Something Casual

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Natasha's POV

Steve and I walked along the streets of New York. He was wearing a blue Yankees hat, a t-shirt, and a faded pair of blue jeans. I was wearing a striped sweater and a pair of black skinny jeans and a leather jacket. We were going home after dinner. We reached the avenger tower which was where we both lived, because it was big and Stark didn't care to take two offices and turn them into rooms. So Steve and I moved in the tower and we began getting really close until he kissed me that day. I remember it was after a long mission, we were both pretty beat up. I went to thank him for protecting me with his shield, from all the falling debris. He pulled me into a hug, cupped my face in his warm hands and brought his lips to mine. We've been together since; it has been almost a year. Tomorrow we had to leave for another mission. So we decided to have a nice dinner after we were going back to his room and watch a movie. We walked slowly although the lives of people seemed to never stop when I was with him it seemed like he put the craziness on hold and everything on pause. He was what kept me sane, in my crazy life.

"So we have another mission tomorrow?"

"Yeah, we do. Steve, I know Bucky is/was your friend and I've decided I'm going to help you get him back." I smile slightly looking at the ground.

He lifts my chin between his thumb and index finger. "One of the many reasons I love you." He answers with a shy smile. I look up at him and raise myself on my tiptoes and give him a sweet soft kiss.

"I love you too." I whisper. We then began walking to the tower. Where his room was, it was right across the hallway from mine. When we reached the tower he opened the door and allowed me to go in first. He led me to his room I told him I needed 5 minutes at which he pecked my lips before allowing me to go change into more comfortable clothes. I changed into a loose t-shirt and a pair of Roots sweatpants. I looked at myself in the mirror once I made sure I looked somewhat presentable then I went to Steve's room and knocked on the door lightly. He opened the door and motioned for me to enter. I slowly entered his room and looked around I could see it was nothing fancy. A couch on a bit of a lower level a bed and no decorations on the walls, there was one large window on one of the walls.

"What movie would you like to watch?" he asks wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. I smile and shrug.

"I don't know, really." I turn around and see him smile. His smile lit up my world.

"Any preference?"

"Well we get enough action in our lives so how about a comedy?"

"A comedy sounds lovely." He kissed me softly before going to set up the movie. I smile and go to sit over on the couch beside him. I put my head on his chest and he wraps one arm around my shoulders. I smile and watch the comedy. We spent the evening enjoying each other's company and laughing at the movie. As soon as the movie finished I noticed that Steve had fallen asleep and I didn't want to wake him up so I stayed there with his arm around me and eventually drifted off to sleep. We must've shifted in our sleep because now he had both arms around me, and we were both lying on our side. I smiled and looked up and was met with Steve's piercing ocean blue eyes.

"Good morning." We say simultaneously. We laugh and he sits up. He gives me his hand, and gently helps me to a sitting position making sure I don't fall off the couch.

"I'll meet you downstairs in 10 minutes." I give him a quick kiss and head for my room. I get into my typical skin-tight suit, grabbed my guns, loaded them, grabbed some ammo and went downstairs to meet with Steve.

"You ready?"

"Yeah, let's do this." I say getting a bad feeling about this mission.

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