|Chapter 11.3| Risk it all

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The two sat together for hours until daybreak. Their conversation heartfelt; he had a lot to tell her and she was happy to listen. Ahqi held her tightly, refusing to let go, his head resting against her belly. Hadassah gently stroked his hair, offering the only comfort she could. As the first light of dawn began to filter through the windows, painting the dark room in beautiful vermillion rays, he had a question for her that had been weighing on him.

"Why did you come back?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "You could have left; because of me-" his voice caught in his throat, but he carried on, "why come back?"

His vulnerability tugged at her heart, and she looked down at him, her eyes softening. She smiled, a bittersweet expression. "To destroy the great tribes," she said simply. Her hatred for them could not die, so she only had one path now. Since they insisted the world was too small for the both of them, one of them had to be destroyed, and she wasn't planning to be on the losing side.

Ahqi's eyes widened slightly, the blue depths filled with surprise. It was as if she had given up on survival all together and had chosen death, no one could go against the five great tribes and survive. He instinctively wanted to tell her that was a foolish idea; if she left for somewhere far, far away, she could live peacefully. But he held back; he selfishly wanted her to stay here; if she could defeat the five great tribes, then he as well would be free. If she ran away, he would be left behind. And that was a thought he could not bear.

He looked up at her, his heart pounding in his chest. "Then this time, I want to be of help to you," he said with a small, uncertain voice. He knew he was practically useless in combat, but he wanted to at least stand by her side. "Rather than a liability, I want to be the person you can rely on." He realised in that moment, if he could not protect her, then the tribes would take her away from him again and again until his heart was in shreds.

Hadassah's smile grew warmer, and she cupped his face in her hands. That was what she wanted to hear, he alone could aid her. He was the only one.

A harmless merman no one would suspect, he was perfect and ready to be used by her.

For her, he was willing to risk it all, and she knew, just by the look in his eyes, he was hers.

The moment between them stretched as if they were lost in an alternate universe where time had stood still.

Their eyes locked, and the moment stretched between them, filled with unspoken promises and newfound determination. Slowly, Ahqi closed the distance, his lips brushing gently against hers. It was a tender, tentative kiss, filled with all the emotions they had held back for so long.

As they pulled back, Hadassah's heart swelled with a mix of love and resolve. "We'll do it together," she whispered, her forehead resting against his. "We'll destroy the great tribes, and we'll build a new world from the ashes."

Ahqi nodded, a fierce light in his eyes. "Together," he echoed. "Always together."

With that promise, they sealed their bond, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, side by side.

"You know, you're actually really pretty," he said with flushed cheeks, the distance between them closed slowly.

"Did you just realise that?" She asked amused.

"No." With a breathy reply he closed the distance between them, his cold lips met her warmth, and he closed his eyes as if he were dreaming, it was a soft kiss. He knew if anyone walked in he would be dead, but he will willing. He was willing to die in her arms at that moment. He wondered when, when his heart had been consumed by her.

Was it her ability?

He did not care, he was willing to be tamed, by her.

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