Chapter 17: Man Overboard

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"Where is Zoe?" (Oh, God. I hope she's not in danger.) I can see the same panic on Micheal's face - the fear of a protective father. Elijah and Madame Jadín stand by his side. "She can't have gone far." "We will find her." "Yes. She will be fine." Micheal looks at Chloe with serious look. "You can't know that." I step to Micheal's side and take his hand, showing him that I'm here. His fingers squeeze mine tightly, like I'm the only tether keeping him grounded. "Should we call the police?" Chloe brushing off the idea. "There's no need to jump to somethin so drastic." Micheal turns again, but this time furiously. "My daughter is missing! There is nothing too drastic! It's dark out there. Anything could happen." "Why not? Worst that happens is it's a false alarm."

"And if it's not... we need their help as soon as possible." Elijah steps in. "The police will consider this a non-emergency call, in any case. It'll take them a minute to get here." Madame Jadín shakes her head. "I'll make the call. The local officers know me, so they'll come quickly if I use the Jadín name." Micheal runs a hand through his hair agitatedly as his mother runs off to the house. When I lightly touch his back, he sighs. "I suppose that's the best we can do." Elijah grabs everyone else's attention. "The rest of us should pair off and search the grounds." Chloe gets excited. "I will search with you, Micheal. I insist." (Jeez. She'll even use his missing daughter as an excuse to get her claws in him.)

Chloe clutches Micheal's arm with a manicured hand and pulls him in the direction of the hedge maze. Micheal looks back at me, eyes weary and pleading. (He's too overwhelmed to fight Chloe right now.) "Chloe? I don't think Micheal really wants to-" "Nonsense. He's coming with me." "Taja... help." I take a deep breath. "Everyone... Micheal is going with me." "But-" Elijah nods. "It's settled, then. I'll go with Chloe." I take Micheal's hand before Chloe can protest further. He clings to me like a lifeline. "Come on. Let's check the maze." The hedge walls tower above our heads as we begin our search. "Zoe? Are you in here? Zoe!" "Zoe?!" (She's still not answering.) "Taja... I have the worst feeling. I can't shake it. It's like my heart is frozen in my chest."

I put my hand on Micheal's chest, stopping him in his tracks. He looks at me in confusion. "Micheal, take a breath. We're in this together. Whatever happens tonight, I'm not leaving your side." "Thank you. That means more than you know." I slide the hand on his chest up to cup his face. He leans into the touch, his eyes sliding shut. I feel wetness beneath my fingertips and realize he's crying. "I know I should be strong for Zoe, but-" He chokes on a sob. Tears streaming down his cheeks. His normally tall, sturdy stature crumbles. "Oh, Micheal." I wrap both arms around his broad back. He lets himself sink into me. His tears fall on my collarbone. As I lean down to kiss his forehead, I taste them, hot and salty.

"Why can't I keep it together? I'll never find her this way." "Shh. You have every right to break down. Zoe is your entire world." I stroke his thick hair while I murmur into his ear. "If you didn't allow yourself to feel the weight of her disappearance if you held it all inside... that would only cloud your mind." Micheal pulls himself up, sniffling. "You are right. I need to be sharp for her." He places a hand on my cheek. I do the same to him. "Thank you. For letting me be broken." "You know you're never broken to me. Not even when you break down." I brush one lingering tear from his cheekbone. "It's going to be okay, all right? We'll figure this out." "I truly hope you are right."

Me and Micheal continue through the maze, every so often calling Zoe's name to no answer. The suddenly, I spot something. A bright flash of color on the ground. "Micheal... what's that?" He follows my gaze and his eyes widen in horror. "No, it can't be!" At the sound of Micheal's cry, Elijah and Chloe come running. "What is it - oh my God." Lying in the center of the maze pathway are two objects. One is an envelope.

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