fourth principle

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The fourth principle  is generalities. This relates  to the mind state you must have to succeed  in a bare handed  fight and self  defense  situation  . It  is made of four parts . First you must be  mentally  ready to  do whatever  it takes to   accomplish  your goal in that situation.  That means even if it takes  doing  serious  harm to your attacker . For your  life and health  is at risk ,and even the life  of someone  you may be protecting,   this does not mean come in the situation  with purposeful intent to  hurt them permanently  . Only be willing  to if you must  . The second   is only have a generalized  idea of what you really want to do in the fight tactics wise. For if you come in with specifics then your mind gets to rigaded and predictable . Plus if they holt those specific  plans than you get stuck and vulnerable  in the fight . So only have a general  idea and let what every moves come out to accomplish  it . Let those moves  do it . Third is tatical instict. That means  you let instinct do the work when it comes to the moves,foot work and tactics. Just  guide  it with bare ideas, so if you want to throw  a  three punch  combo  do it ,  but do not   worry about  the three  punches that come out by instict,just let them do their thing.  the Last is battle honor,  that means even in the heat of the fight. Even if you know you can do so much worse to them when you are better than them . You do only what it takes to win.that also means  you don't fight for glory , pride,thrills ,or anger. You only fight for safety, protection  of others,fun friendly matches, and for training.

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