Chapter 16

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Lizzy's POV

"Fine! I'll choose." He said swinging the chain saw back and forth to threaten us.

He points the chain saw at me. I kind of figured that he would choose me. He would

choose his daughter. " why and how does the doctor know about our little...secret?"

Stacy's dad asked. " why are you asking me? Ask the doctor." I said shrugging my

shoulders. " because only one way he could of found out. You. Guys. Told. Him." He

said pointing at the doctor. "Maybe he over herd you two talking. I don't know where he

got it from. Remember, you said you would kill Stacy if she told anyone." I said to my

father. He ripped the tape from the doctors mouth. He winced in pain. He waited for a

second. "Well... Aren't you going to tell me how you found out?" He said tapping his

finger on the table the doctor was strapped to. He had put down the chain saw for the

moment. The doctor looked at me to him, to Stacy, and back to Stacy's dad again.


Doctor Goins's POV

I couldn't decide if I should say the truth that Stacy told me, or that I should lie and say

that I herd them talking. I felt bad for getting the girls in trouble. I didn't mean for them

to get hurt. I came here for a reason. I want to tell them the reason I came here. Just

not with Lizzy and Stacy. I finally desired to say " I over herd you guys talking. Okay but

I'm not here to rat you guys out. I want to talk to you guys...alone...without the girls."

All four of them gave me a weird stare.

Lizzy's POV

He's not here to rescue us?

Stacy's POV

Was I dreaming, or did the doctor just say he's not here to arrest them, call for help, get

us out of here?

Stacy's dads POV

Why is he here to tell us that he knows that we kidnapped two girls, and not going to

Try to get us arrested.

Lizzy's dads POV

Is he trying to trick us? So we can untie him? So he can knock is out, grab the kids,

(and the cat) and run? I don't think so. I'm not that dumb. If he wants to talk we will

just move the girls to the other room.

" fine we can talk. Nate, untie the girls from the chair, but not there hands. Take them

upstairs." I told Stacy's dad to do. He pulled the girls by there elbows and shut the door

behind them.


He came back shortly. "Alright let's talk. What did you want to tell us."

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