Chapter 6- She says she's in love

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Me and Aliza were walking home from school. We'd have revision for an hour everyday after school. So we went home later than usual. As we were walking, there was a comfortable silence surrounding us. After a while the silence had broken into a million pieces. What killed it was just 8 simple words that came flying out of Aliza's mouth.

"Hannah... I think I'm in love with him," Aliza said nervously, as she looked at me searching for a response. I was speechless, shocked and just couldn't believe my ears. I mean I saw it coming but I didn't expect her to spill it.

"I'm in love with Chapman."

I didn't know what to say. Love? She said she "loves" him. For a small person that's a big word to use. She continued to speak, "I wasn't going to say anything until the end of the year, but I couldn't keep it in anymore. I've loved him for some time now."

"I -I knew it deep down, but I just didn't - didn't completely believe it," I finally said, staring at her still in shock. We both were completely shocked that she admitted it.

It took us literally the whole week, maybe even a little bit more, for it to finally sink in. Now it was out, it was real, she couldn't shut it out. Her feelings for him became stronger. What made this worse was the timing because we just started yr 11 and exams were no longer just around the corner but straight ahead of us. And she couldn't afford to lose focus.

The revision classes became of no help. And they're supposed to be helpful. How does that make any sense? Seriously we learnt absolutely nothing from them, but we weren't allowed to go home. Yep our school decided to become strict by the second. The revision classes were supposed to be compulsory, but me and Aliza didn't care, we saw it as a waste of our time.

So instead we ended up doing what we never thought we'd go back to doing. Go on take a wild guess on what we did.

Yep that's right we murdered all of our teachers...

Okay okay we never murdered anyone that was a joke. But What we did do was bunk. We bunked most of the revision sessions. See how I said most, so we did at least attend one or two classes. We're not that bad. I think.

We'd always hide in the toilets so none of the teachers would catch us. We were always near the p.e area though, just so she can see him. Honestly she acted like a stalker and an obsessive freak when it came to him.

There was that one week though where he was moody and ignored her. Usually everytime he'd see her he'd either smile and wave at her or he'd go up to her and talk to her. But for some reason that week he saw her multiple of times and just did and said nothing. It was like she was a stranger to him. She was obviously upset and angry. She had no clue to why he was doing this.

I kept telling her that maybe he knows how she felt about him and he's trying to keep his distance so no one gets into trouble. But she wouldn't accept that as the reason. She'd say, "If he was going to ignore me then why not start earlier?" She looked at me confused. I would shrug in defeat as I had no more words left to say. Then finally we came up with a conclusion to why he was ignoring her...

He was obviously on his period.

Although Aliza couldn't help but think him ignoring her had something to do with that one time at lunch when he was speaking to another teacher and then that teacher left so he was sitting there all alone. Then he saw her, Aliza and he was going to say something but he changed his mind and then another teacher came and sat with him so he spoke to her about something completely different. Aliza, till this day still doesn't know what he was going to say. But she said he looked dead serious.

After that week things went right back to normal as Chapman continued to joke about with Aliza. We still didn't know why he ignored her but it didn't matter anymore. She really did seem happier when it came to him.

It always amazed me how he didn't figure out that she liked him so much.. Or did he? I mean if Aliza liked someone you'd know, she's like captain obvious when it came to having crushes, the way she'd constantly talk about them and the way she'd act towards them. Trust me you'd honestly just know how she feels. So he must be a really good actor to pretend not to know or he must be plain dumb.

"So when are you going to tell Mason?" I asked Aliza. "Tell Mason what?" She answered looking at me dumbfounded. I looked at her closely to see if she was being serious, looks like she was. She had no idea what I was talking about. "Ummm, tell Mason that you're in love with Chapman duh.... Oh and that you guys should probably break up," I finally answered. Her eyes grew wide.

"What?! I'm not going to tell him that. He'll get upset," She snapped back. I couldn't believe this girl.

A relationship is a two-way street, if someone loves you, then you're supposed to love them back. It's not fair to him she had to tell him. "Look he's going to figure it out soon and be even more heartbroken. You need to tell him now. It's not right this love triangle, he loves you, you love Chapman and god knows what Chapman loves!" I said exhausted. "He needs to know so he can move on and live his life. Imagine you were in his position, you love him but he loves someone else. You would be hurt. So don't string him along like that," I added.

After so many weeks of persuading her. She finally told Mason. Surprisingly he didn't take it completely badly. He said that he felt the distance from her and that he kind of knew that she moved on from him. So they broke up, again. But they decided to stay as good friends.

Everything was finally looking up for Aliza. Things were exactly how Aliza liked it to be with her and Chapman.

We all had to get a reference from any one of our teachers and in the reference it was supposed to say how we are as students. The reference was for colleges/sixth forms that we'll be going to after yr 11. So Aliza got Mr Chapman to write her reference. Can I just tell you the amount of lies about her he put on that reference. He made her sound better than she actually was. I can't even mention the lies, I just can't because - because it depresses me. She loved him even more for that. So everyone else gets a little paragraph from teachers they've known their entire secondary life, and Aliza over here gets a two page essay from a teacher that had only known her for what, a couple of months? (Okay he actually had known her for a year but anyway do you see my point) Urggh so not fair!!

She was so happy that she had decided to go to the schools sixth form only to be closer to him she even persuaded me to go with her. And may I say unfortunately her persuasion kind of worked.

So anyway her life was going well. Well she thought it was. But this is Aliza's life we're talking about and by now you should've already realised that nothing goes well for her especially for too long. Unfortunately the good moments are temporary coz trouble, or shall I say in this case drama, always comes knocking at her door.

But what will it be about this time.....

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