish looking face~" Ashton said covering his mouth as he chuckled, "oh...but fish at least know to not yap expecting to get what they want and actually know how to avoid a potential enemy..?" Ashton smiled as he began checking the questions his students asked, his students were staring in shock as even if the earbud was off, the microphone on the computer had turned on and the computer itself began picking up everything after the earbud ran out of battery, "you little!" The girl yelled as she tried to grab Ashton, "careful~ it's hot~" Ashton said playfully as his hair went up in flames right as she tried to grab his ears, the girl yelled as she brought her hand back, "did you know my hair is always in flames? I just know how to keep it down and in a more.. obsidian like state which gives it it's funny blond color~ quite useful to just let my hair go back to normal any time right?" Ashton said as he sipped his coffee while his hair was partially floating and golden and white flames were coming out of it, "m-my hand! It hurts!" The girl cried as she held her hand that had gotten burned a little, just enough to damage skin and cause her skin tone to look different from how damaged her hand had gotten, "you bastard!" The same guy from before yelled, "bastard? But I don't have parents so how can I be a bastard?" Ashton laughed as he stood and showed exactly how big of a size advantage he had over the guy and his friends, "let's ask one of those damn employees if they have a first aid kit!" Another one of the guys said quickly rushing the girl to the counter, "that was uncalled for!" The second girl said quickly as Ashton yawned and put a hand on the girls head, "now young lady...if you throw the first punch...you must be prepared for possible consequences.. specially against a non human~ now..you and your friend can either find another seat and take your friend to get checked on in a hospital...or...you can continue with your little...temper tantrum and possibly get even more hurt then her~" Ashton said with a sickenly sweet smile as he patted the girls head then turned her around, "th-thi-" the guy tried to say but Ashton grabbed him and also turned him around, "people..are watching...and with how big of a disturbance you have caused...I'm sure no one would say anything to the  police in your favor..except maybe the fact you're friend attacked me first? Counting this...as SELF.DEFENSE...meaning you would be in bigger trouble then me?" Ashton chuckled, his voice rang into the ears and mind of the two causing a cold chill to run down their bodies as they quickly ran to their other 2 friends, dielli had begun using her own abilities to help the girl with the heat and burning she was feeling and had begun making sure she felt nothing but calm warmness while ai-jun and the owner of the cafe got some medicine from ai-jun's backpack and some bandages from the first aid kit to bandage the girl, as ai-jun walked out and gave the medicine to the owner ai-jun gave Ashton a glare, Ashton chuckled nervously and just sat back down and went back to his class, after he finished explaining the needed things, he dismissed his remaining students then packed up his laptop and just calmly left not wanting to get scolded by ai-jun or dielli.

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