Some Losses are to be suffered, but had god not erred the stars?

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"Men at some time are masters of their fates. The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,/But in ourselves, that we are underlings."

"Kiio-nae!!" Mizuya called out, cheerfully. "God will save me as well, right?" She asked with a smile that uplifted her cheekbones. Ukiio, sitting beside her, snapped back into reality, shaking her head.

"Mizu... I've got nothing to pick on, about your creeds and beliefs in god, but please refrain from asking such questions."
"Why?" Mizu questioned, "Don't you believe in god?"
"Who is god, but for one, fabricated by us mere humans, to keep us adhered in our boundaries, bound to unseen chains? You'll understand when you grow up." She said, ruffling Mizu's hair.

Mizu frowned,
"Stop speaking so poetically, you sound ancient and I can't even understand anything."

"I told you already, everything will make sense when you grow up. I'll explain everything to you."

"who is god, but for one, fabricated by us mere humans, to keep us adhered in our boundaries, shackled and bound to unseen chains?..." She had been mumbling the same sentence over a thousand times now. Not until she saw the light illuminate from her phone, she snatched it away from the table top, as she got up and prepared to leave. Walking down the corridor, towards the exit.

The place was peaceful at night, the chirps of the crickets slowed down, as the night went on. The moon shone far above, illuminating the floor- the polished wood reflected the moon's pale beauty. The wind swirled, as the Taraxacum danced and swayed gently to each side, stroking their petals in rhythm under the wind's naked touch.

she clenched her phone walking down the same hallway, looking for answers, as she got emerged in her angered wonders, loosing grip of her vicinity.

It was almost uncanny to see Ukiio angry. She was usually very composed and seemed incapable of expressing anger. It was unusual to imagine Ukiio and the word "furious" in the same context.

She stepped onto the outskirts of the school, and in front of her stood a man who looked up at the shining moon, now looking back at her.

"ANSWER ME." She demanded, standing rather stern and bold, muscles tightened under the streaming rush of blood in her veins. Prepared for any conquest the person throws at her.
"Ask me first." He spoke softly without turning aroun, his muscles loosened up under the gentle breeze, the goosebumps appeared over his body, from the sudden hit of the eulogizing wind.
Overly windy, this night was.
"Ask you?" She scoffed, rolling her eyes, "You never signified about attacking Jujutsu High!"

She was so mad, she could feel the tears forming in her eyes. It was a matter of fact, that some cry when they are mad. The tears were composed of betrayal and overwhelming aggression. Not even a single molecule of sorrow.

The man stretched from the idle position he was in, turning around to glance at her face, tilting his head to his left, a mocking smirk plastered over his face, before turning his head back to it's idle position.

"You should've known, why else would we want Gojo Satoru to be gone from there?" He puffed out a fog of air, "Ukiio," He said, his voice colder than before "you got blinded by your own greedy desires." He chuckled before continuing "And now you're stuck in this hellhole you created for your own."

"Give her back... YOU PROMISED TO RETURN HER!" She yelled, feeling the wall of tears build up behind her eyes.
"Shout all you want, and it's you, who will be revealed, I'll flee."
"You promised, please... I want her back..." She almost faltered, "You promised you'd give her back..." She fell to her knees, although she wasn't crying, she could feel her voice about to break again— she felt on the verge of despair.

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