chapter 51

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( please ignore the spelling mistake 🥺)

I gave double update hope you guys will enjoy it

Jisso pov . 

Hae-in... I know who is he. We've been in the same social circle for years, but we've never really connected. I've seen him at parties,my friend's wedding. He's always been that familiar face in the crowd, but we've never had a real conversation.

As I watched him mingle with the other guests, I couldn't help but notice how he lights up a room. His smile is infectious, and his laughter makes you want to join in. I found myself wondering what it would be like to really talk to him, to get to know him beyond just a nod or a quick hello.

When our eyes met across the room, I felt a jolt of electricity. It was like a spark had been lit, and I couldn't look away. He smiled, and I smiled back, feeling a sense of connection that I couldn't explain.

But then i never meet him after some many years i meet him . After that day i never try to find because of Mafia works .

Then I meet Eunwoo who saved myself once it was trail mission. Astro and bangpink should complete the mission together that day Jennie don't come because of her cramps. That day we are in mission a person try to shoot me but Eunwoo came and saved me . He hold my hand took me out with our a single scratch at my body. He protected me . Which made fall for him . I know he just saved me has friend but my mind started to imagine something more . I just hope that day if Jennie came to that mission with ous i wouldn't be fall for him .

I just hope now yn and Eunwoo will be together happily. I will help Jennie and Sana to make yn and Eunwoo together.

I hope everything will go smoothly in there life .

I went out onto the terrace at night. The cool air felt good on my face. I looked up at the stars and felt calm. The world seemed quieter, and I could hear the leaves rustling in the wind.

When I look at the stars, I feel better when I'm sad or worried. It's like they're helping me feel peaceful. The wind was blowing gently, and it made me feel like everything would be okay.

I stood there for a while, taking deep breaths and feeling my worries fade away. The stars were shining bright, and it was like they were smiling down on me. I felt small but connected to something bigger than myself. It was a nice feeling.

Then i heard a voice.

Hae-in: hey .

I looked at him and said.

Jisso: hi what are you doing here.

Hea-in: just came to take some fresh air.

Jisso : oh okay.

He came and stand beside and looked at the star . It was a peaceful silence and it was good after few minutes he asked me.

Hea-in: do you remember me.

He asked while looking at sky . I just nodded my head has yes . Hae-in  smiled .

Jisso: Exactly. So, do you remember me?

Hae-in:  Of course, I do! I've always wanted to talk to you, but the situation never seemed right. (smiling)

Jisso:  Yeah, I know what you mean. Life gets busy.(laughs)

Hae-in:  Yeah, it does. But I'm glad we finally got to talk.(chuckles)

Jisso: Me too. So, what do you do?

Hae-in:  You know, just the usual Mafia stuff.(smirks)

Jisso:  Right, of course! I'm in the same line of work.(laughs)

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