•E L E V E N•

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I woke up with a smile on my face, the sun shining across the room and a huge king bed all to myself. I sighed and closed my eyes again, inhaling Cam's scent off the pillows. Memories of last night came flooding back into my mind. As I relaxed I heard the lock on the front door rattle, signaling someone was home. I grinned again, knowing Cam was probably back from practice. I rolled over, ready to get up and start my day when I heard another voice, one that was not familiar.

I paused, trying to figure out who it could possibly be.

"She's here?" The man asked.

"Yeah so keep your voice down." Cam whispered.

He thinks I'm still asleep. How cute.

"So what's the deal, do you like her?" The man asked again, his voice quieter this time as they walked into the kitchen that was situated under the loft that held Cam's bedroom.

"Jamie." Cam groaned, scolding him.

My eyes narrowed at his words, making me want to know more. I quietly got out of bed, slowly moving across the floor towards the banister. From here I could hear them clearer since they were right below me.

"You know what this is about." Cam chuckled.

"Yeah how stupid would I be to think you could possibly have feelings." Jamie sassed.

What. The. Fuck.

"Come on Jame I would be an ass if I had feelings for her." Cam scoffed.

Anger boiled through me, starting in my gut and spreading to my fingertips until all I could feel was red hot fear. If he had feelings for me?

"Cam you don't sleep with someone without feeling something for them." Jamie spoke, their voices still hushed.

"It's not like she knows." Cam whispered.

Well now I do.

"Cam thats so messed up." Jamie said, his voice reflecting no emotion.

"I know." Cam sighed lightly. "But she'll get over it, her sister will talk to her."

Since when does Jordy have anything to do to this.

"How do you even know this will work." Jamie reasoned, his voice slightly louder.

Well it won't work anymore.

"I don't." Cam sighed.

"Cam, I've made a lot of stupid choices in my life. But this is even stupider." Jamie groaned.

I sat down, pulling my knees to my chin as I listened, willing my tears to stop. I needed to know more, what he would say next.

"Stupider is not a word." Cam spoke as if that was some grand come back.

"Ok Mr. Michigan. If you're so smart tell me why you're doing this." Jamie sassed, his voice raising.

"First of all keep your voice down, second its the best idea I could come up with. What better way to make Jordy jealous then to pretend to be into her sister." Cam whispered, a lightness to his tone.

"You really need to hear yourself." Jamie sighed.

"Jamie stay out of it." Cam grumbled.

"No Cam you're being shitty." Jamie spoke, his voice hard.

"And your reading to far into this. I'm using her, I kissed her, it led to more, I'm still using her, she doesn't know and thats that. I do not care, ok?" Cam groaned, his voice becoming agitated.

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