The disaster of clumsiness

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Chapter three

  I woke late and was glad that Gabriel had already left for work that would give me enough time to think about how to paint the room and how to decorate it.After having my break fast, I called three of the maids and sent them to buy me fifteen buckets of paint, blue, yellow and purple,they stared at me in wonder of what I wanted to use it for but they still carried out the order.After the paints were brought, I locked the door,played some music on the mp3 and highed the volume and I started painting.
  "You mean she's painting my room, I mean our room,hmm, she's not climbing is she", Gabriel asked over the phone to the butler."I don't know sir, she locked the door and she's playing loud music so its futile to try knocking", the butler replied."Ok then get my spare keys, wait for me to come and see what's going on",he replied."okay Sir, I will do as you said", the butler answered as the call was hunged up.Few minutes later, Gabriel showed up and opened the door to his room only to see a painting of himself and too bright for his liking,he stared at the little woman who froze in her dance, she's cuter than expected. "Heee hi, I didn't know you were going to come back home early, hope you don't mind the paint ", I asked nervous."I don't, I only came to check if you were in danger ",he said."do you care if I'm hurt ", I asked."I do ",ok I never expected such an answer, this guy couldn't have probably fallen for me right, I decided to test the waters and asked,"Do you like me ",he retorted with,"what do you think?",ok no answering that,its a huge mistake."Are you done?", he asked."Yes I am, I just need to wash up and let the paint dry and then clean up the mess and everything will be nice and tidy ", I responded."leave that to the maids,get cleaned and come down for lunch, remember you have a weak stomach young lady ", he said and left.What weak stomach, I'm a foodie and I'm perfectly healthy, this rich man is getting on my nerves, I sighed and went to take a bath. After lunch, Gabriel went back to the office and I was bored, I called the butler, now let's act cute."Mr butler can I help you to do anything ", I asked."No maim,if you want anything just name it ",he said and I caught a catch or so I thought."Anything?", I asked again and he nodded, good I can finally do something out of the ordinary."Take me to the kitchen I promise I won't touch anything,i swear ", I said but the answer was a flat"NO ", and I was devastated,hah its bad if you have a protective husband, what's with all the rules, which woman doesn't go to the kitchen, well I guess me. I was so bored that I slept off in the middle of a drama movie, the guy was too strict even to what I watched, I couldn't watch any drama with a porn scene,he claims its not healthy,hah like I care, I will watch but in secret.He came back in the evening and woke me up,we had dinner and when we were about to sleep,he told me he was going on a business trip for three days and I get to be the boss of the house, I was thrilled, the first thing that came to my mind was give the servants a day off and get the house all to myself.
  After making sure that he was gone and have already flown off, I quickly did a victory dance in my mind,"No more Mr nice guy no sorry, I got the house to myself 😁😁", I gave the workers three days off and they were happy, I only kept one woman,we didn't click so she was the perfect candidate I needed to teach me. After the others left, I said to the woman,"Teach me how to do house chores, I'll pay you extra to your salary",any body should be happy but this woman wasn't, instead she hissed,"waste, just a plain waste, you're wealthy, beautiful yet not intelligent, don't even know how to do things like a woman should,then what's the use,hiss, let's start then, I haven't got all day,start with cutting the pepper, tomatoes, carrots, coriander, cucumbers, then put them in boiling water, you will put it on the gas, after that add salt and seasoning, wash the plates,sweep the whole place until its sparkling ", she yelled at me and I gritted my teeth to do as she said, I asked for this didn't I.After ten minutes,"this is not how I told you to cut them,use the flower knife to get a flower shape, dumb girl,do it again,also slice the onions ",she ordered like I was the maid but I put up with it, I wanted to learn how to cook food for Gabriel and also my self.She made me cut the ingredients again about ten times before she let me off,then she told me to boil water and I should miss it with cold one,in the process of me carrying the water,a part burned my hand and out of reflex I dropped the pot of water splash it all over my legs, I screamed in pain but the maid had no pity when she saw my state instead she said,"that's just a little house accident,stop screaming like you're the first person it happened to and get to cleaning the mess", I did despite the pain, my hands were bleeding non stop as a result of the cutting with the knife. I cleaned the whole house and the maid still wasn't satisfied,i was fed up and yelled for her to get out of my house, she then left with a smirk. I went to bed crying, and staring at my hands, I couldn't eat now or hold any thing,i cried my self to sleep not realizing my phone was ringing nonstop.
  "Butler, where is my wife?", Gabriel asked the minute the butler answered the call.The butler froze,what should he do?,he can't possibly say that madam gave them a day off can he,he started having cold sweat, what could have happened,he must tell the truth else he's dead."Emm,young master, the young lady gave us all except Alexa a day off,Alexa doesn't seem to like her so we don't know what's happening", put all the blame on the maid and save your self, good thinking man. "Your Boss lady, gave you a day off for three days and you left her with an enemy!, good just good, I will kill you if anything goes wrong, now get back to the house and find out what's going on!!!", Gabriel yelled in anger,he was fuming now,Juwel who was by his side flinched in fear, someone is going to die."Juwel,get the plane ready, were going back this instant ",he yelled."Yes boss ", Juwel quickly ran for his life,God save whosoever is responsible for this anger,let thier death be minor.
   "Butler, I thought madam gave us a day off,why are we called back?", one of the maids asked."Somebody is going to die,boss have been trying to reach madam but to no avail,you girls go and check on her ", the butler stated. The maids screamed on seeing the scene in front of them, the rest of the maids,guards and Butler ran to the room and were scard out of their skin,they quickly called an ambulance. Thier madam was almost lifeless, blood was everywhere and still dripping from her hands, what happened?. When Gabriel heard the news he felt dead, and quickly rushed to the hospital.

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