The clumsy wife of the protective Tycoon

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Chapter two
The reason why my parents were stunned was because of the position that they say us in. This time, it was Gabriel who was ontop of me and his lips on mine,what a diaster, my parents quickly turned chuckling while saying,"You guys continue,we didn't see anything", were they seriously,they were really leaving me with this beast,hehh.You may be wondering how we got to such a position, let me tell you.
After I screamed due to the shock of my door been broken down, Gabriel,in a fit to shut my mouth from yelling,ran to my side but accidentally tripped and fell on top of me on the bed with our lips touching, making it our  second kiss,then my parents came,so they kinda ruined the moment.
"Hey, I know I kissed you at the party and it may have caused you alot of trouble since you don't like spending alot of time in public but that doesn't give you the right to kiss me and break down my door, that's rude dude", I said."You can talk this confidently and yet you're hiding here saying You don't want to see the world, how ironic, come out for a date with me and no 'nos',get dressed, you have ten minutes,no more than that ",he said and left. I was excited and quickly ran through my clothes and started getting ready,i wore an off shoulder blue gown with printed fleds, I told my family bye and the looks from my parents were some thing else. He took me to a caffea where we ordered coffee,he sip his elegantly while me, the coffee was practically dranked by my clothes not me, that's how clumsy I could be.He ordered donot and I ate messily while he elegantly,he didn't look at me with disgust, instead he helped me clean my lips,was he feeling pity for me, I didn't want that.After the meal, I went to the rest room to clean my self, I always go out with backup clothes,so I put on the backup dress and came out looking fresh, I sat down with Gabriel and he started talking,"Marry me".I was shocked, what did he just say, I don't think I heard correctly."what did you say?", I asked just to be sure ,"I said marry me", this time I was sure he's lost it, who in thier right mind marries a girl they've seen twice and worst,a clumsy girl. "But you know I am clumsy, I don't even know you", I said trying to shake him off."Exactly the reason I'm marrying you, you're clumsy I'm perfect so we complement each other, I want you in my life, I won't promise anything so all I'll say is marry me and let's see where it leads us", I was still dumb founded,who gets married like this, before I could say anything he have already dragged me to the car,he drove straight to the civil bureau and then I knew he wasn't kidding,he really wanted to get married but why, I wondered.The officiator asked me if I really wanted to marry or I was forced, I dare not say the latter so I signed, there, I am now officially Mrs Donaldo and also married, I wondered how my family would react, I really shouldn't have bothered though.
We arrived at my house and showed the certificate to my family,they were shocked,what kind of a flash marriage is this!. Dad looked at me and asked,"Dear, did you agree to this marriage", I nodded, could I say I was forced hell no.I thought dad would go angry but the next minute, my family started dancing while chanting,"She's married, she's finally married, she married the richest man,she is a married woman!!!!!", I stared at them mouth open when they said to Gabriel,"don't worry man, take your wife home, she's all yours but make her cry and you're dead meat,we promise we will wipe your face off this earth ", and Gabriel replied with,"Don't worry sir, I promise to take care of her, love her and cherish her,she will be my world ", Juwel immediately turned to check if it was his boss talking or a clone, since did this man learn to care,is he really Inlove or he's pretending?, whatever that's non of his business.I packed my things, said goodbye to my family and off we left to Gabriel's mansion.
If ordinary people see my family's mansion they usually say its huge but Gabriel's is gigantic, totally out of this world,is this really where I'll be staying, well I have to adapt.We alighted the car and maids and guards were already linned up all greated,"WELCOME YOUNG MASTER, WELCOME YOUNG MISTRESS", Gabriel just nodded and walked in, I answered,"Thanks", before following behind him.He sat on the couch and I sat beside him, the servants gathered around the living room and he introduced us."This is my wife,Lona, treat her the same way you treat me, she is not allowed near the kitchen,do not allow her to be close to any sharp objects especially knife, anything dangerous should be kept far away from her","Hey, I'm not a child stop sounding like I'm one",I couldn't help say in frustration, I knew I was clumsy but isn't that a bit too much, only a child needs such but I'm not one."Well prevention is better than cure, you're all dismissed",he said before leading me to his room or rather our room."This will be your room from now on, now my rules, rule one,do not be too close to any male except me, two stay away from sharp objects,three have fun in the house,if you follow this rules you'll have no problem with me", after saying that he left to go and take a shower while I stared around.The room wasn't so bad, it's much more bigger than my own bedroom in my house, the color looks like there was no life, I decided I need to change the color to some thing bright but I'll do that tomorrow, after he has gone to work.

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