The Fake Girlfriend - 4

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"What's up, Fuck?"

Jade pinches the bridge of her nose and suppresses a sigh. "Hello, Jesy."

"How's the whole wedding thing going? Everyone convinced you're dating Pezza?"

"Yeah," Jade murmurs. "That's... kind of what I wanted to talk to you about."

"Leigh, don't let my macaroni overcook!" Jesy's voice becomes a little fainter as she presumably pulls the phone from her face and shouts across the room. Jade waits patiently, faintly amused by Jesy's humming as she stomps to her room and loudly shuts the door.

"Okay," Jesy says finally. "What's up, you've got your serious voice thing going on."

Jade leans up against the railing of the back porch. Perrie was asleep when Jade left their room (their room), and the sun is just starting to warm Jade as it rises. She had a weird dream.

"Jadey? You still there?"

"Yeah," Jade shakes her head to clear it. "It's just. I've been thinking."

Another pause.

"Congratulations?" Jesy offers.

Jade sighs and tilts her head back. "Is this a bad idea?"

"I'm gonna need you to be a little more specific."

Jade runs a hand through her hair, tugging on it a little to clear her head. "You know, bringing Perrie home and telling everyone I'm dating her. I'm lying to everyone."

Jesy is quiet for a second. "I need Leigh for this," she decides. "Leigh!"

"Wait," Jade's heart races as she protests. For some reason she knows this conversation is going to be a little more serious than she'd like, and the thought of letting another person into her thoughts feels... unsettling. Even though it is her oldest friend Jade now feels uncomfortable opening up, as usual for her.

"Andre, don't let Jesy's macaroni overcook!" Leigh-Anne's voice comes faint over the phone while she enters Jesy's room. Jade takes a second to be entertained by how ridiculous her friends are but she quickly shrugs that off as Leigh-Anne asks, "What's up?"

"Jadey thinks taking Perrie was a bad idea," Jesy informs Leigh-Anne.

Jade almost feels like she needs to defend herself. "I'm lying to my whole family."

Leigh-Anne makes a thoughtful noise and Jesy practically scoffs. Maybe Jade should've texted Holly.

"It's not really lying." Jesy says.

"They think we're in love." Jade said, her heart thundering at the thought. Being in love with Perrie – that would certainly be something.

"Well, you love her, don't you?" Leigh-Anne prompts.

"Of course I do," Jade replies. "But not like that. I love all of you guys."

"But you love Perrie more?" Jesy presses. Jade can practically see the wicked gleam in her eyes.

"No!" Jade's voice cracks on the denial. Very reassuring.

"You totally do!" Jesy practically cackles.

"I love you all equally." Jade insists. She feels like some weird parent trying to reassure her children, except her children actually want her to pick a favourite. Or something.

"Of course you do." Leigh-Anne soothes. Jade relaxes a little; at least she has one person on her side.

"Maybe you just love Perrie differently." Leigh-Anne adds and Jade very nearly hangs up right then and there.

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