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Mishkat is trying to call Zoya from morning but she didn't pick her call she is being worried for Zoya.....she again call Zoya & say in her heart please Zoya please pick up my call....ya Allah make everything better.....just than Mishkat receive her call she take a  breath of relief than say "Assalamualaikum Zoya where are you? I am trying to call you from morning, why didn't you pick my call?" Zoya say " walaikum assalam relax babe relax just take a breath for second, I am at dad office because of something, & I forgot my phone at home, I just came a while ago & you call me..."

Mishkat say " okay okay I understand now listen to me... tonight are you coming or not?" Zoya replied " Mishkat baby I try to....just than Mishkat say no no you have to come Zoya I am not ready to  listen your any  excuses okay you have to come come come.... I know you didn't came at Bhai Nikah because you are out of country but now you are here please come tonight at reception....Zoya say okay okay madam I will come... Mishkat say " no baby not only you but your whole "Z family"....Zoya say I understand mam... Mishkat ask "where you gone by the way?" Zoya say " New York" Mishkat get confused and ask "why suddenly?" Zoya say " you know na Bhai things he got into little accident there as he is already there since last month for some work but Mom got to know about his accident... & said to dad we have to go to my son... & You know how Mom is sensitive in our matters that's why we go there and take him there... Mishkat say " ohhh now how is your brother?" Zoya say now he is doing fine nothing big to worry just a few scratches at back.... Mishkat reply " okay now get ready and be on time I am waiting Allah Hafiz.... Zoya say " In sha Allah we will be there on time Allah Hafiz.....

At evening...
Mishkat is getting ready she wore a dress which is designed by herself than she hear a knock at door and said "who?" Mr suleman said " Princess I am_ let's go your Mother, Hassan and Hania is also  waiting for you in living room just Mishkat reply with " I am ready papa just five minutes more I am doing my hijab I'll be come downstairs in a little" Mr suleman replied with okay & left from there....Mishkat get up from her dressing stool & ready to left but she again turn to look at herself final time.....

Mishkat get up from her dressing stool & ready to left but she again turn to look at herself final time

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                                                    MISHKAT LOOK

She came downstairs and say "let's go" when Mrs Suleman say "Masha Allah papa's princess you are looking gorgeous" she reply with "Thanks Mamma" than Hassan came infront of her and hold her hands and say "Thank you Thank you Thank you so much cupcake" she get amused at his sudden reaction and ask "why my Doctor brother what I did" Hassan reply " Today you make my wife just looking like an ANGEL with your great design" she came near Hania and pinch her both cheeks and say "your wife already an Angel who I am to make her ha am I right papa" she look at Mr Suleman and he reply "ofcourse princess you are absolutely right" Hania smiled and say " Thank you all of you" Hassan say " let's go we are getting late...."

They all came outside and stand at entrace than Hassan came infront of Hania and held her hands and say "let's go sweetheart your surprise is waiting for you" they all get confused and asked "what happed" Hassan bring Hania near a coverable gift and said "open it" she is looking with amused face at him and held the cover and slide the cover just than all of they got amused while looking and "Mahindra Thar" Hania eyes filled with tears she looked at him and said "you still remember that I want Thar" He looked at her with lots of love and stare in her eyes and said "HOW CAN I FORGET MY WORLD'S HAPPINESS" they all smiled Mishkat said " congratulations Bhabhi you got a great husband in form of my useless brother" Hania wiped her tears and replied" don't say my husband useless he is so worthy for me" Mrs suleman looked at Mr Suleman and said " shukar alhamdulillah Allah gave us a beautiful blessings in form of our children" he nodded with yes and said "shukar alhamdulillah"

Hassan made Hania sit at driver seat and sat at passenger seat and said "let's go sweetheart" they left from there than Mr Suleman sit at driver seat of "Range Rover" and Mrs sayma sat at passenger seat and Mishkat at backside they also left from there.....

After sometime they reached at venue and go inside.... Hassan and Hania sat at stage couch and Mishkat stand at near icecream stall just she got a call from Zoya she picked her call and Zoya said "where are you babe we are here...." She said okay where are you I am coming to you Zoya replied with " we are near at entrace come fast....she cut the call and left from there....

She reach at entrace and looked at Zoya and take fast steps she came near Zoya and hugged her while saying"Assalamualaikum thank you for coming" she broke the hug and greet Zoya parents...they all came inside and meet Mishkat parents they start talking on some random things.... Mishkat said "Zoya let's go to Icecream stall I want to eat ice-cream" Zoya replied with yes they both left from there....

Mishkat took her favourite flavour mango ice cream than Zoya say "Mishkat babe I left my purse at mom hands please babe go and bring my purse from her until my ice cream is getting ready" she nodded and left from there to bring her purse while eating her Ice cream.... Suddenly she bumped a little with someone and her ice cream fell from her hand at at bottom frock...she looked up and saw a Tall, Handsome, & smart man standing at front of her and they both had a little stare at each other eyes......

Just than she heard a deep manly voice " sorry sorry miss that babygirl suddenly bumped into me and I lost my balance little".....she didn't say anything and looked at him with amused look....again he said "Hello Miss I am sorry".....she back at reality and said " I...t's it's okay....."

She heared a Zoya  voice from back and turn to her side....while Zoya came near her and look at that man and said..... 

"BHAI what happen?"......


                                               AUTHOR'S POV :

English is not my first language ☺️ just ignore my grammatical mistakes lovelies😍......

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