Chapter 56

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Lizzy's POV

My vision is blurry. I slowly open my eyes. I squint at the light. I don't recognize where I am. My arm is attached to an IV. Am I in a hospital? Does that mean I escaped?

I try to sit up but my muscles don't want to sit up. I feel as helpless as a turtle flipped over on his back.

"Hello..." My very weak, raspy voice try to say. I don't think anyone will hear me. I turn my head. A red switch is on the wall next to the bed. Above the switch has a sign that says- FLIP SWITCH FOR HELP-

I flip the switch, barely being able to lift my arm. I wait impatiently for someone arrive.

When no one comes I turn the switch on and off. Moments later a nurse peaks in. I turn my head to face her. Her eyes go big. She disappears from the entrance. Where is she going. I thought the button would get me help, not a nurse that ran away two seconds after she saw me. Do I look scary?

Last thing that I remember is the car crash and I hit my head. Maybe she saw my forehead. I vaguely remember someone saying something in the car about a lot of blood gushing out of my head. Well if she ran away from the sight of blood, then she is not a very good nurse.

Should I flip the switch again? Just as I was about to flip the switch again several doctors come into the room. So the nurse just went to get help. I see now? Why so many doctors though? I put my hand up to my forehead to see if the wound is really that bad that I need 3 doctors and a nurse. When I feel my forehead I feel nothing. No wound, or scab. Not even a bruise. I swear I hit my head.

I don't get it.

'Whats going on?' I try to ask but no words come out. only a sound of what sounds like a garbage disposal.

'I need water' I try to speak but again, nothing comes out.

One doctor speaks. "Miss, how long have you been up? Do you remember anything?" He continues to ask questions but I cannot answer until I get some water. I bring my hand up to my throat and put three fingers up, creating a W with my fingers, and stroke my throat. That is sign language for thirsty, or water.

He understands and sends the nurse to get some water and something soft to eat.

Why do I feel so weak? How long have I been hear? Like as if the doctor read my mind he says, "After all this time you now wake up. You have been in a coma for almost six years." by eyes almost budge out of my head. Six years?

The nurse comes back with a glass of water and some ice cream. I take the glass and almost drop it because its too heavy. But i manage to get the glass to my lips and drink the water in small gulps.

When I finish the glass of water the nurse takes it away from me. "Whats Date." I manage to ask. My throat is burning.

"July 9th 2015" He states. thats 6 days away from my 21st birthday. I almost cry at the thought.

I have lost my entire teenage life. Im an adult now. I don't feel like it. I don't even know how to drive, or work at a job, or live on my own. I don't think I can even walk.

"Family." I say. he understands that I'm trying to ask about my family. " I will have someone contact them right now." he smiles. I bet he enjoys this part of his job. Telling families the good news.

He asks what all I remember and I tell him the best I can about the accident. When I tell him I think about Ryan and Ivy. I wonder where they are? I don't ask because I doubt he will know.

One of the doctors come in and tell me that family is on their way and it will take about a half an hour. I thank him. The other doctor tells me he will leave me be until then to think. I thank him as well.

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