Chapter IV - Scream

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Warnings: Mentions of things under skin, extreme detail, Blades!!, Cutting!! (im not sure if that first one is considered a warning, but i get squeamish by the mentions of things like that, so i thought it would be smth other ppl would also get squeamish about)


"Two more laps Maki, one more Toge, one more Y/N!" Panda shouted from the side of the track field.

They had been up running all morning because of the rest day they got. Gojo was particularly hard on Y/N, since she had something similar to Megumi's technique, yet it was stronger, due to the fact in which she started before he did. They could both summon celestial beings, one being animals, the other being star constellations.

"Maki!! You better hurry if you don't want Y/N beating you!!" Panda waved his arms in the air and jumped, like that would help Maki run faster somehow. Maki looked at Y/N advancing towards the finish, she already had lapped her once.

"Toge, finish! Y/N finish!" Panda put his hands to either side of his mouth, like a cone. Gojo watched from the steps, looking at how Inumaki and Y/N finished around the same time, though Inumaki was slightly faster.

Maki still had one lap to go, but it was an easy run for her.


The sun beat down on the second years, Panda sitting down while Maki sparred with Y/N. Inumaki had gone to Shoko for issues regarding his throat. It had been bothering him for some time after his last mission.

Being Semi-grade 1, he had more missions to take care of than Panda or Maki. Y/N had about the same, but shorter time between them.

He made his way towards the infirmary, the soft soles of his shoes made small patter noises against the concrete. He slid the door open, going towards the main office, where Shoko was usually present.

He knocked on the door, only opening it when he heard a small "come in."

Shoko looked towards Inumaki, waving before tiredly smiling at him.

"Sorry for the wait Toge, if you want me to heal you I can, but there are a few bottles of throat medicine on the counter if you'd rather take those," Shoke averted her eyes from the student and back to the papers in front of her while she talked.

Inumaki opted for the medicine, seeing how busy Shoko was, he didn't want to take her away from more important things she needed to do.

"Salmon," Inumaki walked a few steps towards the counter and took three bottles of medicine, this should be enough.

Shoko waved without looking up from her papers, "Goodbye Toge, try to rest your voice."

Inumaki slid the door shut and stuffed the bottles in his pockets, not wanting to drop them. He shuffled his way back to the field, only to find Panda and Maki there.

"Takana?" Inumaki questioned the two individuals, wondering where Y/N had gone. Maki looked at Inumaki, slightly smiling at Panda, then reverting back to her resting face.

"She went to Shoko's, something about her side hurting, or burning, I'm not sure which one," Panda put a finger up to his chin, like he was thinking hard while he spoke.

Inumaki's eyes widened, burning? Is that from her last mission?

"We told her to go lay down, but she refused, she told us it was only a little pain in her side and Shoko would fix it, but when I checked it, the entire side of her ribcage was dark in colour," Maki looked at Panda for approval, and he nodded, "She told us it was from a mission a while back, and it would heal, but it seems like it isn't healing at all."

Inumaki stopped in his thoughts, previous mission? It couldn't have been the parade, could it have been?

Maki snickered, "Thinking hard about your girlfriend Toge?" Inumaki pulled away from his thoughts, "Okaka!" He shook his head violently. Panda laughed at the big reaction Inumaki showed towards the small advance.


"So, how long has it been going on?" Gojo sat on a bed across from Shoko, who had been sitting by Y/N, patting her back.

"I'm not sure, maybe since the parade, but it's been bothering me more lately," Y/N looked at Gojo, his finger was on his chin, his other arm crossed his body, he was in deep thought. The pain would usually be a small strike through her ribcage, but it would subside in about five minutes.

Shoko interrupted, "I've been trying to heal it, but it comes back after a few days, it seems like an unending loop."

Gojo examined the younger's side, it was deep red in colour, like a bruise. Except it didn't look like a bruise, it looked more like stray veins that outstretched from her hip, wrapping around the side of her ribcage, like it was holding on to her. It was slightly raised from her skin, like something was crawling throughout her side.

Shoko had grabbed a pair of examination gloves, putting them on swiftly. She also grabbed a small blue package from a drawer.

"Do you mind if I cut a small piece off to study?" Shoko ripped open the blue package containing a small scapel. Y/N almost fainted by the sight, she hated any kind of blades, despite being a jujutsu sorcerer, there were only a few things that caused her to be squeamish, and this was one of them.

"O-oh, it's fine," Y/N replied in a shaky voice, her arm lifting her shirt was soon replaced by Shoko's. Gojo noticed the hesitation in her voice, and the fear that was lying beneath her words.

Shoko took an alcohol pad and wiped down a small area of the outstretched vein. Y/N's eyes darted away from the sight of even just the sanitization. Her ribcage and side being the most sensitive part of her body, she didn't really appreciate the fact that Shoko would be cutting there.

"Here, take my hand," Gojo outstretched his hand to Y/N, she looked up to him with watery eyes, grabbing his hand and squeezing hard as Shoko cut through her sensitive skin.


Everyone's head turned towards the infirmary building, Megumi, Itadori, and Nobara looked at each other in horror.

Inumaki, Panda, and Maki stopped their training to look around the area, then landed their eyes towards the infirmary.

All six rushed towards the building at the end of the school.

Then they heard it again, a bloodcurdling scream emitted from the doors, as if it was begging to be let out, like it was trapped inside the walls of the building.

The first years and second years looked at each other with wide eyes as they all ran to the entrance, what the hell is happening in there? Megumi thought, the first to get to the door.

They all made it to the door, before signalling Megumi to open it.

It slowly creaked open, the hallways seemed dark, like a cloud of cursed energy had fallen in the area.

Slowly trudging in, they followed the sobs echoing in the hallway. They echoed and echoed, the noises wrapped the sixs' ears in such a horrifyingly loud screech.

They stopped in their tracks, all six of them looked at each other once more before carrying in deeper into the hall.

Door after door, the crying became closer and closer, almost ominous, like it was a trick, a trap.

The screaming stopped and the crying stopped, they heard small sobs from the last door at the end of the hallway.

What are they doing in the surgical room? Megumi glanced at the hanging sign perched on the front of the door.


"Go ahead Shoko," Gojo watched Y/N close her eyes tightly, almost squeezing the life out of Gojo's hand.


Sorry for the cliffhanger, but from the details I spared, you guys can probably gues what's gonna happen next. Hope you've enjoyed it so far!💗

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