Chapter 10: Get Me to the Church on Time

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"Bonjour, ma chère Chloe." "Shh. Not so loud, Xavier." (Xavier? Meeting with Chloe?! No, it can't be.) But it is. He and Chloe are murmuring softly, too soft for me to hear from my hiding place in the shadows. I wait until they look very absorbed in their conversation and slip out of my hiding place. Before they can see me, I scurry to crouch behind a nearby dumpster. From this distance, I strain to hear the conversation. I recognize a few financial terms in French. (Maybe he's hitting Chloe up for money... but why meet in such a sketchy area?) My heart skips when I hear Xavier bark out Micheal's name. Chloe only chuckles dismissively. "Patience, Xavier." (Patience? Are they planning some scam against Micheal?) In a moment of silence, my phone chimes loudly with an incoming text.

(Shit!) "Quel était ce son?" I fumble with my phone and press the silent button before swiping to my messages.

~Text messages~

Micheal: We're back with our ice cream. Where are you? Are you all right?

Me: I'm all right, don't worry about me.

Micheal: Too late.

~End of texts~

As I move to lock my phone, my finger stops and hovers over the icon for the camera app. (I could just go, but maybe...) My ears perk up as I hear Micheal's name again, this time spoken by Chloe. (Something tells me there's more going on here than meets the eye. It might be nothing, but in case it's not... it wouldn't hurt to have a record of what's being said. Micheal deserves to know.) I open up the app and hit record holding out my phone around the corner to get a visual. "Chloé, s'il vous plaît, listen to me. We just need to put more pressure on Micheal - to scare him." Xavier gestures empathetically, but Chloe takes a big step back, holding her hands up. "Non, Xavier. I'm not that desperate. You do things your way, and I'll do them mine." "How can you be so sure that you'll be able to seduce him?" "Ha. You insult me."

Chloe twirls around, giving Xavier a full view of her assets. "He'll never be able to resist this." "What about that girl he's been running around with?" Chloe laughed in disbelief. "The help? Don't insult me. She doesn't stand a chance." Xavier grumbles. He digs around in his pocket for a card and hands it to Chloe. "Very well. But if you change your mind- or if you fail- give me a call." Then he disappeared into the shadows from whence he came. "Home idiot." Chloe stalks away a few moments later. I wait until she's out of sight to leave my hiding place. I quickly find my way back to a very worry Micheal and Zoe. "There you are! We've been looking all over for you." "The search can stop. I'm here now." Zoe crossed her arms. "Why do you get to run off when you always tell me not to?" "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for worrying you both." "Papa thought someone had snatched you up!" I giggled. "I'm a little tougher than that, sweetheart."

Micheal frowns and lightly puts his hand on my shoulders, making me look him in the eyes. "This isn't t a laughing matter. Bad things can happen when walking alone in unfamiliar places." "I was only gone for a few minutes. Nothing could have happened." Goosebumps run down my spine as Micheal's grip on my shoulders tightens almost immediately. He shuts his eyes and takes a deep breath before letting me go with a final squeeze. "Next time, tell me where you are going, at least. That's an order, Ms. Wilson." "I'll be more cautious. If it matters to you, it matters to me." Micheal nods. " you should have more concern for your own safety. But I'll settle for you doing as I say." Zoe tugs on my wrist. I leaned down and let her whisper in my ear. "Don't worry. Papa is only mad because he cares about you." "Thanks, Zoe." "Look, you two! Is that Elijah and Angéle?"

It is! Walking together, they spot us in a second and come over to us. "Elijah, I thought you were planning to stay in and relax today." "I was, but Angéle wanted company at the open market." Angéle nods. "We're headed there now." Zoe jumps in excitement. "Oh! Can we come too? I love the market!" "We still need to see the church, remember, darling?" "But the market is so much more fun than this dusty old church... sorry, Taja." "It's okay, but it is up to your Papa." "Oh, putting me in the middle of this now, are we?" I giggle. "That's your job, boss." "Here's an idea, why don't me and Angéle take the little princess shopping while you two sightsee?" "Yes!! Papa, may I please go with Elijah and Angéle?" Micheal nods. "Well... all right. I suppose I don't see the harm. Meet back at the yacht before supper?" "Hourra! Au revoir, Papa! Au revoir, Taja!"

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