Chapter 1- Introducing Aliza vause

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"Hannah..... I think I'm in love with him.." Aliza nervously said, as she looked at me searching for a response. I was speechless, shocked and just couldn't believe she admitted it. I mean I saw it coming but I didn't expect her to spill it.

Wait. Hold on.
Before I continue I should probably introduce myself. I'm Hannah Diaz, a 17 yr old girl living in London. However this story isn't about me, but I do play some parts in it. It's about my very close friend Aliza vause.

Aliza is also 17 and lives pretty much close to me. She's short and the best feature she has, I would say are her long eyelashes, yep that's definitely something to be envious of.

Aliza is sensitive, clever and well didn't have such a great sense of humor, she took things way too seriously, but I guess that's changed.

She's always been the dramatic one, that will never change. Well she loves Indian drama. My best friend Tammy Karter would say,"She's so dramatic she ain't even Indian." I always found that funny for some reason, but then again Tammy would always make me laugh. You'll understand if you watch Indian drama, they are so dramatic like to the close ups, to the background music, to the facial expressions. I never understood a word they'd say, but with all the special effects and facial expressions you kind of could've guessed.

Now I know it's strange me telling someone else's story, but to be honest her life is way more interesting than mine and I'm sure you all would definitely agree after I tell you about it.

Our friendship is extraordinary... and a little bit messed up, well it used to be. We've been friends since nursery. Our friendship like any other had many ups and downs. When I say it was messed up I mean, we used to get into many arguments about petty things really. Once we were playing tennis and one of us hit the ball too far, us being the lazy people we are couldn't be bothered to get it. So we started arguing about who should go get the ball. In the end no one got the it, so we both ended up giving eachother the silent treatment. Yep, I know what a stupid argument. However even after those little fights we would still end up closer than ever.

We had such an on and off friendship, I would also hang out with some other girls who made me think it was okay to be horrible to Aliza. When we were in year 1 or was it 2? I don't remember, anyway me and some other girls would bully Aliza. We fed her poison berries because it seemed fun at the time. Now I realise how stupid that was. I'm surprised she's still alive. Even after the way I treated her she still wanted to be my friend, I'm still amazed by that.

She never gave up on our friendship, and I'm so grateful. Because right now our friendship is better than ever.

I feel like Aliza is a 20 year old trapped in a teenagers body and I mean it in a good way. She acts so mature and gets on better with adults. It made me realise maybe that's why some of us never got along with her because we were never on her level.

Our lives are not so different we both have family drama we're our parents expect so much from us. I think that's why I found it so easy to talk to her. She made me feel normal and at ease with my problems. I help her out as much too.

I guess in a way we were good and bad for eachother.

Aliza at first seemed like the type to only care about her career and education, but when we got to secondary I realised that I got it all wrong.

She was into the whole love and marriage thing. Has that changed now? I don't know. Now thinking about it, she did have a crush on a boy in nursery so it really doesn't surprise me. I mean who has a crush that early!

No, the boy she had a crush on is not the one she falls in love with in the end of this story, although that would've been so cute if it were. Maybe there's still hope for them in the future....

But unfortunately she had fallen for something different and who knew that would've changed her.

And I had witnessed it all.....

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