In the known, yet unknown.

50 3 9

Part - III
When you're strange,
Faces come out of the rain.

As the two friends stepped out of the, bullet train, they could feel it. This feeling of cursed-energy aside, the grass isn't green at all! It's blood-red! Ukiio smiled slightly as she looked up at Gojo, only for him to grin at her, as his eyes shone and it peered into Ukiio's, "Don't tell me you're freaked out already." He remarked at Ukiio, trying to tick her off.

Ukiio sighed at his comment, "Shouldn't you be, a bit worried?" She questioned him, even though she had already known what the answer would be, he grinned and stated, "Nah," He paused as he continued, his sly grin forming into a smug smirk, "I'd win anyways." She chuckled at his, un-breakable pride and slapped the back of his head.


Gojo once again spoke up. Quiet a chatter, isn't he? "But Kiio, the grass isn't green at all." Ukiio sweet dropped at his sudden comment, although she too and the same thought before, she needed to act the more mature one here. "Stop gooding around, Satoru."

"Confident," She smirked at him at last, before continuing, "Aren't we?"

Gojo got a hold of his suitcase and grabbed her wrist, and started to drag the both as he walked. "I'm tired of standing.." His lips curved into a pout, as he walked out of the station. Ukiio sighed at her male-friend's usual personality, that he had shown this instant.


Ukiio stopped herself from speaking abruptly, when they both reached a concealed bar.

Her eyes widened upon the sight, the mephitic smell of blood ,and the sight of dark cursed-energy leaking out of the tavern, yet it was heavier and thoroughly sharper than what they had felt around the station. She looked up at her friend, who had his palm over his mouth, smiling facinated at the sight.

"Aww.. Well then, let's go-" Gojo pouted. Just as they were about to take a step in front, they felt the cursed energy appearing behind them, the same cursed that they had been sensing all the way from the station, was now inches apart from their back.

"Open Timehole."

The both of them turned around frantically, as they saw a pitch-black, void-like structure appear behind them. Ukiio jumped trying to dodge it, as the void got a strand of her hair, pulling her into it. And it started to vanish.

"Satoru! Outta here!-" She shouted for the last time, before the timehole closed, swallowing her up.

Gojo was standing there frozen, had he lost another best friend? He thought, when he finally came into his senses after Ukiio's supposedly last words, hlvered around his brain.

"Open Timehole."

Just as Gojo's head shoot too the side in realization, he saw the same space-air void floating in air, he jumped up, Is it a sure hit? As the void, caught him from below, when he was mid-air, pulling him into itself, by his legs. It is a sure hit... Gojo glanced up at the supposed curse user, who was sitting upon a light pole smirking down at the both, before the timehole completely englufed him as a whole.

"Timeholes Close."

The curse user coughed blood, right after he stopped using his cursed technique. 'I feel sick...' He thought to himself, as he collapsed down, falling from the light pole to the ground. 'I-I'll... Finish them off, later..."

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