Uncanny Dreams

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They had changed their positions through the previous conversation. Mahasamut was sitting on the bed, and Tongrak was on the floor in front of him. His back pressed in the bed, his body placed between Mahasamut’s legs. It can be considered as a very intimate position, or very normal for two people. But his heart decided its the prior and started thumping hard.

I am sorry again, I promised I will try to upload more regularly but my work is too hectic now a days and my weekends are just busy with LoveSea anticipation. I can't imagine it will end after 3 more episodes, it makes me sad and also happy that MutRak are finally near their happy ending.

It feels like yesterday that we saw Ep 1 and its almost EP 8 now? 7 weeks just passed by?

But I am not giving up on this story, please stay with me.

Thanks a lot for reading


With the sound of loud thunder and lightning, the open window frames banged with loud noise resulting to startle Mut from his sleep. He found himself dozing on his chair. He recalled that he was actually on the chair to write his thesis, and at some point of time fell asleep. He can’t afford to sleep, he has no time to sleep. He must complete his thesis, his research and everything else before he starts working. Being a straight A student, he already had a few job offers from some pharma companies and cosmetic companies. But he wanted to work in protecting nature, not using it to earn money. For him, money is only for basic needs, nothing else is important.

He looked at the sleeping silhouette, in a fetal position, on his bed, deep, oblivious of the sound of rain and thunder. He moved and closed the banging window to prevent the rain from pouring inside his room.

‘He must be feeling cold.’ Mut took out a blanket from the cupboard and went on to place it on the man. ‘ Tongrak, what a funny name. Everyone knows Tongrak is the name of the cursed heaven’s crown prince, who was sent to hell for killing his own sister’s husband. Why will someone name their child after the cursed prince? It’s all mythology though, with no reality in it, maybe someone liked that name and named their kid.’ Mahasamut thought.


‘This was hell, so this is what hell looks like.’ Tongrak was standing in the middle of nowhere. Whichever direction he looked, everywhere it was just burning hills, it was all smoke and fire around him. No signs of greens found. He moved aimlessly on the burning ground until he saw a familiar face, Mahasamut, WHAT? What is he doing here?

“Tongrak, now is the time, your rose must turn red before the Sun rises again on the human realm.”

Tongrak looked at the voice, it was the Heavenly King. “How do I do that? I have not found my soulmate yet.”

“I am your soulmate.” Mahasamut replied.

“What do you mean you are my soulmate? It’s not possible.”

Tongrak jolted awake from his sleep, waking up in sweat on Mahasamut’s bed. ‘ Did I just dream, like humans?’ Tongrak thought. He looked at the boy sleeping on the floor beside the bed. It was already bright outside. The sun was already up. He poked the sleeping boy on the floor, trying to wake him up.

“Wakeup, it’s morning.”

Poor Mahasamut was so used to living alone that when Tongrak touched him, he almost had a scream leave his mouth. “Um! I am, I am awake.” He checked his phone for the time and sat up immediately. “Shiaa! I am late. I will get ready and order breakfast for us, you…… what will you do? Watching TV? Ok watch TV.” and he ran off to the bathroom. Actually Rak himself wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do, but when Mahasamut wasn’t home he could think freely. Last night when Mahasamut heard his thoughts, he was scared. He wasn’t sure what he should do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26 ⏰

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