~kindergarten (AU) ~

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Cole's never the person to talk with kids even their age. They're shy and would avoid participating in activities that includes one to have a partner, Cole would do it alone.

Clementine thought the exact same words as they stared at Cole who is sitting quietly on his chair. Clemmie snapped out of her thoughts as one of their friends came over.

"Clemmie, let's go play!" She went to Clemmie, holding dolls with her hands. "Oh, who were you looking at?" She asked.

"Ah, no one. Let's go play." They then walked to the small play area surrounded with bunch of toys.

"I thought you were looking at Cole." She said while gathering some toys. Clemmie let out a small gasp.

"How did you know??" Asked Clemmie. Their friend then frowned as they turned to look at them.

"So you WERE looking at Cole!"

"Okay, okay. Don't shout!"

"Why are looking at him anyway? He's a loner." The kid then moved, crossed her legs and fixing her doll's hair.

"Yeah, but that's the point. I feel bad.."

"Even so. They don't play with the other kids and prefers to be quiet, and he doesn't have any friends!"
Both of them looked at Cole, who was now scribbling something on his notebook.
"Oh, then I'll be his friend!" Clemmie voluntarily said. But what her friend said next made them confused.

"No, Clemmie!"

"Huh, why not?"

"You're supposed to be my friend."

Clementine tilted their head to the side, "oh then, can't both of us be his friend?" They questioned out loud.


"You don't want to be his friend, do you?"

"It's not that, it's just.. Well- uhm.." Clemmie stared at her friend, waiting for her to say something. But when all she could do was stammer, Clemmie stood up and left her. "C-Clemmie, wait!" The girl was about to follow them but then noticed how Clemmie didn't even wait for her and went over to Cole.

As Clementine walked to Cole, they made sure to be careful and not make noise, 'cause maybe then Cole will hide away from them. They snuck behind him and peeped at what they're writing- or rather, sketching. They were bunch of rabbits and Clementine was amazed at how good Cole was at drawing that she mumbled her thoughts out loud.

"Wow.. So pretty." Clemmie didn't even realize she uttered something until she noticed Cole flinched and looked behind him. Cole stared at Clementine and Clemmie blinked a few times.

"Hi!" Clemmie smiled.

Cole couldn't believe that someone just talked to them, usually they avoid him. Cole then lowered their head down and avoided eye contact. "H-hi.."

Slowly, Clementine walked to Cole's side. "Cole, right? I'm Clementine. Clemmie for short." Clemmie introduced herself with a friendly smile, and Cole just nodded. 'He really is shy'  Clemmie thought, but that just made her want to be Cole's friend even more.

"I like what you drew over there." Clemmie then glanced at Cole's notebook which there were sketches of rabbits all over the page.

"O-oh, r-really? I-it's not that.. Great." Cole stammered. They hate it when they do that but still couldn't control it even if he wants to. He then bit his tongue on the inside.

"I think they're cute." Clementine chuckled. Cole fell silent, looking at his sketches as a small blush crept slowly on their face. Clementine watched as Cole's face turned slightly pink. She wanted to laugh but held it back. Clemmie then had an idea, "Hey, Cole." Clemmie called. She then suddenly reached out to hold Cole's hands and held them together which caught Cole very off guard and blushes even more. But Clemmie didn't let go.

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