The first principle of guardians roar is defensive offense . For in bare handed situation when you must defend yourself , although similar to fighting in a professional ring. It very much differs. There are no rules,weight class,timed rounds,rest between flurries, and no corner man advising you . So do to this your safety is at more risk . So you can't afford to take chances depending on speed attacks that break your attack down to slow,power attacks that risk your defense and balance, and strength attacks that do only mid effect at best while mostly just moving them . Thus the first principle of defensive offense means only two systems of strikes and wrestling. The first is light damage hits. These are hits that are not going to be fight enders by any means, but will add up quickly enough to help you escape a bad situation, keep control of it ,and will break your attacker down so they are no longer a threat. Light damage hits will use the hard boney parts of the body to the right areas to break them down and the large enough soft spots of your body to daze,knock back,create space,disrupt the breathing and more. The secend system is high damage moves that has a good chance to be a fight ender or break them down quickly. Due to breaking your attakers bones with well placed hard boney strikes or a flury of high damage strikes and wrestling to crush ,bruise and damage the right muscles quickly. While doing both systems you get the needed effects done in a way that prolongs your stanama and allows your defensive to not be highly compromised.
manual of the guardians roar part one
No Ficciónthis is first part of the manual of the self defense style I teach called guardians roar , this part will go into the five basic principles that make guardians roar system ,