Invisible & Forgotten - 2

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Jade is in the cafeteria when she next sees Perrie. This time she appears to be alone, queueing for a burger. Perrie isn't a fan of the cafeteria, she never has been. Being a small person she is always stuck being shoved and jostled by strangers, and the cacophony of loud chatter exhausts her. Today though Perrie has forgotten her lunch, the plastic lunch box from Sainsburys still sitting on the kitchen side where she left it, if one of the other people in her kitchen hasn't stolen it.

Whilst Jade normally buys their wrap of the day she sees the opportunity to get closer to the blonde and decides to take it, even if it means sacrificing a sweet chilli and halloumi wrap (which is her favourite). The blonde is stealthy, managing to avoid Jade's detection for almost an entire year already, so she doesn't want to risk losing her in the din. Quickly she darts into the queue behind Perrie before anyone else can get between them. Once there Jade doesn't know what to do. It's too loud to talk properly in the cafeteria and she remembers Perrie's friend telling her she doesn't talk. Doesn't - Jade notes the keyword - not can't.

"What are you ordering?" she asks, deciding food is a safe topic as they both have eating lunch in common. Music probably is too, as they share a music theory class. The blonde's head whips around as the unannounced voice startles her. When she recognises Jade though the alarm leaves her eyes, the brunette watches as they return to their mesmerising blue.

A second of silence passes between them as Perrie thinks of the best way to communicate with the persistent Jade. In the end she holds up four fingers and Jade immediately understands her.

"Barbecue bacon burger." she states reading the fourth item off of the menu, though Perrie doesn't realise this and nods to answer what she assumed was a question. Jade chuckles at the adorableness of the blonde, causing Perrie to blush a deep red.

"That looks really nice." Jade continues talking. She doesn't know if Perrie wants to be social and doesn't want her to feel ignored so she fills the silence. Her mother has always said that talking is a talent of Jade's. "I think I'll get the cheeseburger." she decides.

Perrie's nose scrunches up in disgust which makes Jade laugh once again. "You don't like cheese?" she asks. Perrie gives a slight nod in confirmation as a smile graces her lips.

They don't have any more time to talk as the boy in front of Perrie walks off with his food. "What do you want?" the cook asks Perrie. As her face contorts in panic Jade can't hold back the surge of protectiveness that arises from deep down.

"One barbecue bacon burger and one cheeseburger please." she orders for the both of them, barely missing a beat. Jade fixes the problem so quickly that the cook doesn't notice the awkward atmosphere. When she turns around to box their order Perrie looks over at Jade, mouthing 'Thank you'. The brunette just winks in response, letting Perrie know that she has her back.

They each pay half of the bill before Jade picks up the box and leads their way to a table. Perrie follows with her head hung low, starting to trust the woman who knocked her over. Also Jade has her only food so Perrie will follow her like a dog. "Where do you want to sit?" she asks, patiently watching as Perrie's eyes frantically scan the cafeteria, not finding a safe, quiet place.

Her helpless look causes the protective feeling to rear its head once again. If Perrie doesn't want to sit in the cafeteria with her then maybe she will want to sit at an outside table. Jade does wonder if their burgers were packaged separately, would Perrie have run away again by now?

"Is someone waiting for you?" she asks the blonde, remembering the last time they interacted. A small shake of her head excites the brunette. She really hopes that they may finally be able to have a conversation.

She starts walking again, this time aiming for the large double doors to exit the cafeteria. Every few seconds she glances behind herself, checking that the blonde is still behind her. Seeing that she is every time makes Jade smile, unable to hold it back. Most of the tables are also taken so Jade ends up choosing a bench a little way away from the hungry student population. It is quiet, surrounded by trees and a gentle sun warms their skin.

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