59 5 62



Cats: 26
Toms: 10
She-Cats: 13
Other: 2
Prey: 31
Herbs: 13
Camp Resources: 7
Camp Security: 82/100

CURRENT SEASON: Newleaf (Moon 2)


Fernkit has joined the clan!

Sadiesong has given birth to three kits-

A tabby tom with hazel eyes (to be controlled by HowlingMist2 , who asked to just play one of the kits that was born)

A white she-cat with brown patches and amber eyes

A brown tom with white and cream flecks and hazel eyes

(We can choose between us who controls which idk). wearyminds and I will name them in the comments lol.

Sadiesong has no energy until the kits are two moons old!


Willowpaw has become a warrior! Her name is now Willowbird and she is honoured for her swiftness.


Duckkit has become an apprentice! His name is now Duckpaw and he will be mentored by Angelwing. He gets a +1 in fighting as that was his mentor's highest stat at time of apprenticeship.

Shadeheart, excited that Cherryclover is finally out of the nursery, takes her out on patrol with him. He's so focused on making her first patrol out a good one that he fails to notice the snake slithering towards his paws. Despite Cherryclover's scream of warning, the snake bites Shadeheart, and despite the best efforts of Lilytail and Webpaw, he dies.

Cherryclover is now severely grieving. She has only one energy per moon, and her grief will last longer than regular grief.

Duckpaw is now grieving. He only has one energy per moon. Social commands will help lift his grief.

Speckledstar is now grieving. (He had 4 relationship with Shadeheart) He has 3 energy per moon. Social commands will help lift his grief.

New command: /comfort. Speeds up the recovery of a grieving cat and adds 2 relationship points

Melodickit is now 5 moons old! Next moon he will be old enough to become an apprentice. wearyminds   please comment if you'd like him to have a specific mentor, and also if you'd like him to be a warrior apprentice or anything else (medicine cat or the clan's first mediator idk)

Fernkit is now 5 moons old! Next moon he will be old enough to become an apprentice. DAtkinson8  please comment if you'd like him to have a specific mentor, and also if you'd like him to be a warrior apprentice or anything else (medicine cat or the clan's first mediator idk)

Also another note: if you plan on doing any code breaking commands can you please let me know in advance (in the code breaking commands section) just for like. Prophecies and visions and stuff lol

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