it's him!!!!

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**Izel's POV**

I woke up to the blaring sound of my alarm, a noise I loathed with every fiber of my being. Groggily, I rolled over and squinted at the time. Panic set in as I realized I was running late for work.

"Oh, sugar muffins!" I muttered, my go-to curse when I didn't want to use anything stronger. I quickly scrambled out of bed, my small, cozy apartment looking like a whirlwind had passed through. It wasn't much, just a few pieces of minimal furniture, but it had an aesthetic vibe that I loved.

I rushed through my morning routine, managing to look somewhat presentable. My hair was a bit of a mess, but a quick brush and a hasty ponytail would have to do. I threw on my usual casual office attire, grabbed my bag, and dashed out the door.

When I arrived at the office building, I was already ten minutes late. The sight of the clock in the lobby made my stomach drop. I ran towards the elevator, but the doors were closing just as I reached it.

"Ugh, of course," I sighed, turning towards the stairs without a second thought. I didn't mind taking the stairs, but today of all days, I wished the elevator had waited for me.

As I reached the floor where the elevator was about to open, someone inside must have pressed the button to stop it for me. I slipped inside, panting from my sprint. Trying to catch my breath, I looked up and froze. It was him-the man who had once come to my bookstore.


He stood there, looking as intimidating as ever. His blue eyes were cold and unreadable. My mind raced. What was he doing here? And I guess he doesn't recognize me?

"Hii," I managed to squeak out, my voice barely above a whisper.

He didn't respond, his gaze merely flicking towards me before he looked forward again. The elevator ride felt like an eternity. When the doors finally opened on my floor, I hurried out, feeling his eyes on my back the entire time.
**Izel's POV**

As the elevator doors closed behind me, I quickly found Emma and Jake waiting near the entrance to our section. Emma's eyes widened when she saw me, and then her jaw practically hit the floor when she spotted who stepped out of the elevator behind me.

"Morning, Mr. Riven," she greeted, her voice shaky.

Mr. Riven-Rowan-barely acknowledged her, walking past with his usual intimidating aura. As he disappeared down the hallway, Emma turned to me, eyes wide with shock.

"Izel, what the hell just happened? You were in the elevator with Mr. Riven!"

"I... I don't know," I stammered, still trying to catch my breath. "I was running late and missed the first elevator, so I took the stairs. The next thing I knew, he was there, and the elevator stopped for me."

"What did he say to you?" Emma demanded, clearly in disbelief.

"Nothing much," I replied, trying to downplay the encounter. "He just glanced at me and then looked forward. He didn't say anything, really."

Emma let out a breath she seemed to have been holding. "You're so lucky he didn't fire you on the spot. They say he fires people for the smallest reasons."

"I know," I said, shivering a little at the thought. "But he didn't seem to recognize me. Maybe I got lucky."

Emma shook her head, still looking bewildered. "You're telling me he didn't say a word?"

"Well," I hesitated, not wanting to reveal that I had seen him before at the bookstore. "He did say 'Stay' at one point, but I think he was just trying to get me to calm down because I was panting from running up the stairs."

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