Invisible & Forgotten - 1

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Hi! I've been trying to update my main story but have writers block for it. So I got inspired, decided to write this one shot, and kinda got carried away. I wrote it all in a day and it's almost 10,000 words so I've split it over four chapters. I hope you like it, I had a lot of fun writing it :)

The running brunette was a common sight on campus, her long hair always flying behind her as her backpack bounced with the thundering of her feet. Those who shared classes with Jade knew to stay out of her way, aware of her frequent sprints across campus to make her next class.

For some reason Jade's timetable had been organised in such a manner where running was the only way to not be late to half of her classes. She didn't see the point in complaining about this, why would the university change some of their class schedules due to her one complaint?

Today though someone hadn't seen or heard Jade coming, something she didn't realise until her body was already falling, hitting a soft surface. "Fuck, I'm sorry. I didn't see you." she immediately starts apologising, pushing herself off of the slender body that had cushioned her fall.

She wasn't a big person but was still concerned that she was squishing someone she bowled over. Regaining her footing she identifies the person she flattened as a vaguely familiar blonde woman, about the same height and build as herself.

"I wasn't looking where I was going, I really am sorry." Jade reaches a hand down to help the poor blonde up. A hesitant look covers her face as she stares at Jade's outstretched hand. She wipes her hands on her trousers to remove the anxious sweat that has just started, before accepting Jade's help to stand up.

The blonde woman looks down at herself, checking for any open wounds and concludes she only has bruises and a few scrapes, nothing some soap and ice won't fix. Looking back up she sees her bag is now being held by the brunette, who is offering it to her, having picked it up from a couple of metres away.

She slings the bag back onto her back and then they're both standing in front of each other. Jade watches as the stranger - who she now believes is okay after her fall - places a strand of hair behind her ear as she keeps her gaze low on the floor. Now Jade has a better view of her face and her attention is caught by the blonde's enviable jawline.

"I truly am sorry." she repeats, quieter this time, feeling even more guilty because the blonde hasn't accepted her apology or even said a word. She stands staring for a few more seconds, silent now, until the other woman looks up and her piercing blue eyes momentarily take Jade's breath away.

Jade started mentally kicking herself even harder. Why did she have to run into such a pretty woman? Any chance she may have had is now gone, with the blonde so angry she won't even speak. "You can shout at me if you want." Jade offered, wondering if that would break the ice.

Instead the blonde simply shakes her head, offering a small smile rather than any anger. This minimal action only confuses Jade further, conveying forgiveness rather than anger. A jolt of excitement like electricity courses though Jade's body as she realises maybe she still has a chance.

"I'm Jade. It's nice to meet you." She waits for a few seconds but the blonde just stares at her blankly and Jade is starting to question if she even speaks much English. The silence is too much, it's driving her crazy not getting a response.

Once again the blonde woman bows her head in a small nod, her mouth pulling in another small smile. Their strange and surprisingly peaceful interaction is cut short when the blonde's eyes widen in shock, realising that she is definitely late to class. She raises one hand, waggling her fingers a little to wave goodbye to Jade before she briskly walks off in the direction Jade was coming from.

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