Sins Of A Cursed Past

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A/N: A/N at the start cuz, it's really hard to keep addressing the names along with the timelines. So, I'll call the future timelines by their first names, and the past timelines with their last names. Except for Shoko and Geto.

The wall between life and death is eerily thin. It's subtle, weak and nimble. To take one wrong step in your actions, you bestow yourself right upon death's doormat, with a sweet 'welcome' notation carved into it's furry surface. You may try and run away- keep running, you'll eventually forfeit, resulting death. No one can escape that pithole. The mirror of life which is feared by everyone, 'Death'.

Even those blessed- those with Reversed Cursed Technique, ought to face death. But, could death get to the one, who truly wanted to avail it? Who'd want that?- Who'd want themselve to taste the horrifying and bitter taste of their dark sins, in the lasts of their life? You would want to die remembering your beloved but what if, you've been forsaken?

Ukiio, for the moment had none of such foolish requirements. Yet, the one of her from the past, did.


The little girl's voice called out for her older sister. Ukiio snapped out of her thoughts, shaking her head. She smiled and looked out of the hospital window, her sister had been taken care of, in. "What is it, Mizuya?" The younger girl pouted and steemed off, her eyes closed. "Why do you ever not use nicknames for me?" upon getting her words, Ukiio hummed in question, titling her head, not quite sure what the younger Uza meant by 'nicknames'.

Mizuya popped one eye open, "For example," The younger girl paused, and grinned before speaking-up, "Mizu!"

"That literally means water..." She mutters under her breath, unaware or rather, forgotten that she wasn't alone. If it's 2006, she should be alive... She... I killed her, mid-away in 2nd-year, before Suguru-

Ukiio snapped out of her thoughts, when she heard a familiar voice call out to her. "Ukiio?" Shoko asked titling her head. The teens were scattered around the whole room, some moment on their phone, the other moment chatting.

Geto looked up from his phone slightly nudging Gojo, as they both screamed, "SCHIZOPHRENIC!" Shoko and the Uza slightly jumped, eventually sighing in defeat, they had been used to their tactics at this point.

The adult Ukiio clenches her fist in anger, "You both..." She speaks shifting her gaze over to the two teen best friends, "GET THE FUCK OUT!" She yells running over to them, and kicking their chairs, as they fall flat on their faces. The other two brown-haired teen girls, laughed their asses off.

"That hurt!" The younger Gojo shrieked cradleing his cheeks. Ukiio stuck her tongue out at him and walked back to her place. "So," Ukiio paused for a moment, causing the younger ones to turn their heads to her, "You guys are second-years, right?" Her lips curled-up into a slight smile.

"No!" Younger Gojo spoke up once again, "Did you hurt your head somewhere?" He asked. His voice was that of the older Gojo's, when he'd pick on anyone. "Well, I may hit yours now!" Ukiio spoke, with a close-eyed smile.

The door swung open, revealing the 6'3 man, come into the room. His presence was surely eye-catching. "I can't find it..." He said in low voice, standing in the middle of the room. "Huh?" The adult Ukiio asks annoyance in her voice. "I can't find my blindfold! God dammit!" He shreiks, dramatic tears running down his eyes.

"Geez-" Shoko muttered, as the younger Ukiio beside her scrunched her nose in disgust. "Aren't you supposed to be a grown-ass man, who's like 30?" Geto spoke brutally, "Damn- fine, Geto my respects for your 16-years-old self went up." The adult Ukiio spoke, nodding. "Hey! You're supposed to be backing me up!" The adult Gojo frowned. "I like kids, more." Adult Ukiio spoke.

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