The Clumsy wife of the Protective Tycoon

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Chapter one
It was a nice morning, I woke up feeling annoyed,why?,its my birthday, other people may feel happy but I'm not, I was angry, another year wasted without achieving any thing good only more clumsy things happened in my life.
"Big sister happy birthday", my little brother said running into my room,he was practically yelling and for a boy of eighteen,he looks stupid."Don't wish me that it's not a happy birthday", I said sadly."Sist I understand you're dissatisfied with your life but don't worry everything will be fine"."Well said my boy, now my dear daughter,cheer up and blow your candles, remember to make a wish dear",my dad said, behind him were my elder sisters,five in number each with thier husbands, I really envy them alot.
I blowed the candles and they clapped,"Now it's time for party", Mom said and I felt like not going but if the celebrant didn't attend her own party, how would that sound, I decided to just show up and leave after a few seconds or so I thought. "Now,may I proudly present the birthday girl, Miss Lona Songging Savarah",and I started walking down the long stairs in the beautiful red strapless gown with a slit that exposed my thighs, I walked beautifully hoping not to fall, I had finally gotten to the last step when I fell and landed on some one and In that instant our lips touched and I froze on the guy, everything went silent, I looked at the guy and was stunned,he was the richest man in the world,a ruthless billionaire and a heartless tycoon,he never nears women and I just kissed him,i couldn't move, I was just there staring blankly, lost.Then he yelled,"Get off woman", but I wasn't in this world any longer, I was already lost, my brother had to drag me off his body and I didn't snap out of my trance, everything was broadcast live, I Will or am already a laughing stock to the whole world, I wished that the ground would open, I only came back to my senses after been brought to my room and I decided never to come out again.
"Boss, I have already blocked off all the media but the lady in question is traumatized,its been three weeks since she came out of her room,she decided to lock herself away from the outside world and her family are begging for your help to talk to her",Juwel the personal assistant of Gabriel Donaldo, the richest man in the world, reported." So now they want me to go and talk to that woman, what's her problem, huh, she was the one who kissed me and now she's the one who's locking up, I'm the one who's supposed to be angry not her", the guy said in frustration. He just doesn't get why women are so complicated, one minute they're happy, another sad, another they throw tantrum, they're just a handful."Fine then, let's go and visit madam and see what we can do, to the Savarah'".
"Gabriel Donaldo,what brings you to my home ",dad asked."Mr Savarah is that how you invite someone to your home especially a guest ",he replied ."Oh how rude of me, please come in",dad led him into the living room."So to what do we owe this visit", Mom asked."I believe your daughter's stunt caused me alot of attention and I deserve an explanation which is from your daughter, I want to speak to her, alone", Gabriel stated, straight to the point."Well, she.., nevermind she's in her room, you may go and talk to her, just the last door",dad said leaving everyone in the room shocked, since when did he start letting his daughter see people freely Mom gave him a look but said nothing."Alright then, I'll go to her", and he walked to her door."Dad what the hell did you just do, some thing could go wrong if you leave the two of them alone", Esther, one of my sister's said."And that's what I'm hoping for, your sister needs a man and that guy is perfect ", dad's reply made everyone looked at him like a ghost."You are planning on matchmaking my daughter with that iron face man ",mom said despite Juwel was there,he suddenly felt bad for his boss,boss you have suffered,hahh he sighed."Now darling our daughter still have to choose, I just made a suggestion ",dad quickly explained before his wife beats him up."You better be ", mom said.
"Knock knock knock ", I heard the sound and thought it was my nanny so I said,"Go away nanny, I am not coming out not after that embarrassment, my clumsiness have caused a sensation, just go away and leave me alone", I said with tears in my eyes."You better open this door young lady else you will really pay for what you've done ", I think I just heard Gabriel's voice but it can't be, perhaps I'm going crazy,yah it must be."Hello,Lona are you in there", this time I was certain it was his voice, I was shocked that I remained silent, too silent and the next thing I knew, my door was broken and I screamed, my parents rushed down and we're stunned by the scene in front of them,why?, you don't want to know 😘

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