Chapter VI - Leaves

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"Y/N?" Megumi had slowly stepped in, his voice shaky and insecure.

The other four carefully followed behind him, scared of what they just had experienced. The screams, the crying, the veins, and the blood.

Gojo watched as all five of the students filed in, Shoko looked at Gojo and nodded, before leaving the room.

"Are you okay?" Maki let her tough outer shell dissolve as she spoke gently and quietly.

Everyone's throat seized, waiting for an answer.

Inumaki, again, tried taking her hand. This time she lifted her head and took his hand. She gazed into his eyes, almost letting him look into her soul. He noticed the redness around her eyes. She let him explore her eyes, letting him look deeper. After all, a person's eyes is the window to their soul.


"Gojo, what the hell happened in there?" Megumi leaned against a wall with his arms crossed.

They had all gotten cleaned up and Gojo had gathered them into the living room of their dorm building.

Nobara sat in a chair, still shaken up from what had happened. Itadori stayed silent, opposed to his usual bubbly self, and sat down on a couch next to Panda. Maki pinched her nose with her two fingers, closing her eyes and she stood by Nobara.

Gojo sat in a chair, his head down and hands together.

Inumaki sat on the couch opposite to Itadori and Panda, Y/N rested next to him, her body laying down, and her head resting on Inumaki's lap. She had fallen in a deep sleep.

Everyone's eyes were glued on Gojo, waiting for an answer to Megumi's question.

"She's been cursed," Gojo quietly said towards the group of students.

They looked around, searching each others' faces for any kind of expression.

"By Noritoshi Kamo," Gojo finished his sentence while standing up from his seat.

"Noritoshi Kamo? The guy from Kyoto?" Nobara questioned, everyone looked towards the red head.

"Yes," Gojo quickly answered, not wanting to go into further detail.

"But, why? Why would he curse Y/N?" Itadori looked at Gojo's tall figure, prying him for answers.

"I'm not sure, but if I recall, she had turned down his request for marriage," Gojo explained in sparse detail.

Everyone's eyes shot up to Y/N and Inumaki. Y/N was resting, thanks to Inumaki's Cursed Speech.

"Marriage?" Maki raised an eyebrow, not expecting such a cheesy answer from their teacher.

Gojo cleared his throat, "The Kamo clan and L/N clan have been tied together ever since the Heian period."

"Since Noritoshi Kamo is the next heir to the Kamo clan, and Y/N is to the L/N clan, its only reasonable they marry each other, to secure the bond, right?"

"Noritoshi planned on asking Y/N after the exchange event, but because of what happened, it was cut short. But he asked her eventually, but she refused."

Everyone focused on the words coming out from their teacher's mouth.

"Y/N didn't agree to a marriage in which there was no love. She didn't love Noritoshi, not after the stunt he pulled towards Itadori. Noritoshi became enraged, and he cursed her with his technique."

Gojo's eyes hovered on the Y/N's sleeping body, he felt bad, he couldn't help her with what Noritoshi had done to her.

"Shoko and I have been trying to find things we can do to prevent what happened in the infirmary, but it seems that it became more vicious over time."

Inumaki felt a spike to his heart, Noritoshi Kamo? Cursing her because she wouldn't take his hand in marriage? Because she didn't love him?

He could only looked down to his classmate. She rested on his leg comfortably. He traced the lines of her face with his eyes. Beautiful.


The next few days were heavy with emotion. Everyone felt as if a part of Y/N had just been handed to them to protect. They wanted to guard her with their hearts. They've never seen Y/N so vulnerable.


Y/N held Inumaki's hand as if he was going to leave her, or run away. The others stopped to watch the scene unfold before them.

Inumaki rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb. Her eyes were watery and red. He looked at her side, the sight was not pretty.

He felt another hand around his, Y/N had taken his hand with both of hers, pulling him closer to her. As if she was reaching out to hug him. He gently embraced her, not caring for the blood that dripped off her hair and onto his uniform. Like it didn't already have blood smeared across it.

Everyone held their breaths, they didn't know Inumaki and Y/N were that close.

Maybe they got closer during that time under the rain. It seemed to be like some sort of connection. Maybe the vulnerability of the situation seemed to make them closer, Inumaki was the one who saved her.


She hasn't shown up for training for a few days now, but Gojo assures them that she was training, just in private with him.

Is that why Y/N was hidden from us after the event? Is that what Gojo and principal Yaga have been talking about?

"Toge, you okay?" Panda tapped the white-blonde's shoulder. Inumaki snapped his eyes towards the bear.

"Salmon," Inumaki responded with a wave of his hand. Panda only looked at him for a little and them patted his back before getting up and training with Itadori and Nobara.


Inumaki looked behind him, only to see Y/N slightly bowing down to his height with the biggest eyes he's ever seen. He was lost in the stars in her eyes before she asked another question.

"Can I sit with you?"

Inumaki rushed out of the pools in her eyes before he nodded vigorously.

He missed her. He missed her so much.

"Gojo said I could watch you guys, since he thought I would benefit talking to you guys," Y/N sat down, her shoulders touched his and Inumaki looked at her in admiration.

He didn't even know why he missed her, they were just casual friends who talked from time to time. Was it that time they shared moon cakes under the rain? Or was it that time in which she rested on his lap after all that happened?

Y/N shuffled through her small bag, the same bag she had when she gave a moon cake to Inumaki.

The same two hands outstretched in front of his lap, the same design of moon cake, and that same sweet smile sat right next to him.

Even if it had been a few days from the incident, acting like it didn't hurt was an understatement. Y/N had never openly expressed her feelings, unless it was laughter, smiles, or sweet compliments and comments. Just that one day, everyone got a peek of her soul.

A tired soul, a soul far from happy, a soul in which it squeezed out its life in order to bring happiness to others. A soul which had scars, a worn down soul. A soul drowning in its own emotions, reaching to peek out over the surface, just to be dragged back down again to repeat the same story over and over again. Its own burdens and tiredness wrapping around it, anchoring it, suffocating it from reaching what it desired.

Something was pulling her back everytime she progressed.

"I know the last time we shared some moon cakes was under the rain, but I hope under the tree leaves is just fine."


I guess this was a bit of angst? I'm not sure what to call what, I just write whatever feels right. I hope you're enjoying the story so far!💗

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