chapther 28

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hey guys if you are confused i changed my name from alyxisacheeselover to _Ninja_Muffin_ so don't be confused. I'm also getting a new cover too, so i will be a new person.

alotof peeps have been asking what i think the charectors look like.

stacy is your best friend.

lizzy is you.

ryan is you crush. (in real life ryan is my crush.)

Ryan's POV

I have been sitting in the bean bag chair all day and eating muffins all day. I've packed at least 20 muffins now. (I hope lizzy dosnt notice the missing muffins. she would be mad.) oh what am i saying. she will never notice with all those muffins.

the door opened with a loud slam when it hit the wall. i jumped.

"what happened to three boxes of my muffins?!?" lizzy's face was red.

spoke too soon.


she looked down to the pile of muffins rappers. and the two empty muffin boxes, and a box with 6 left. "your in here hiding, watching tv, and eating my muffins while I'm planning a funnaral for stacy and your dad? how selfish can you be?!!?" she said it a tone that was harsh but not yelling. "selfish?" I asked. " how am i being selfish?" " well first. your eating my birthday muffins. second. you're sitting on your lazy butt watching tv while the three of us are makeing a funnaral. and third. you're not out there helping me fight for your life." i was stunned by her angry voice. "wh- wwhat do you mean fighting for my life?"

she started crying. " they say there gonna kill you because you don't have a dad that is here. and they can't just let you go, because they think you will blow there hiding spot." that hurt my brain.

"i don't know what to say. i was being selfish." i said.

"do you relise if they kill you and get rid of stacy's dad, that i'll be in the same place I started. alone. scared. and most of all still stuck in this place with my insane dad." she sobbed on my sholder. i wrapped my arms around her to comfert her. "they are getting rid of stacy's dad too?" i asked. " yha. since there is no stacy." she said into my sholder. she lifted her head from my sholder. my shirt was wet from her tears.

"I miss her." she cryed. I brushed her tears off her face with my thumbs. "i do too." our eyes locked on to each other for a long time. i didnt move. she didnt move. my hands still cuffed her face. should i do what normally happens at this type of scene, or should i just keep on staring at her.

but before i could prosess what to do. she leaned in and kissed me. it was magical. i have never kissed anyone, let alone someone kiss me. i did what they do in movies. I closed my eyes. the tv was still on. and it was playing the credits of "the hunger games". and it was playing "safe and sound" by Taylor Swift.

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