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I rushed across the street, barely looking both ways before crossing. I skipped steps as I made my way up the platform, doing best to be on time for Julia's arrival. I checked my Amtrak app once more, her train now five minutes late. I took a deep breath, happy she wouldn't know I was late to picking her up.

Two minutes later the train came rumbling into the station, slowly screeching to a halt above me. I walked closer to the exit, pulling my hat lower over my eyebrows. I really don't want anyone to recognize me here and start speculating that I have a girlfriend or something. Because if one thing is for sure, it's that I'm not and never will date Julia.

I watched people walk past me, all carrying on with their lives and not even batting an eye at me. Every head of blonde hair caught my eye as I looked for Julia. Then she came around the turn, a far off, worried look on her face. She looked back and forth a few times before she saw me, her face softening slightly.

"Hey." I smiled, pulling her in for a hug.

"Hi." She sighed, her hug stiff.

"Let's get out of here." I grinned, taking her hand and quickly walking away and out of the train station. Once we were outside I turned to her, seeing her struggling with her bags.

"Oh sorry." I chuckled, charm coming more natural this time. "Let me take your bags."

"Thanks." Julia said simply, handing over her backpack then duffel bag.

"Alright then, let's go." I grinned, pulling her along with me. We made our way across the road and into the parking lot. I weaved between cars, every so often checking to make sure Julia was following me.

"My car is right here." I spoke, unlocking the doors so the lights would flash.

"Thanks." She whispered, silently climbing into the front seat.

I nodded and walked around to the trunk, placing her duffel and backpack inside before slowly making my way to the drivers seat. I opened my door and slid in, placing my phone in the cup holder before turning to Julia.

"So how have you been?" I asked, reaching over to take her hand in mine.

"Pretty good." She sighed.

"What's wrong?" I asked, sensing a negative vibe coming my way.

"I'm sorry I was late." Julia whispered, tucking her hair behind her ears.

"It's ok." I chuckled. "I was late too."

"You were late?" She questioned, her eyes going wide.

"Yeah, it's not a big deal." I assured her.

"I'm so sorry, I probably messed up all your plans." Julia said, her voice cracking.

"No you didn't Jewel." I spoke, reaching across the console to pull her into my chest. "It's nine thirty, my only plans were to hangout with you."

"Your sure?" She asked, looking up at me, trying to keep the tears from falling.

"I'm sure." I nodded, taking her cheek in my hand. "Now, I have some ice cream in the freezer and it's my cheat day."

Julia nodded along, sniffling as she pulled away. I felt a slight pang in my chest as she pulled away, ending our contact. I brushed it off, knowing I was just feeling bad for her.

"What movie should we watch?" Julia asked, looking out the window as I drove towards my apartment.

"I love movies, I would even consider myself a movie connoisseur." I chuckled.

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