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The union of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Laenor Velaryon was one born of political necessity but on that fateful day, King Viserys and the lords of Westeros witnessed a grand celebration that promised to strengthen the ties between House Targaryen and House Velaryon. The engagement ceremony was a magnificent affair, filled with the splendor of dragon banners and the shimmer of the seas.  A great feast was held, with tables laden with the finest delicacies of the realm. Rhaenyra and Laenor, resplendent in their Valyrian finery, exchanged their vows in a haste as result of a fight broke out between Ser Criston Cole and Ser Joffrey Lonmouth unfortunately sending Joffrey to his final resting place, its ancient presence a silent witness to their union. In the moon that followed, the realm settled into a tense peace as whispers of greater alliances and hidden passions brewed beneath the surface.

Amidst the growing tensions and political machinations, another invitation brought intrigue to the court of King's Landing. Prince Daemon Targaryen and Lady Laena Velaryon announced their intention to wed, seeking the blessing of their families. Despite initial hesitations, King Viserys found it within his heart to host their wedding, an act of respect and goodwill. Laenor was ecstatic for his sister's happiness but was concerned for her saftey as Daemon did have impulsive tendencies which he witness firsthand during the Battle for the Stepstones; this unease was shared with Rhaenyra as she had not seen her uncle since her fled from the night of her wedding. The grand halls of the Red Keep were adorned with the banners of both houses, their sigils interwoven in a show of unity. Lord Corlys Velaryon readily agreed, his ambitions aligning with the prospect of further strengthening his house. Princess Rhaenys, however, harbored her doubts, her eyes reflecting the stormy seas of Driftmark. Nonetheless, the grand engagement ball was set, a testament to the unity and strength of their houses.

On the evening of the engagement ball, Rhaenyra entered the grand hall alongside the Velaryons, her presence commanding attention. She was adorned in a blue and gold dress representing her husbands house yet she wore the Valyrian steel necklace Daemon had gave her reflecting her name of Targaryen heir. The hall was a spectacle of light and colour, filled with the nobility of Westeros. As she looked towards the grand table, her eyes found Daemon, seated confidently at the centre, a smirk playing on his lips, his eyes bounced between that of his betrothed and his niece. She steeled herself, pouring wine into her cup, and watched as Daemon and Laena performed the First Dance, their movements a graceful display of Valyrian tradition. The crowd was captivated however Rhaenyra's attention towards her cup drew glances from Queen Alicent, Laenor and King Viserys.

The hall soon erupted in a whirlwind of dance, light folk tunes filling the air. Bound by their status, Rhaenyra and Laenor joined the dance, showing their respect and humility. As partners switched, Rhaenyra found herself facing Daemon. She avoided his gaze, focusing on the steps, while he tried to engage her in conversation. He was enamoured with her, her beauty, her grace, her very being yet her attitude towards him was less attractive that what he had expected. Her cold front was unyielding and as the tune ended she broke away from Daemons grasp and informed Laenor that she was retiring for the night, her voice a mere whisper above the music.

Much later, Daemon, fueled by wine and unresolved tensions, entered Rhaenyra's chambers through Maegor's tunnels. The room was dimly lit, the flickering candles casting long shadows on the walls. Sitting on her bed, he spoke to her shadowed form, knowing she was not asleep. "Dārilaros, why do you pretend to be in a slumber," his voice, low and insistent, cut through the silence as he rambled about his engagement and future plans, seeking a reaction. Fed up, Rhaenyra demanded an explanation from why had he abandoned her to the vipers of King's Landing and left her in that brothel? Daemon, caught off guard, tried to respond, but Rhaenyra's frustration boiled over. "You should have lived up to your name, 'the Rogue Prince,' instead of cowering under your brother's command!" she yelled, her voice shaking with emotion.

Daemon, angered, silenced her with a hand over her mouth, his eyes dark and intense. He reminded her of her duties as heir, hinting at the need for heirs of her own. Rhaenyra, stunned, fell silent. How could he feel entitled to undermine her abilities as a wife and heir, when he so freely could gallivant through the fields of time without anyone batting an eye. Savoring the moment, he removed his hand from her mouth; Daemon questioned her marriage to Laenor. When she began to yell again, he kissed her, unleashing their pent-up passions in a night that would conceive their twins, Jace and Luke.

Daemon and Laena eloped to Pentos the next day, leaving Rhaenyra with a lasting mark. The journey by dragon-back was long and arduous but it was nothing compared to the emotional turmoil left behind.

Eight moons later, Rhaenyra gave birth to Prince Jacaerys and Prince Lucerys, the future of House Targaryen. When Lord Corlys, Princess Rhaenys, and King Viserys met their grandsons, Rhaenyra declared that her eldest ,Jace, would carry the Targaryen name as her heir, while Luke would take the Velaryon name upon coming of age. Viserys rejoiced, though Corlys harboured quiet reservations, his mind a whirl of pride and unease.

Years passed and Daemon returned to King's Landing, his marriage to Laena having crumbled. She had left him for a Pentoshi commoner, taking her and the commoner's twins with her. Upon his return, Daemon and Rhaenyra resumed their game of pining after each other, a dance of passion and power that led once more to her bed. This time, he left with the dawn, under orders from the king, or so she was told.

Nine moons later, Rhaenyra gave birth to her third son, Joffrey Targaryen who mainly possessed his father's features but was named after his stepfather's past affiliation.

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